March 2018
Your Opinion Matters: IQ Magazine Survey
Thank you for reading and supporting IQ Magazine, a publication of the Initiative Foundation. To better serve readers and advertisers, we're asking that you take 5-10 minutes to complete a demographic survey.

Participation is optional and you can stop at any time, or you can submit responses only to questions of your preference. For every 100 surveys submitted, we will draw an email address and award $25 to an Initiative Foundation Partner Fund of your choice. Winners will be notified via email once the survey closes on March 30.

This survey is being administered in partnership with students enrolled in an advanced St. Cloud State University business consulting class. Under the careful guidance of their instructor, you can be sure that the feedback you share will be managed with care and respect. Know, too, that your participation will help them hone their skills as they prepare to enter the workforce.

Please complete the survey only once.

From all of us at the Initiative Foundation, we thank you!
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