With our buy one get one offer!
The warmer weather means less clothing , and the opportunity to show off your Beautiful Skin...

Prepare your beach body one step at a time with our  Sizzling Skin Summer Series.

Every month, we'll be featuring an advanced, clinically proven treatment to reshape and re-contour your body to help you look your absolute best this season!

We're kicking the series off with the first and only FDA-cleared non-invasive medical solution for melting fat AND reducing cellulite. The Velashape III™ is the most effective VelaShape yet!  Using a powerful combination of bi-polar radiofrequency + infrared light energy + vacuum suction + mechanical massage, this powerhouse treatment smooths cellulite, melts fat and tightens skin - in as few as 3 treatments!

No treatment package purchase necessary. Don't miss out on this never before offered opportunity!

Offer ends July 31st, 2016

* Promotions end July 31st, 2016 and are subject to availability. Cannot be combined with any other offer.

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