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"The Democrats think Republicans are stealing elections. The Republicans think Democrats are stealing elections. And those of us independent of the two old parties know they are both right." - Kevin Zeese
 "Each candidate behaved well in the hope of being judged worthy of election. However, this system was disastrous when the city had become corrupt. For then it was not the most virtuous but the most powerful who stood for election, and the weak, even if virtuous, were too frightened to run for office." - Niccolo Machiavelli (Italian writer and statesman, Florentine patriot, author of 'The Prince',
March 20/21, 2018
We Are At War!
Information Is Our Weapon

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History is a good predictor of future behavior
While the main stream and much of the alternative media were shining up their patriotic lapel pins, ICH was bring you the facts, and countering the misinformation and propaganda that led so many of our children and those of other nations, being led to the slaughter.

Are we warriors for Peace and Justice or Pavlovian  dogs, passively consuming government propaganda as it manufactures consent for yet another war of aggression?

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Thank you -  Peace and Joy -  Tom Feeley

US Planning a Terrorist False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria: Russia Says It Will Respond
By Federico Pieraccini
How would the U.S. military and the Trump presidency react to a US warship being sunk by anti-ship missiles? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49037.htm
Syrian Refugees are Going Home, the West Ready to Attack
By Andre Vltchek
We are not afraid. Our people are determined, ready to defend our nation." http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49039.htm
The Iraq War Was a Crime, So Why Don't We Treat It As One?
By Daniel Larison
We don't call the Iraq war a crime because we don't like to think that our government does things like that. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49036.htm
My Lai and the Bad Apples Scam
By Paul Edwards
Our massive, wealth-devouring military machine is a mass murder juggernaut. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49031.htm
Remember My Lai
Must Watch
WARNING: This video is powerful It contains very graphic interviews of the victims and perpetrators of violent atrocities.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49035.htm
George Galloway Delves Into The Alleged Attack on Ex-Russian Spy
"Only someone with access to Colonel Skripal's home could have poisoned the people in the house". http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49033.htm
Cambridge Analytica Uncovered: Secret Filming Reveals Election Tricks
Must Watch
How Cambridge Analytica secretly campaigns in elections across the world. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49034.htm
Former French President Sarkozy in Custody Over Libya Funding Probe
Investigators are examining claims that Gaddafi's regime secretly gave Sarkozy 50 million euros overall for the 2007 campaign. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49032.htm
A Dry Run for Russian Democracy
By Dmitry Orlov
The oligarchs thought that they had recruited another faithful servant who, just like Yeltsin, would keep the state weak and facilitate their shameless plunder. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49038.htm


Hard News
  Toll from rocket attack on Damascus rises to 35

Russia says 79,702 civilians evacuated from Syria's eastern Ghouta

Russian Defense: Three attempts by terrorists to use chemical weapons in Syria thwarted during one week

A defeat for Syrian Kurds is another blow for U.S. policy

Erdogan tells US to end 'deception' on Syria

U.N. envoy sees Syria partition 'catastrophe', fears return of IS:
A soft, long-term partition of Syria, which (is) the one that we are witnessing at the moment, in different areas of control, will be a catastrophe, not only for Syria but for the whole region

23 Kurdish military members killed in southeastern Turkey

Iraq: IS militants kill two people, kidnap three others at fake checkpoint in Kirkuk

Iraq approves Turkish military operations to purge joint borders

"It Was a Crime": 15 Years After U.S. Invasion, Iraqis Still Face Trauma, Destruction & Violence

Liberal hero Robert Mueller lied about Iraq's non-existent WMDs (VIDEO)


Behind the mask of democracy Iraq is a failed state

US Senate to Vote on Military Involvement in Yemen War

Saudi Arabia's heir to the throne talks to 60 Minutes:
Mohammed bin Salman shared his thoughts on Iran, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Saudi Crown Prince Arrives at White House to Meet with Trump

Money flees Saudi Arabia at rapid pace

US smooths Israel's path to annexing West Bank

Abbas calls the U.S. ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, a "son of a dog."

Friedman suggests Abbas' remarks are anti-Semiti

UN officials condemn arbitrary arrest of Palestinian children

American actor attacked for supporting BDS

Schumer says he opposed the Iran deal because of 'threat to Israel'

Iran arrests top Ahmadinejad ally Rahim Mashaie

Two alleged jihadists killed in Southern Tunisia

In case you missed it:
French secret service killed Gaddafi on Sarkozy's orders: reports

Sweden Negotiates for Release of US Prisoners in North Korea

The Untold Story of My Lai: How and Why the Official Investigation Covered Up General Westmoreland's Responsibility

Trump says he will meet Putin to discuss 'arms race that is getting out of control'

Tests of Substance in Alleged UK Attack on Spy to Take 3 Weeks: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Russian spy may have been poisoned at home, police believe, as military deployed to Salisbury

Soviet-era scientist says he helped create poison in UK spy attack row:

Professor Leonid Rink told the RIA news agency that the attack did not look like Moscow's work because Sergei and Yulia Skripal had not died immediately.

Corbyn calls for Russia to be 'given sample' of UK nerve agent

UK says no further Russia sanctions over spy

Germany: Russia is 'partner' despite alleged UK attack

'Europe has reached point of criminalising sea rescues'

Venezuela Builds 2 Million Affordable Homes in Just Seven Years

Michael Hudson: Trump's Misunderstanding of Protectionism

US agent goes on trial in Mexican teen cross-border killing:
The agent is accused of killing 16-year-old, who was just across the border from Nogales, Arizona. An autopsy showed the unarmed teen was hit 10 times, mostly from behind.

Supreme Court forces Arizona to continue giving Dreamers driver's licenses

Maryland School Shooting Leaves 2 Students Critically Injured, Shooter Dead

Parcel filled with 'nails and shrapnel' en route to Austin explodes at a FedEx site in San Antonio

New Documents Reveal FBI Spied on BLM Activists

Facebook Leaves Its Users' Privacy Vulnerable


Facebook stock drops after reports of FTC probe and UK summons of Zuckerberg in data scandal

Mark Zuckerberg AWOL From Facebook's Data Leak Damage Control Session

Where's Zuck? Facebook CEO silent as data harvesting scandal unfolds

Cambridge Analytica And The Manipulation Of People


US spy lab hopes to geotag every outdoor photo on social media

Trump hiring former federal prosecutor who's argued FBI framed president

Rand Paul: Why I'll Fight Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo Nominations

Kenneth Marcus, Trump's nominee for civil rights, has a long history of working against them

Lie detector test shows Stormy Daniels truthful about Trump affair:;
Daniels was truthful about having unprotected sex with Donald Trump in July 2006.

Former Playboy Model Karen McDougal Sues to Break Silence on Relationship With Trump:

Man who submitted bid to build Donald Trump's Mexico border wall accused of bombing Minnesota mosque

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,430
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