Dear Friend: 
In its short 18 months of existence, the Transformative Justice Coalition (TJC) has become a strong, vocal, strategic, and powerful force in the fight for racial justice in our nation. Now, in the aftermath of the 2016 Elections and on the threshold of the New Year, our progressive leadership is more imperative than ever to advance justice and fight against those who are determined to destroy our foundational civil rights.  We seek your support to build upon our vital work and to promote new strategies to win for our vision in a drastically more adverse political climate. 

Our critical work furthers a vision of a world in which every individual has an equal opportunity to fully participate in their governance.  A world where there is informed civic engagement and equal voting rights for all, regardless of race, gender, disability, youth, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, past felony convictions, and income. A world where there is no senseless incarceration for people of color in federal and state prisons; there is little to no news about police misconduct or killings, and if there is, then the police are held accountable. A world where nobody would be held back because of their gender, race, religion, or culture and where you wouldn’t hear stories that only describe the negative aspects of communities of color. 

Below is a diagram of some of TJC’s accomplishments in the past year that helped to advance this vision, that was made possible this year thanks to your support:

The impact of the Transformative Justice Coalition over these last 14 months in the areas of Voting Rights, Policing Restructuring, Youth Leadership Development, and African American Women and the Law have been invaluable and are significant programs that will be instrumental in the years to come.

Although TJC has taken great strides to achieve our vision- there are many challenges that remain.

Despite the threatening policies of the incoming administration, we know that with organization and unity we can win. We will actively oppose the confirmations of anti-civil rights nominees; challenge unjust policies; and, promote public policy that achieves racial, gender, economic, and environmental justice. We will build upon our work at the state and local level to promote voting rights and criminal justice restructuring. 

TJC has fostered new coalitions and organizations to aid in our fight to educate, unite, organize, and demand equality. Over the past 14 months, we have:

  • Led a White House meeting of civil rights and Obama Administration officials which motivated the Department of Education to put forth the “SRO Rubric”, which requires that School Resource Officers (SRO) are not abusive to children;

  • Helped expose and convict the serial rapist police officer, Daniel Holtzclaw, by partnering with women activists in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma;

  • Co-created the Voting Rights Alliance, a collaboration of 20 organizations fighting all forms of voting injustice, especially voter suppression;

  • Helped support the establishment of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus, which now has approximately 80 members of Congress to fight with us; 

  • Co-sponsored the 2016 African American Women and the Law Conference, which brought together over 100 African American women to begin to identify the key legal barriers and public policy challenges that limit opportunity and equity: the first of its kind in 17 years; 

  • Sponsored the Millennial Votes Matter Convening and trained dozens of millennials to be effective voting rights advocates and community leaders;

  • Produced several reports, in great detail, about voting rights, voter suppression, election-day related issues, and a 2015-2016 litigation overview of the 56 cases concerning voter rights;

  • Held many conferences, such as the recent post-Election People’s Democracy Conference, which was a conference designed in both a hearing and roundtable format, featuring three substantive panels of witnesses, hearing commissioners, and a luncheon roundtable of the Voting Rights Alliance leaders;

  • Held several Congressional briefings on voting rights; and,

  • Conducted many popular social media events to advance our vision.

In 2017, we will build upon these successes and expand our work. We are already planning for the 2017 African American Women and the Law Conference, June 8-10th, at Columbia University in New York City.


WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to execute a two-year campaign called "Vision 2018".  Vision 2018 will focus on creating grassroots youth leadership to combat voter suppression by directly assisting the most vulnerable voters nationwide. Will you join us?

Funds will go towards our continued work to pursue voting rights; criminal justice reform; youth leadership development; policing restructuring; programs that advance economic opportunity (including jobs); and, the policy agenda of the African American Women and the Law Conference. Your dollars will ensure that the hard work of TJC is accomplished. 


Barbara Arnwine
President and Founder