Job Transitions, Atheism, Psychedelics,
and How to Deal with Bullsh*t

A four week exploration of virtue, conduct, and change

Dear Friends,

One my favourite things about my job is reading the many salons our hosts, community, and debutants list every day, and being able to trace back the patterns and motifs that preoccupy them, thus gaining a deeper insight into what topics are of the greatest interest to the people in our midst at any time.

Lately, the main source of fascination seems to have been change, and it is understandable: questions of career, old and new relationships, relocation, and free will are on everyone's mind.

And when we ask "Now what?", what we're really asking is "Who should I now be?" To my great pleasure, our salons coming up in the next few weeks will empower you to investigate this in a laid-back, calm and fun environment, among friends.

I can't wait to see you there soon!

Warmly, always,

Anna Gát

(Header picture by the wonderful Owen Gent)

Philosopher Pamela Hobart leads a new series on career transitions: part 1 deals with what to do before quitting, part 2 (in July) will focus on the aftermath of leaving
Literary critic Morten Høi Jensen explores the possible futures of atheism beyond or in opposition to the New Atheist trend, and asks if agnosticism is an honest position
Creative Reddy2Go debuts with a playful workshop on rediscovering childlike curiosity, with an emphasis on memories and developing a good work/play ratio in life
Digital nomad and explorer Neville A Mehra debuts with an open-for-all examination of how new ideas arise, and what we can do to live more originally and creatively
Writer Visakan Veerasamy, one of our most prolific hosts, returns with a frank discussion on BS, and on how to deal with a life that's never just about truths and falsehoods
Philosopher Alex Criddle is starting a new series on the history, culture, and medical applications of psychedelics, with four episodes in July and August

You asked and we made it happen:

If you're a student (i.e., you have a valid student ID) or are in a serious life transition, you're once again welcome to apply for a student fellowship with the ii.

As everything in our community, this role comes with its own rights and responsibilities:

  • Student fellows get free access to our community forum on Discord, as well as our members-only events
  • Like regular members, student fellows get 30% off on all normal salon tickets, and can buy series tickets
  • Student fellows can attend 3 free salons a month
  • Student fellows are expected to be active and contributing participants in the community, to attend salons regularly, to learn in public with us, to host their own salons, and be a role model to younger student fellows who will join after them
  • Student fellowships last an initial 6 months, and are reviewed every month 

Students should apply for a student fellowship by filling in this form. You will need a proof of student status, preferably a dated photo ID. (If you're applying not as a student, please send us a cover letter explaining why.) If accepted, you will be sent a link to join: you will need to submit payment information to secure the account but the membership is free.

Please don't hesitate to send us any questions.

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