September 2015 - In This Issue:
"Innovation is the art of transforming knowledge into progress and prosperity. We aim to elevate and accelerate that art form-and to make it a science-in service to the world."* L. Rafael Reif, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

What I find exciting about reading MIT Technology Review's annual magazine that features "35 Innovators Under 35"** is that the stories describe real people demonstrating innovation in service to the world. Elizabeth Mormino is studying a protein in the brain that may lead to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Rohan Paul has invented an affordable ultrasonic sensor cane for blind people. Michelle O'Malley is a chemical engineer researching a microbe that could help reduce the cost of biofuels.

The magazine divided these innovators into five categories: inventors, entrepreneurs, visionaries, pioneers, and humanitarians. What I like about this approach is that it helps those of us who are not PhD's, engineers, or scientists to perhaps see ourselves in one of the five categories.

This makes me think about coaching as a technology for innovations in thinking, being, and doing. When I ask a client a thoughtful question, it opens up a discovery that helps her look at a problem or way of thinking in a new way. It may provide her with inspiration or a creative challenge. This impact extends to her family, co-workers and friends contributing to the greater good.

Where do you find inspiration?
What will you discover today?
How are you making an impact?

* Spectrum, MIT, Spring 2015
** MIT Technology Review, September/October 2015

Oliver Sacks
Oliver Sacks writes in his journal outside Amsterdam train station. (Photograph: Lowell Handler)
"Whether it is by learning a new language, traveling to a new place, developing a passion for beekeeping or simply thinking about an old problem in a new way, all of us can find ways to stimulate our brains to grow... Just as physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy body, challenging one's brain, keeping it active, engaged, flexible and playful, is not only fun. It is essential to cognitive fitness." Oliver Sacks ("This Year, Change Your Mind", New York Times, December 31, 2010)

In my latest creative endeavor, I am learning how to write a play. I am excited. Stay tuned.

Photo of Sue Schleifer

Would you like to feel greater satisfaction in your work life but are not sure how to make that happen?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with everything on your plate?

Would you like a partner to help you develop practices to live a healthy, creative, and vibrant life?

How about someone to listen to you deeply, with compassion, and with questions that will break open understanding and perspectives?


Perhaps you want to kick it up a notch in your role as a leader?

Contact me for a complimentary coaching consultation to learn how we might work together for your success and happiness.


The Key to the Castle book cover
Zen and Travel Stories of Trust

A book about inner and outer journeys.  


 Available for purchase from Amazon and Smashwords and other digital download sites in both print and digital formats. 


To read reviews of the book, please visit The Key to the Castle

web page.  

Cultivating a Mindful Life book cover

Cultivating a Mindful Life, a collection of 35 stories, is an e-book

available from Smashwords and Amazon and other sites.
If you prefer a print copy, please contact me directly.

Sue Schleifer 
Oak Communications Coaching and Consulting
acorns with sprouts