Beth Terrence

Discover The Healer Within
Integrative Transformational Healing Programs
For Individuals, Groups & Organizations
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Discover The Healer Within 
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Take A Break This Summer! Relax, Reflect And Renew
Take A Break Summer Special ~ 20% Off All Sessions In Person Or By Phone/Skype
Energy Wraps Group At Ridgely Retreat In Annapolis ~ This Thursday, July 3rd at 7 PM
Refreshing Summer Recipe ~ Carrot Mint Salad
Books & Products
Bach Flower Of The Month: Sweet Chestnut ~ Easing Anguish & Sorrow
Upcoming Events & Speaker Topics

As I opened my journal yesterday, I came across the prompt above.  I had placed it there back in March when I created this journal while at a Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing Retreat.  I love these little prompts that I plant randomly in my journal; I always find it fitting when a certain one comes around.  
Sometimes I find this question, "How good can you feel?", to be one I am hesitant to explore.  It's like if I open the door to what's possible, I may be doomed to fail.  I know this comes from old programming as well as from some of the health and wellness challenges I have faced in my life including fibromyalgia and trauma.  For many years, I had a sense there was only so far I could go toward "feeling good" - now I know that I can go further than I can imagine and you can, too!

Interestingly, I began a new or rather "renewed" program of wellness at the beginning of June.  I started on a new nutritional plan and began a more intense exercise regimen than I have had in awhile.   It seems like Spring and Summer are definitely times when our physical bodies want to be tended to just as we tend to our gardens; and I found my body, mind and spirit were happy to be supported in this new way.  
I had some life challenges this month including the sudden passing of a dear friend.  I found that staying centered on my new wellness plan helped me to move with the feelings that were arising - they came in waves and continue to, but by caring for my body and my spirit, I was able to feel good even amidst the deep pain that was present.  
I guess that's what I am coming to realize - we can feel good, even great and at the same time, still be coping with difficult feelings or life challenges. Our experience is a choice! By taking time to care for ourselves on all levels - body, mind, emotion and spirit, we create more space for "feeling good" to occur in our lives regardless of what is arising.  This is a lesson my friend Chris taught me over and over again and one I am embracing as I celebrate his life. 
I hope you'll take some time to explore this question, "How good can I feel?".  Break out your journal or create a new one!  Summer is a great time to slow down, go within and ask yourself what you can do to support "feeling good" on a daily basis.  I invite you to relax, reflect and renew. 
Love & light, 
Here's one more picture from my journal:
Take A Break Summer Special Offers
Summer is a the perfect time to relax, reflect and renew.  We've passed the Solstice so the days are beginning to get shorter once again but the Fire energy of summer is still very strong through July 22nd.  The intensity of this Yang energy can take a toll on our system - it is still very expansive but a part of us is beginning to pull within. With the outward energy of summer, increased social activities and extreme heat and humidity, our systems can more easily move out of balance.  It may not be uncommon to experience fatigue, headaches, and intense waves of emotions during this time.  I invite you to come for some body/energy work or a healing session to support your overall balance and ease of well-being.  Take A Break ~ Relax, Reflect & Renew!

Take A Break Summer Special Offer
20% Off All Individual Sessions 
Now Through 7/31/14*

60 Minute Sessions In Person Or By Phone/Skype
Regularly $100, Now $80

Modalities Offered Include:
Bach Flower Remedies (Including Custom Blended Remedy)
Zero Balancing
Energy Healing/Reiki/Bodybreath Healing
Craniosacral Therapy
Integrative Bodywork & Massage Therapy
Chakra Balancing


90 Minute Sessions In Person Or By Phone/Skype
Regularly $150, Now $120

Shamanic Healing
Integrative Transformational Healing Sessions
(ITHS are customized based on client focus and can incorporate any of the above modalities including Shamanic Healing)

* Upon receipt of payment, a scheduling link will be sent via email.  Special Offer ends 7/31/14 ~ sessions can be used anytime.  
This is a great way to stock up and plan your wellness for the rest of 2014!  
If you'd like additional information or to setup a complimentary consultation by phone to explore how we can work together to support you're experience of balance, joy and ease of well-being, email or call 443-223-0848.
Energy Wraps:
Energy Awarness Practice Group


1st Thursdays From 7 - 8:30 PM

July 3rd, August 7th, September 4th


Energy Wraps is a space to explore energetic practices, develop deeper awareness and share our experiences.  Each month we will look at what we are experiencing energetically to learn from our collective wisdom.  We will explore a variety of energetic practices that can help to develop greater balance, alignment and ease of well-being.


Some of the topics we will explore include Centering, Grounding, Chakra Balancing, Shielding, Accessing Inner Wisdom, Meditation, Energetic Sensitivity, Self Healing Tools, Personal Guidance Systems, Chi Exercises, Bodybreath Healing™, Crystals, Essential Oils and additional topics.


This month I will be sharing some of the Bodybreath Healing™ techniques developed by my energy healing mentor, the late Bill Henegan.  Topics will include shielding, transmuting energy and more. This group is very organic and based on what participants bring and what areas of interest arise during the session.  I hope you'll join us!

Facilitated by Beth Terrence.
Cost: $27 or 2 Class Punch Cards

Location: Ridgely Retreat
203 Ridgely Avenue, Annapolis, MD
To Register, call 443-223-0848 or email   

Refreshing Summer Recipe

Carrot Mint Salad

I just came across this recipe this past week when a friend was coming over for lunch.  I had been looking for something to do with the forest of mint we have growing in our garden.  I hadn't thought to put mint in a carrot salad before but I found it was a perfect combination for a refreshing summer salad.  I ended up making it 3 times this week and have probably have enough mint to make it daily!  It's a bit of rough recipe but I have found that it is very generous in how it turns out regardless of specific measurements.
I made a small batch with the following amounts and increased by 5 for an event I attended this past weekend.  The basic amount was equal to 4 - 5 good sized portions. 
6 Carrots, peeled and shredded
1/4 Cup Fresh Mint chopped
2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
Sea Salt & Pepper To Taste
Fresh Lemon Juice For A Bit More Tang
Honey For A Bit More Sweetness
For the large batch, I used the shredding blade in my food processor for the carrots and chopping blade for the mint.  This made a huge amount and took me less than 1/2 hour totally including picking mint from the garden.  Everyone who tastes it, just loves it - I hope you do, too!

Books & Products


May Is For Metta Audio Program
Receive 31 Daily Messages & Guided Audio Meditations To Accompany The May Is For Metta Blog Exploration
Develop Your Practice Anytime, Anywhere!
Listen Online Or Download ~ $33



armonic Voices: True Stories by Women on the Path to Peace 
(Heal My Voice, Volume 4)
"I'm Okay, Really!" and Afterword By Beth Terrence
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $12.03



Inspired Voices: True Stories By Visionary Women 
(Heal My Voice, Volume 3)
"Lost & Found: The Birth Of A Shaman" 
By Beth Terrence
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $11.16


Reflections of the Soul: A Poetry Anthology
by Spiritual Writers Network
"Be Still" By Beth Terrence
List Price: $9.95
Our Price: $9.45


Bach Flower Of The Month 
Sweet Chestnut ~ Easing Anguish & Sorrow

The Bach Flower Remedy System Of Healing is composed of 38 different flower essences developed by the visionary Dr. Edward Bach.  The system is based on Dr. Bach's philosophy developed from learning that came through a long career in medical research, working as a physician and from spiritual studies.   This simple, yet powerful approach is based on the idea that humans are all innately perfect and at the core are spiritual beings.


Dr. Bach saw disease as the result of a conflict between our spiritual and mortal selves.  He held that in order to achieve health, happiness and ease of well-being, we must be in harmony with our own essential nature and follow the path that we feel most called to in our lives and our work.   According to Dr. Bach,


"Disease is the reaction to interferences.  This is temporary failure and unhappiness and this occurs when we allow others to interfere with our purpose in life and implant in our minds doubt, or fear, or indifference." 


After many years of treating patients, Dr. Bach abandoned all conventional medical treatments instead choosing to use nature's "medicine".  He felt that the healing benefits of flowers and plants were a divine gift and that no special knowledge or medical training was needed to find relief from suffering.  He believed it was necessary to treat the whole person not the disease and he defined seven main categories of imbalances which include:

  • Fear 
  • Uncertainty
  • Insufficient Interest In Present Circumstances
  • Loneliness
  • Oversensitivity To Influences & Ideas
  • Despondency Or Despair
  • Over-Care For The Welfare Of Others

He also identified seven stages in healing disease:

  • Peace
  • Hope
  • Joy
  • Faith
  • Love
  • Certainty
  • Wisdom
  • Love
New Service!
30 Minute Bach Flower Q&A Sessions ~ $50
Are you trying to decide which remedies to take?  Are you wondering how to work with the remedies?  Would you like to get your questions answered by an experienced Bach Flower Registered Practitioner? 
This mini-session is designed to answer your questions, help you determine beneficial remedies and provide overall support in working with the Bach Flower Remedies. 

Upcoming Events & Speaker Topics

 Monthly Energy Wraps Group, 7 PM
July 3rd, August 7th, September 4th
Ridgely Retreat, Annapolis, MD

Fibromaylgia Holistic Resource Support Group

Annapolis, MD & Via Teleseminar
New Groups Forming In Fall 2014

Accessing Your Essential Self Workshop
 Burn & Burnishing Solstice Fire Ceremony With Leigh Glenn
and Zero Balancing Sessions
September 21st & 22nd, 2014
Women's Wellness Retreat, Camp Letts, Edgewater, MD

Are you looking for a speaker or workshop presenter for your organization or event?  I'd love to work with you and can customize a topic to meet your specific focus and needs.  I am also available for guest blog posts on transformational and holistic topics.  Some of the topics I share on include:
Accessing Your Essential Self
Mastering Anxiety & Stress
Holistic Living & Self-Care
Loving Yourself: The Key To Change & Healing
The Way Of Council
Wellness For The Workplace
Discovering The Healer Within
Transforming You! Inner Critic To Cheerleader
Meditation & Mindfulness 
Energy Healing & Awareness
Bach Flower Remedies: A Tool For Transfomation
Shamanic Healing: A Journey Of Reconnection
New Paradigm Leadership
Holistic Resources For Recovery & Addictions
A Holistic Approach To Fibromyalgia & CFS Recovery
Journaling For Health & Well-Being

If you'd like additional information or to explore potential topics for your group or organization, feel free to email me at

Beth Terrence

Discover The Healer Within
6 Mooring Point Court, Annapolis, MD 21403