Dec. 7th, 2016
Weekly Chatter
Human Rights Day 2016: December 10 
27 times as many people are killed by abortion than by all other forms of violence combined. Babies especially at risk of being aborted are those with issues like Down syndrome, which can be diagnosed in utero.

France recently banned the television ad below, which depicts happy, well-adjusted children with Down syndrome on the grounds that it may disturb women who aborted their babies because of DS diagnoses. In France, about 80% of all pregnancies carrying a child with Down syndrome end in abortion.

The mission of the American College of Pediatricians is to enable all children to reach their optimal physical and emotional health and well-being from the moment of conception. 

For more information on Human Rights
Fathers Necessary for Optimal Child Development
According to recent research, the more emotionally engaged and confident father's are in their parenting role, the less likely their children are to experience behavioral problems.

In addition, children in faherless homes are more likely to experience poverty, incarceration, substance abuse, obesity and poor academic achievement.

Optimal development of a child requires the presence of a father in his or her life, ideally the biological father.

For more information on the importance of fathers
Family Recreation (pt. 2): The Logistics  # WeeklyBlogPost
Family recreation time can be intellectually simulating, creative, moral, and conductive to good human relationships, especially when it incorporates fun challenges for the whole family.  
For helpful information on how to accomplish this,  CLICK HERE  and 
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