Help build tomorrow's inventors TODAY...

Call To Action

Reinvent learning: make science fun and invent the next generation of inventors!

Help support a Community that develops the next generation of scientists!

A Hundred Tiny Hands will be an online community that connects kids, enabling them to interact and learn from one another, similar to scientists in real life. Learning challenges (with rewards) will be issued regularly to promote the playability of each kit. The most important feature will be the opportunity for the kids to upload their own inventions and creations. The inventors of the popular inventions will create their own Inventor Kits (with cartoons made of them to star in the books and on the boxes) to be sold through A Hundred Tiny Hands, with proceeds going back to the little inventors! So when you buy an Inventor Kit, you are not only buying an educational toy, butaccess to a scientific community and an opportunity for your children to invent real products.

Join the Tiny Hands movement and help us invent inventors!

Children need experiential STEM activities at a young age in an interactive, social setting such that they have the incentives and support to stay engaged. 


The Inventor Kits

A Hundred Tiny Hands offers 3 Inventor Kits to get children excited about STEM by fostering playful learning in a social setting. Each kit comes with an easy to follow illustrated storybook with fun characters who explain otherwise 'complex science'. With our Tiny Hands community, your children can compete in challenges and even invent their own Inventor Kits.  

Our goal is to produce the highest quality products that inspire your young inventor to explore science. We welcome your feedback and would love to hear from you. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to an exciting future together!

A Hundred Tiny Hands, founded by Michelle Khine (IEEE EMBS Member), is a co-op based out of the Khine Engineering Lab at UCI, and our technology is proprietary. Currently, our team is making every kit in the lab on our own time, and we invent/develop these kits in addition to working on our PhD projects. Your contribution from Kickstarter will help scale up our production of the current kits and provide resources for development of new kits. With your help, this project will be a success!


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