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June 15/16, 2018, 2018
"Thank God that at this hour I am dangerous to the war profiteers of this country who rob the people on the one hand, and rob and debase the government on the other; and then with their pockets and wallets stuffed with the filthy, bloodstained profits of war, wrap the sacred folds of the Stars and Stripes about them and [about] their blatant hypocrisy to the world." -  
Kate Richards O'Hare's Address To the Court Proceedings on the Sentencing of Mrs. Kate Richards O'Hare by Hon Martin J. Wade
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What's in Trump's 'Deal of the Century'? The Answers are in Plain Sight
By Jonathan Cook
Israel has already started implementing the deal - entrenching "apartheid" rule over Palestinians. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49653.htm  
Israeli Lawmaker Proclaims Supremacy of 'Jewish Race'
By Stuart Winer
"The Jewish people being the Chosen People; the smartest, most special people in the world." http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49654.htm
Senators Move to Prevent Trump from Removing US Troops From South Korea
By Ali Rogin
"I don't think it's smart policy for Congress to rely on the word of the president," the Connecticut Democrat told ABC. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49652.htm
How the Last Superpower Was Unchained
American Wars and Self-Decline

By Tom Engelhardt
Clueless is not a word Americans ordinarily apply to themselves as a country, or a people. Yet how applicable it is. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49646.htm
In Case You Missed It
US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World's Dictatorships
By Rich Whitney
Does the US government actually oppose dictatorships and champion democracy around the world. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49647.htm
Can the EU Become a Partner for Russia?
By The Saker
All empires are inherently evil and inherently dangerous to any country wanting to be truly sovereign. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49651.htm 
Masters Of The Universe: Pepe Escobar
Must Watch
Interview with Pepe Escobar, about a global multipolar world and geopolitical relations. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49650.htm
IMF Warns US of 'Macroeconomic Impact' of Trade Policy Changes
By Agencies
IMF predicts an economic crash by 2020 due to retaliation tariffs following President Donald Trump's tax hike on imports http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49649.htm
UN Report Says US is a "S*ithole Country"
By John M. Repp
Instead of corporate media basically ignoring the UN report, there should be screaming headlines. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49655.htm
Nicaragua : Open Letter to Amnesty International
Former Prisoner of Conscience Clarifies The Situation in Nicaragua

By Camilo Mejia
I express my unequivocal condemnation of Amnesty International with regards to the destabilizing role it has played in Nicaragua. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49648.htm
Australia's Guns: Control, Culture, Bias
With John Pilger
John Pilger, on gun violence, gun culture, and the differences between gun ownership in the US and Australia. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49656.htm


Hard News
Yemen rebel leader defiant as 39 killed in battle for key port

Arab invasion forces seize entrance to airport in Yemen's main port city

CONFIRMED: Yemen destroys Saudi-led coalition warship

UN rejects plan to demand immediate ceasefire in Yemen port:
UN impasse means Saudi-UAE coalition can continue direct attack on Hodeidah port

Fact or propaganda?
U.S. rejected UAE request for intelligence support for Yemen operation - UAE official

Turkey says its air strikes kill 26 Kurdish militants in northern Iraq

6 killed as Syrian army bombards rebels in flashpoint southwest region

Russian official warns US not to take 'tough measures' against Syrian Army in southwest Syria


Turkey Slams US Demand to Drop S-400 Deal in Exchange for F-35s as 'Blackmail'


Impose sanctions on Netanyahu for Gaza war crimes, says Human Rights Watch

How bulldozers, Bedouin and ethnic cleansing herald the death of the two-state solution

Pakistan Taliban chief Mullah Fazlullah 'killed in drone attack

North Korea has begun to return remains of US troops missing in Korean war, says Trump

Poll: 54 percent of voters say North Korean summit was successful


Russia urges removal of unilateral sanctions against North Korea

War criminal: McCain: Trump halting Korean military exercises a 'bad negotiating tactic'

Trump announces 25 percent tariff on Chinese technology

China fires back at Trump with tariffs on US goods, says it's time to end 'outdated and regressive behavior'

Russia: Norway's request for additional US Marines 'will not remain without consequences'

Court orders Denmark to compensate 18 Iraqis over torture

Refugee children abused and illegally returned at France-Italy border, says Oxfam report

Social mobility in richest countries 'has stalled since 1990s':
OECD report says it could take 150 years for a child from a poor UK family to earn national average

Unprecedented: Haley-Backed Candidate for Key UN Human Rights Committee Fails to Win Seat

U.S. expected to retreat from main U.N. rights forum - activists, diplomats:
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told the Council that Washington might leave the body unless a "chronic anti-Israel bias" were removed.

Panama's Former President Martinelli: 'They Want To Kill Me!':

The supermarket billionaire had been living in a US$8 million waterfront mansion in Coral Gables when he was taken into custody by U.S. officials earlier this month.

Assembl y Declares Inadmissible Prosecution of Rafael Correa

Mexico Has Highest 'Territorial Inequality' In Latin America:
The rate of young unemployed people who aren't studying rose from 25 to 33.6 percent in 98 percent of Mexico's municipalities, especially in the state of Oaxaca.

US separates 2,000 children from families at Mexico border

US army to return remains of Native American children a century after their deaths

President Trump unloads on Comey, 'scum on top' of FBI a day after damning IG report's release

Internal CIA Docs: 'Enhanced Interrogation' Is Torture

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Sent To Jail

New York files lawsuit against Trump and his charity over 'persistently illegal conduct'


White House touts IG report: Reaffirms 'president's suspicions'

Lying!': MSNBC's Katy Tur Corners GOP Lawmaker Over His Shameful Fealty to Trump's Dishonesty

Why isn't anyone talking about the Israeli military coming to Alaska?

Nevada's most notorious pimp wins Republican primary

Measure to split California into three states qualifies for November ballot

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,430
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