December 1, 2016                                                                          Issue #141

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Carman O'Leary, Editor
Allen Lund Company
Marcom - Los Angeles Office
(800) 475-LUND (5863)

Infrastructure Improvement
Whether you follow politics or not, we are all affected by whom we do or do not vote into office. The recent presidential election was a close race for many. It seems that the country is divided in half in regards to what each of us finds important for the country and the desired direction of current and upcoming policies. President-elect Donald Trump has emphasized that change is necessary and one emphasized plan is improving the country's infrastructure. Trump has proposed a $1 trillion infrastructure investment to improve roads, bridges, rail corridors, and many other infrastructure avenues.
Currently, there is a minimal amount of information about Trump's infrastructure proposal, but hopefully soon the topic will be addressed. Many articles about Trump's infrastructure development plan are criticizing his plan of attack and are doubtful the plan will work. Critics claim that so far, Trump's plan has too many holes in it and will most likely be stopped with an immense amount of red tape.
Whether you ride your bicycle on a public street, ride public transportation, drive on highways or interstates you are being directly affected by our country's infrastructure. Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers Report Card for America's Infrastructure depicts the condition and performance of American infrastructure in the familiar form of a school report card - assigning letter grades based on the physical condition and needed investments for improvement.  According to their website, America's grade point average is a D+ and it is estimated that a $3.6 trillion investment will be needed by the year 2020. The following grades were given to each of these categories: Roads D, Rail C+, Bridges C+, Drinking Water D, Dams D, and Ports C.
Regardless of thought of how the plan may be implemented, it stands true that the country's infrastructure will benefit from any improvement. Everyone can benefit from a greater and newly built system. Updating constructed bridges, roads, railways, water and sewer systems, etc. could create jobs, increase wages, improve our overall health, reduce the costs of goods and services for consumers, decrease traffic delays in the future, and keep our nation safer.

Jason Poulter
St. Louis, Business Development Specialist
Jason Poulter  is a Business Development Specialist in the St. Louis office. He attended Western Illinois University where he earned a B.A. degree of Science in Construction Management and a Masters Degree in Business emphasizing in Supply Chain Management. Poulter previously worked in Business Development with flatbed and over dimensional freight.  

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