
 Not For Profit - For Justice

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"It is the right and the duty of everyone who seeks the truth to doubt, investigate and consider all available evidence. Wherever this doubting and investigating is forbidden; wherever authorities demand unquestioning belief - there is evidence of a profane arrogance, which arouses our suspicions.
 If those whose contentions are questioned had truth on their side, they would patiently answer all questions. Certainly they would not continue to conceal evidence and documents which pertain to the controversy. If those who demand belief are lying, however, they will call for a judge. By this ye shall know them. He who tells the truth is calm and composed, but he who lies demands worldly justice." Viktor R Knirsch - Austrian Catholic Pastor, Viktor R Knirsch.

January 30, 2018

Will U.S. Fight Turkey?
By Tom O'Connor
American Soldiers Will Not Leave City About to Be Attacked, Says Top General.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48691.htm
Too Many Wars. Too Many Enemies
By Patrick J. Buchanan
U.S. troops in Manbij, Syria, could be under fire by week's end. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48693.htm
Washington Reaches New Heights of Insanity with the "Kremlin Report"
By Paul Craig Roberts
Everyone in the world should realize the threat of nuclear war that is inherrent in Washington's policy toward Russia. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48696.htm
Russia's Doomsday Nuclear Torpedo
By Eric S. Margolis
A 'third strike' weapon designed to obliterate the US east and west coasts in a nuclear war. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48694.htm
Kill Me, Kill Me
'Fruit of War' Photo of Nagasaki Victims
Taniguchi-san spent most of his life warning people that the survival of humanity is threatened by the existence of nuclear weapons. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48695.htm
The Economist: Humanity Teeters on the Brink of World War
By James Cogan
The US spend staggering sums on new nuclear weapons, to ensure that it retains the military superiority http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48698.htm
Lewis Black "Hide Under Your Desk
2 minute Video
Republicans and Democrats Working Together? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48697.htm
Will Congress Face Down the Deep State?
By Ray McGoverns
Past precedent suggests that the cabal that conjured up Russia-gate will not have to pick up a "go-to-jail" card. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48700.htm
President Trump-The Piers Morgan Interview - Davos
Donald declares he is not a misogynist (nor a feminist). "I have tremendous respect for women"  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48692.htm
The Hacking of the American Mind: Pleasure vs. Happiness
Dr. Robert Lustig
The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48699.htm 


Hard News
Yemen: At least 15 killed in a suicide car bomb

Militants kill 12 troops in south Yemen

UAE-backed separatists seize Aden army base

Yemen PM 'holed up' as Aden palace surrounded

Saudi Arabia and the UAE fight it out by proxy in the South

Assange blasts US 'subservience to Saudis' as Trump triples drone strikes in Yemen

US General: We Will Not Leave Manbij

'More civilians killed' as Turkey hits targets

Turkey says 5 soldiers killed in Syria's Afrin

Afrin calls for no-fly zone as civilian casualties mount:
Kurdish military commander in Afrin called on the world to establish a no-fly zone over the northwestern Syrian region to protect civilians under threat from Turkey's military operation.

Kurdish PM refuses to send Peshmerga to defend Afrin

PYD/PKK rockets land in civilian areas in south Turkey

Turkey detains 300 people over criticism of Syrian offensive

Sochi conference backs Syria's territorial unity, 'democratic' path

Ten Islamic State members, attempting infiltration, killed, south of Mosul

Four people killed, injured in two bomb blasts in Baghdad


Israeli occupation force kills Palestinian teen in West Bank

US no "peace broker" in Palestine; Trump cannot destroy a "peace process" that doesn't exist.

UN workers in Gaza protest Trump's aid cuts

Israel's Shin Bet to face first-ever torture probe

Judge Blocks Kansas Law Aimed at Boycotts of Israel:
It is the first ruling addressing a recent wave of laws nationwide aiming to punish people who boycott Israel.

39 feared killed by military drone, invasion in Nigeria

Africa: Bloodiest Year Ever in UN Peace Keeping History

Somehing to hide? Pentagon restricts release of Afghanistan war data

Propaganda alert:
Russians will meddle in upcoming US election, CIA chief says

US releases list of Russians eligible for sanctions

Putin reacts to US Treasury 'Kremlin List': 'Dogs bark but the caravan moves on'

Second Trump-Russia dossier being assessed by FBI

Majority of Russians support 'own internet' for BRICS nation

Catalan parliament postpone re-election of fugitive leader

Excerpts from Trump's first State of the Union address

Palestinian man deported after living 40 years in US

Watch: Ravi Ragbir Speaks Out After Being Freed from "Unnecessarily Cruel" ICE Detention

Haitian Detainees are Captive Capital for Private Prison Corporation


Louisiana man freed after 37yrs in prison for crime he didn't commit

Search warrant document shows 2nd 'person of interest' after Las Vegas shooting

2018 begins with US police reign of terror:
While largely ignored by the mass media, the reign of terror by police officers continues to rage across the United States.

Audit finds US Defense Department wasted hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars

Amazon, Berkshire, JP Morgan to form healthcare behemoth ;
The three firms are the largest private employers in the US, with more than 1 million workers and a combined market capitalization of $1.6 trillion.

Gowdy: FISA Memo Will Be "Embarrassing To Adam Schiff"
Where did this guy, Barrack Obama come from, anyway?: No one even heard of him before 2008?

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,430

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
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