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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                         September, 2016
In This Issue
Implementing Family Nursing Theory
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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Dr. Britt-Inger Saveman (Sweden) at Umea University and Dr. Eva Benzein (Sweden) at Linnaeus University have shared an exciting and determined vision for implementing family nursing in Sweden since 2000. Beginning with a dedicated family focused practice unit that provided space and equipment to videotape nurse researchers' conversations with families experiencing illness, they developed the Family Health Conversations intervention by culturally adapting existing Family Systems Nursing practice models. They coedited a textbook, co-authored numerous research publications with their colleagues about the use of Family Health Conversations across various populations of families, and developed an instrument: "Families Involvement in Nursing Care - Nurses' Attitudes" (FINC-NA) that has been translated into more than ten languages and used in numerous research projects around the world.  They also initiated and hosted the First Nordic Conference in Family Focused Nursing in 2002 followed by 2006 and 2010; the Fourth Nordic Conference in Family Focused Nursing was held in 2014 in Odense, Denmark [Read more] .

Dr. Britt Inger-Saveman and Dr. Eva Benzein
Dr. Marion Mitchell (Australia) believes that patient care in intensive care units equally involves the care of families who are intrinsic to the well-being of patients. She led the development of a Position Statement on Partnering with Families in Critical Care for the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) in 2015 [Read more]

Dr. Karen Dieperink (Denmark) is a clinical research nurse and a postdoctoral student at the Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital. Her doctoral research focused on rehabilitation in prostate cancer care and she is particularly interested in understanding the impact of cancer on family health and exploring family nursing interventions with families experiencing cancer [Read more].

For more IFNA Practice News [Read more].  
Dr. Donna Miles Curry (USA) is a nurse educator who created both the undergraduate and graduate family nursing courses for the College of Nursing & Health at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA. She is currently leading an
IFNA Education Committee subcommittee to draft the IFNA Position Statement on Graduate Family Nursing Education which is currently being developed [Read more].

For more IFNA Education News [Read more].  
Renata de Moura Bubadu é (Brazil)
is a doctoral student in Nursing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro under the supervision of Dr. Ivone Evangelista Cabral. Her work is focused on how to address to sensitive topics with families of children with special health care needs [Read more] .

For more IFNA Research News [Read more]

The Deadline for the Call for Abstracts for the
13th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC13) in Pamplona, Spain is Friday, October 7, 2016. [Read more]

The IFNA Conference Committee is pleased to announce the Keynote for Day 2 of the conference which will focus on family and family nursing in Spain. This theme was selected in response to your feedback from our previous conference that you would like to hear more about the nature of families and family nursing in our host country.

The first speaker will be Carolina Montoro-Gurich, PhD, Professor of Human Geography at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. She is the Vice Dean of Research at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Sub Director of the Institute of Sciences for the Family at the University of Navarra. Dr. Montoro-Gurich's research focuses primarily on migration and family policies. The presentation will give IFNC13 participants a perspective on family health issues in Spain and Europe.

The second speaker and respondent is Cristina Garcia-Vivar, PhD, MSc, RN. Dr. Garcia-Vivar is currently the Director of International Affairs of the Spanish General Council of Nurses, and Associate Professor at the School of Nursing, University of Navarra. Dr. Garcia-Vivar's program of research focuses on teaching family nursing interventions to practicing nurses to help them to support families who are caring for a relative with chronic illness. In addition, Dr. Garcia-Vivar is a valued leader in IFNA through her roles on the Board of Directors and the IFNA Practice and Conference Committees. Her presentation will complement the keynote talk from Dr. Montoro-Gurich concerning key issues and family nursing in Spain.
Current IFNA Membership is 258 from 29 Countries. 
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This monthly IFNA Newsletter is edited by the IFNA Communications Committee