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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                           March, 2016 
In This Issue
Update: IFNC13
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13th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC13) Update: Site Visit to Pamplona, Spain

Museo Universidad de Navarra, 
photo courtesy of the University of Navarra
Drs. June Horowitz and Jane Lassetter,
co-chairs of the IFNA Conference Committee, and Debbie Zaparoni, IFNA Conference Manager, traveled to Pamplona, Spain in early March for a site visit to plan for IFNC13 to be held June 14-17, 2017. They were graciously hosted by Dr. Cristina Garcí­a-Vivar and Jorge Aubá Guedea and the School of Nursing, Universidad de Navarra. IFNA President Carole Robinson, who was at the Universidad of Navarra for a sabbatical, also joined them for some of the site visits. They toured the conference venues on campus, notably the Museum of Modern Art where the pre-conference workshops and general sessions will be held, and the nearby Amigos Building where concurrent sessions will be held. They were thrilled with the beautiful vistas and excellent facilities. Pamplona and the Universidad de Navarra will be the perfect location for the upcoming IFNC13.
L-R: Dr. Jane Lassetter, Dr. June Horowitz, Debbie Zaparoni, and
Dr. Cristina Garcia-Vivar

Dr. Regina Lee (Hong Kong) is committed to advancing family-centered care to meet the health needs of children and adolescents in school settings and hospital care. Her current research is focused on extending school-based interventions into family-based programs. [Read more] 

For more IFNA Practice News [Read more].
Jane Karpa (Canada) is very interested in the development of family centered psychiatric nursing practice. She currently serves as the co-chair of the Teaching Resources Subcommittee of the IFNA Education Committee.
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For more IFNA Education News [Read more].
Dr. Kiyoko Kamibeppu (Japan) focuses her research on childhood cancer survivorship and prevention of child abuse. For more than a decade, she has advocated for the offering of preventative child abuse interventions during pregnancy, which is now a priority in the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare in Japan.
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Dr. Mary Jo Gilmer (USA) studies parent-sibling bereavement, parent-child communication, and interventions to reduce suffering in children with cancer. The long-term goal of this research is to reduce the suffering and morbidity of families affected by cancer and the loss of a child through controlled, longitudinal research on the psychosocial outcomes of these families.
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For more IFNA Research News [Read more].
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