Be Yourself and a People Person



There is a difference between having things in common, and having similar interests. It is advised that you should look for a partner that shares your hobbies with you but that isn't always possible to do, or the best solution. The chances of you finding a partner who loves to ski, hike, paint, read, and travel as much as you do is slim. If you are lucky enough to find someone who has all the same hobbies as you it won't always necessary work out if you don't have the same personality traits in common. If one of you is very wary to trust anyone, it doesn't matter how much you both love to hike because the relationship is doomed from the beginning.

However, having things in common such as a love to learn or to explore another's interests will bring you a strong relationship. The saying that opposites attract is extremely true - if one of you loves to hike and the other would rather watch old, black and white, silent movies you can find a new hobby by using each other. Another example could be between someone who didn't finish college and one with a masters degree - the higher educated one could inspire the other to go back to school. It's important to be able to learn from your partner, to find your own sense of self, but to also find a new version of yourself.

You need to be able to separate your interests from your goals and values. The importance of marriage to you and wanting to create your own family are values and goals, respectively. Goals and values are things you hope to accomplish or use to guide who you are as a person. It's easy to get lost in a person, to be who they want you to be, but if that is the case then that relationship isn't one that you should be involved in. 











We are providing the tools and techniques to keep your relationship from heading down the path of divorce. Everything about your relationship takes work, some things more than others. We are not trying to stop your divorce if you have made the decision to do so, we are trying to make you aware of the things that would drive you and your partner down that path. Get the professional help your relationship deserves. Surprise yourself in finding the true happiness that you both deserve.  Soul mates are made and not found.





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Parenting Book
Parenting Book