How to Teach Research Learners
Jason Teteak continues his series on the four learning styles. In the previous issue, he discussed the Create learners and the kinds of learning tasks that are most effective when teaching people who favor that learning style. This month, he directs our attention to the Research learners. “Research learners learn best from lectures, reading, logical discussions and debates, and projects of personal interest.” Read about the best ways to reach those whose predominant learning style puts them in the category of Research learners.

Read the Article

Jason Teteak—a WELS member from the Madison, WI, area—is an international public speaking coach and author. As the founder of Rule The Room, a company that specializes in training public speakers, he has trained more than a million people in how to command attention and connect with audiences. He believes that in order to connect with learners, it is important that we understand the four basic learning styles and that we learn to teach in a way that addresses all of those learning styles. In his six-part series for Teach the Word, he will help us understand the four learning styles and help us see how we can apply this understanding as we develop lessons and teach God's Word. Jason is accustomed to writing for the business world; we think you will like his vibrant style!
They never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news
that Jesus is the Christ.  - Acts 5:42
Adult Education: Additum
Learning Through Discussion
Not everyone feels they learn better when discussion is utilized in the classroom, but most people do. The following article points to the value that students believe discussion adds to the learning process.  Because the article is geared toward college students, not every observation or suggestion will apply to your adult Bible class. However, most will apply to one level or another of the educational offerings of your congregation.

Teaching Toolbox
Many students feel they learn and remember more of the lesson content when they have been given the opportunity to discuss the material. The authors of the article highlighted in the “Adult Education: Additum” list several implications for teaching. This month’s Toolbox demonstrates how one of their suggestions could be implemented in a Bible class.

Curriculum Connection
The Timely Topics Timeless Truths series looks at the issues people are talking about today from the perspective of the Scriptures. In set two, Pastor Mark Schewe guides our study into the following eight topics: Visiting Heaven; Haunted Houses; Overweight or Overfit?; They Posted WHAT?; I’m Spiritual, Not Religious; Tattoos; They’ve Done What? (moved in together); and A Christian’s Use of Psychoactive Medication.

Pastor Schewe developed a complete set of materials for both the popular 19-minute format, as well as a format for 45-minute class sessions. Click below to view a sample of the lesson, "I’m Spiritual, Not Religious" (45-minute format).

Leader's Guide:  PDF
Student Lesson:  PDF | .doc

Teaching Tip
Remembering Information
At the end of the class, ask class members to summarize key thoughts that you taught or discussed. This activity helps move class content into the long-term memory. 
  Teach the Word  is a collaboration of Northwestern Publishing House, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, and WELS Adult Discipleship.