
 Not For Profit - For Justice

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September 29/30, 2018
"Each candidate behaved well in the hope of being judged worthy of election. However, this system was disastrous when the city had become corrupt. For then it was not the most virtuous but the most powerful who stood for election, and the weak, even if virtuous, were too frightened to run for office."  -   Niccolo Machiavelli  (Italian writer and statesman, Florentine patriot, author of 'The Prince',
"An election cannot give a country a firm sense of direction if it has two or more national parties which merely have different names but are as alike in their principles and aims as two peas in the same pod" -  Franklin D. Roosevelt  (American 32nd US President (1933-45), cousin of Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US president. 1882-1945)

"Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody." -  Franklin Pierce Adams (American Journalist, Columnist and Translator, (1881-1960)
"Win or lose, we go shopping after the election." -  Imelda Marcos 

Washington's Sanctions Machine
By Philip Giraldi
When the US begins to lose its grip on the world economy all of those places being sanctioned will line up to get their revenge and it won't be pretty. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50340.htm
Trump Addresses UN - The World Laughs
The world openly views US claims as ridiculously disconnected from reality. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50345.htm
Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov Speech at UN
Video and Transcript
"We see the desire of a number of Western states to retain their self-proclaimed status as "world leaders" and to slow down the irreversible move toward multipolarity. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50338.htm
The Palestinian People's Principal Problem Is Their Own Leadership
By Abdel Bari Atwan
East Jerusalem won't be capital of a Palestinian state, because there will be no Palestinian state. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50342.htm
Dress Rehearsal for Impeachment
By Patrick J Buchanan
What is being done to Kavanaugh is, if Democrats take control of Congress in November, a harbinger of what is to come. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50347.htm
Ten Items Corroborate Dr. Blasey Ford's Allegation Kavanaugh Tried to Rape Her
By Doug Johnson
People from his Yale circles have corroborated the claim that he could be a terrible, angry drunk. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50348.htm
Laid Bare: The Façade Of U.S. Institutions
By William A. Cohn
It's about numbers, not truth, and dollars, not principles. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50343.htm
Socialists and Libertarians Need an Alliance Against the Establishment
By Stephen M. Walt
The roots of the liberal-neocon coalition go back to the Cold War, and it has been running things for a long time. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50341.htm
Security, Safety, Security! - Dictatorship by Democracy
By Peter Koenig
Heil to the neocons, heil to the neonazis that have taken over the reins of our every-day life. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50344.htm
Facebook's New Propaganda Partners
By Alan MacLeod
Facebook recently announced it would combat "fake news" by partnering with two propaganda organizations founded and funded by the US government. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50339.htm
Trump Administration Agency Predicts 7 Degree F Rise in Global Temperatures by 2100
By Motherboard
Oh, and the report suggests there's no point doing anything to stop it. -  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50346.htm


Hard News

Thirteen Houthi rebels killed in northwestern Yemen


'Yemeni ballistic missiles hit targets in Saudi Arabia's Jizan region'


Saudi Arabia, UAE fail to halt UN Yemen human rights inquiry


Yemen doctors despair as babies starve in 'orphaned province':

Mahmud Ali Hassan, director of Nasr Hospital, does not mince words. Life for his patients, he says, is "pure misery". "We need help. We need real help."

New WikiLeaks Doc Exposes Corruption in UAE Arms Deal Fueling War on Yemen


Three Islamic State members killed, wounded in operation, northeastern Diyala


Iraq: Two Islamic State militants killed in ambush, southwest of Kirkuk


Clashes break out between Islamic factions and YPG in Aleppo

Free Syrian Army abducts 10 youths from Afrin

Iraq: Basra protests: US closes consulate after weeks of deadly protests:

US Secretary of State repeated earlier warnings that the US would hold Iran responsible for any harm to its citizens or facilities.

Russian FM Lavrov: Delivery of S-300 to Syria has begun:

Russia begins delivering S-300 missile system to Syria as Russian FM says relations with US are at 'all-time low'.

Netanyahu says Russian supply of S-300 missiles to Syria 'irresponsible': 'If someone shoots at our planes, we will destroy them,' PM warns,


Lavrov: US presence in Syria illegal, violates UN resolutions

Lavrov at UNGA: Russia Warns Against New Chemical Weapon Provocations in Syria


US regime will impose tougher sanctions on Syria if Assad blocks political process: envoy


'US Did Not Keep Its Promises': Erdogan Blasts Washington Over Manbij Roadmap


Syria demands withdrawal of US, French, Turkish forces


Watch: Syrian Deputy PM Walid Al-Moualem Speech at UN (September 29, 2018)


Bogdanov: Agreement on Idleb is temporary measure, all Syrian territory must be liberated from terrorism


US-Backed Militias Reinvigorate Positions in Northeastern Syria after Turkish Threats:

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) forwarded more forces and equipment to Northern Raqqa on Saturday

Syria says vital border crossing with Jordan to reopen


Qatar says regional security alliance with U.S. at risk with Gulf dispute


Trump's Middle East policy takes a kicking at UN assembly:

Everybody has a year more of understanding of this man and very few countries, very few leaders, are buying into the show,"

The Slaughter Continues: Apartheid Israeli occupation forces kill 7 people in Gaza:

The seven included two children who were shot dead as thousands of Palestinians protested the 12-year-long Israeli blockade on Gaza

Gaza protests: All the latest updates:

Since protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed at least 180 Palestinians in the besieged coastal enclave.

World Court: Palestine files complaint over US Embassy in Jerusalem


Full text of Abbas's speech to UN General Assembly: Palestinian leader lambastes US leadership, rails against Israeli policies and warns Hamas of funding cuts in address


Watch: War criminal: PM Netanyahu's Remarks at the UN General Assembly - 2018


35 US Senators urge Trump to restore Palestinian aid:

14 Democrats and 51 Republicans, mostly Senators who have received huge campaign donations from Israel's lobby AIPAC, refused to sign the letter

European Union proposes additional €40 million for Palestine Refugees to keep schools and health clinics open


Federal court blocks anti-BDS law in Arizona:

A federal judge in Arizona on Thursday blocked enforcement of the state's 2016 law that aims to thwart the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights.

Saudi, UAE officials call for regime change in Iran at US summit


Iran warning to US, Saudi, UAE: Don't cross our red lines


Iran to U.S.: Bases would not be secure if 'America does anything wrong'


Iran refutes Israel's secret nuclear site claims:

'Israel is only regime in our region with secret, undeclared nuclear weapons program,' says Iranian FM

Watch : Iran - President Addresses UN General Debate


In case you missed it:
CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup



Chad troops kill 17 Boko Haram militants after 6 killed in Lake Chad attacks


Two of pro-Hafter Salafist Brigade fighters killed in clashes with Chadian rebels in south-east of Libya


ISIS regroups to attack a fragmented Libya



Indonesia; Death toll jumps to at least 384 after tsunami, quake hits Sulawesi Island


Watch: Indonesia tsunami: Coastal Palu city hit after strong quake

Taliban members among 20 killed in N. Afghan airstrike

Afghanistan: Kandahar Policeman Kills Two Fellow Officers


Afghan election campaign begins with five candidates already killed


Taliban meets Afghan officials in Saudi Arabia ahead of election - sources


Taliban denies meeting Afghan officials ahead of election


India's FM says Pakistan harbors terrorists


`No Way' North Korea Disarms Without U.S. Trust, Diplomat Says


Watch: North Korean FM Ri Yong Ho Speech at UN (September 29, 2018)


Canada strips Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi of honorary citizenship


Watch: Chinese FM Wang Yi Speech to UN General Assembly (September 28, 2018),



Police clash with Catalan separatists ahead of independence vote anniversary


Serbia Alerts Forces After Kosovar Police Deploy


Britain, Ecuador seeking an end to the Assange standoff:
Ecuador's president says his country and the United Kingdom are working on a legal solution for Julian Assange that would allow the Wikileaks founder to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in "the medium term."

US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks:

Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks that are among the most prominent in the Brexit debate.

Facebook says nearly 50m users compromised in huge security breach

You Gave Facebook Your Number For Security. They Used It For Ads.
The list of deceptive and invasive ways Facebook makes money off your personal information.

10 Ways Big Tech Can Shift Millions of Votes in the November Elections-Without Anyone Knowing:

A noted researcher describes 10 ways Google, Facebook, other companies could shift millions of votes in the US midterms

Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web: In other words, it's game on for Facebook, Google, Amazon



Tijuana's most violent month in all its history:

There have been more than eight murders a day since February, a number that keeps increasing. There were 251 homicides in July, making it the most violent in Tijuana's all-time history.

Watch: SAIC - Military-Industrial [Counter Terrorism] Complex - Friends in High Places

GOP's second tax cuts would add $3.8 trillion to deficit


FBI contacts Kavanaugh Yale classmate in its investigation:

Ramirez has said Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a party in the early 1980s when they were Yale students.

The Unbearable Dishonesty of Brett Kavanaugh:

Having "no recollection" of the night in question, or no "knowledge" of the alleged events, is not the same as saying it didn't happen.

Kavanaugh's classmates say he lied under oath about his 'sloppy drunk' days:

"I don't think many of his answers were credible," said one Yale classmate.

ACLU urges Senate to vote against Kavanaugh


Four Navy petty officers accused of barracks sex crimes with child


Suicide Rate of Young U.S. Army Veterans Rises Once More


How America Came to Have the World's Biggest Prison Population


Elon Musk forced to step down as chairman of Tesla, remains CEO:
Both Musk and the company will pay separate $20 million fines

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :
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