
 Not For Profit - For Justice

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July 02/03, 2018
"A nation is a society united by a delusion about its ancestry and a common fear of its neighbors." : W. R. Inge
"Patriotism is fierce as a fever, pitiless as the grave, blind as a stone and as irrational as a headless hen." -Ambrose Bierce
"The dissenter is every human being at those times of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself."- Archibald Macleish (1892-1982) Poet, playwright, Librarian of Congress, & Assistant Secretary of State under Franklin Roosevelt - Source: 4 December 1937

We Wonder Why People Hate the USA?
Saudi Arabia Bombs Residential Neighborhood in Yemen Killing Entire Family
U.S.-backed Saudi-coalition bombing in northern Yemen, killied 15 civilians and injured 9, most of whom were women and children. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49766.htm
U.S. Attempts Violent "Regime Change" In Iran
By Moon Of Alabama
A year ago the CIA created a new mission center to attack Iran http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49765.htm
Trump's Iran Gambit Won't Pay Off
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
Will Americans and the rest of the world sacrifice themselves at the Trump-Netanyahu altar? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49771.htm
Congress Welcomes a Fascist as Nazi Violence Rages in Ukraine
By Max Blumenthal
Ukrainian lawmaker appeared alongside speakers of Eastern European parliaments eager to join the US-NATO crusade against Russia. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49767.htm
More Evidence That Half of Americans Are In or Near Poverty
By Paul Buchheit
The extreme level of inequality in the U.S. is battering the poor. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49769.htm
USA - The Failed State
By Chris Hedges
The "unholy trinity of corruption, impunity and violence," can no longer be checked. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49768.htm

Hard News
18 killed in attacks as South Sudan's warring sides shift blame

10 soldiers killed, four missing in Boko Haram attack in Niger


4 killed, 31 injured in horror car bomb attack in Mali


West Libya in (CIA) strongman's sights after conquering east


Four Libya oil ports closed amid corruption allegations


A look at the dangers that migrants face as they trek across the Sahara Desert. (AP Video/Nat Castaneda)


Iraqi warplanes kill eight IS militants between Diyala, Salahuddin provinces


Iraq: Three Islamic State members killed in airstrike, west of Anbar


Islamic State's Baghdadi returns to Iraq, likely to be in western desert: Source


Syrian Army Cuts off Terrorists' Supply Routes in Daraa


Army restores safety and stability to al-Mseifraa town in Daraa countryside


US Must Withdraw from Syria: Damascus


False Flag Fail: How Syrian Civilians Derailed White Helmet 'Chemical' Stunt in Eastern Ghouta


Ambassador Ala: The Israeli occupation disregards its legal obligations by taking advantage of US protection


As the U.S. fuels war in Yemen, 1,200 Yemenis face deportation under Trump


US aims to reduce Iran's oil revenue to zero


Giuliani Vows That Trump Will Help Bring Down the Iranian Gov


Iranian General warns against US plot to transfer chemical agents to region


No anti-Iran threat will go unanswered: IRGC commander


Eric Margolis: Turkey On A Roll: Few phobias run deeper in Europe than the fear and hatred of Turks.


Another Palestinian Killed by Israeli Occupation Forces


Apartheid: Israel Denies Entry to U.S. Jewish BDS Activist


EU urged to exclude Israel from research fund:

Some 154 organisations and NGOs push European Union to exclude 'Israeli military companies' from its development fund.

US lap dog: Australia ends direct aid to Palestinian Authority: Australia sends about $10 million in aid to Palestine territories.


Huawei named as top corporate sponsor for Australian MPs' paid travel:

Trips to Israel top the list of politicians' travel paid for by non-Australian government sponsors

19 Killed as Suicide Bomber Targets Minority Sikhs, Hindus in Afghanistan


2 commanders among 8 Taliban in N. Afghanistan


Bolton says: US has plan to dismantle NK nuclear program in year


North Korea's Kim asked China to bring early end to sanctions - Yomiuri


China Warns Its Tourists: Beware Gun Violence in America


Roma's murder by far right reveals deep wounds in Ukraine;

David Popp, 23, was stabbed to death by ultranationalist attackers in the latest bout of racist violence in Ukraine.

Watch: Former Ukrainian neo-Nazi leader speaks at NATO think tank event as it laments rise of right


Russian law obliges Internet companies to store user correspondence


Get On the Trump Peace Train? He wants out of Korea, Germany, Syria - and NATO!


Angela Merkel on brink as interior minister Seehofer says he will resign over migrant deal


Seehofer delays resignation, gives Merkel 3-day deadline


European Union intensifies campaign of terror against refugees:

The European Union summit at the end of last week marked a dangerous turning point in post-World War II European history.

Trump's $54 Billion Tax Hike on Autos: EU Threatens $300 Billion Retaliation


Europe needs to do 2 things to win the trade war :

European corporates can steal market share from American firms in markets like China while also benefitting in bilateral trade agreements as US influence wanes.

Viva Mexico: AMLO Vows to Fight Corruption, 'Respect' NAFTA After Landslide Win:

López Obrador identified corruption as the "principal cause" of inequality and the criminal violence that has bedeviled Mexico for years and said he would spare no one in his commitment to root it out.

Mexico: Latin American, World Leaders React to AMLO's Victory:

Bolivian President Evo Morales said: "We are sure that your government will write a new page in the history of Latin American dignity and sovereignty."

Hundreds of thousands march against Trump's persecution of immigrants


US Conducts Successful Field Test Of New Nuclear Bomb


US man hurts nine in stabbing spree at refugee, children's party


Priest Calls Cops on Black Funeral-Goers, Tells Them to 'Get the Hell Out' of Church


UN report on US poverty: dystopian future or devastating reality?


How $21 Trillion In Tax Money Disappeared


Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :
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