Hui Holidays 2011 Banner
Hui Holidays 2011

First Night Details:Top
Thursday, Dec 1
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Event Info

Tickets & Information:
$30/ person
(808) 572-6560

Hui Links:


Hui No`eau is a community based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to unlock creativity through exceptional visual art education.

You're Invited!
First Night: December 1, 5:00 pm / $30

Refresh your spirit, catch your breath, and help preserve our local character by shopping independently this holiday season at the dramatically decorated 1917 historic estate, Kaluanui, twinkling with holiday charm.  Enjoy a festive cocktail, dine on delectable pupu, watch the sunset, stop by a special locally-made tea & coffee tasting by Coffees of Hawaii, and listen to spirited music all while completing your holiday shopping.

This year we welcome the distinguished touch of designer/ choreographer Andr Morrisette, who will unveil his enchanting holiday window installations during this one-time event.  


Meet the artists at our one-night-only Artisan Boutique, where a selection of Hui potters and jewelry artists will personally present their work for sale (cash/ check only), including:

Kate Eifler, Ceramics
Barbara Liniger, Ceramics
Katie Lutz, Ceramics
Robert & Linda Sajdak, Ceramics
Deb Zaleski, Ceramics
Galit Breman, Jewelry
Karla Scarlatti, Jewelry
Stanette Tanno-Kirchhof, Jewelry

Hui Holidays: A Celebrated Maui Tradition
Now through December 24 / 10:00 am - 4:00 pm / FREE

An annual tradition, our holiday shopping event features handmade gifts by Hui artists in jewelry, ceramics, prints, fiber, photography, glass and paintings, plus handmade ornaments and much more. Make a creative investment  in your community, in your neighbors, and in yourselves! Mahalo to Grand Jewels of Wailea for the Hui Holidays dazzling silent auction item. Stop by to place your bid!
"When you shop local, you invest in your community, in your neighbors, and in yourselves. In this economic climate, the best return on investment is in local business. It is estimated that for every dollar you spend, twice as much will be reinvested in the community by a local store than a national store."