International Day Of Peace
Join the World Peace Movement as it becomes
World Peace Weekend
Fri. Sep. 21 - Sun. Sep 23

Join the free broadcast or attend a live event near you

Four or more top secret celebrities whose names we're waiting to release are going to be appearing and you'll get to see appearances with
Neal Donald Walsch, Nassim Haramein, Chief Phil Lane, Wesley Snipes
Drunvalo Melchizidek, James Twyman, Ayla Nereo, Starhawk,
and dozens of other celebrities luminaries, artists and spiritual leaders.

The Broadcast will be airing from starting
Friday, September 21 • 8 am PST to Sunday, September 23 • 9 pm PST

Please also enjoy fantastic news and movies that we love streaming free
from Gaia all weekend!
The Campaign for World Peace

UNIFY is once again inspiring and supporting thousands of organizations and millions of people in a full weekend of Peace events to celebrate International Peace Day, including a World Peace Broadcast, Global Synchronized Moment of Peace, World Peace Parties and Celebrations, and Challenges for Collective Social Action and Impact. This year’s Peace Day Theme is Inner Peace To World Peace, and the ultimate goal of the campaign is to galvanize collective social impact at a global scale. Many new partners are coming on board, a new technology and a plan for impact is being implemented this year.

Together we will Unify over 3,000 communities around the world to engage in inspired celebration, radical acts of compassion and synchronized meditations this year. During the World Peace Broadcast, we will showcase solutionaries and noble organizations that are catalyzing meaningful social impact in their local regions. The collective ripple-effect of our harmonized intentions will be visualized on our interactive peace map and represent a global self-organizing movement of good. We invite you to join us by participating in peace activities in your city, creatively contributing, and amplifying our message through social media. Everyone, everywhere, together.

Tune In to the World Peace Broadcast
made possible by Gaia and Evolve Biologics
Did you know, UNIFY is producing a global broadcast for World Peace Weekend, September 21-23? We are coordinating three days of programming with our global partners and collaborators. This massive undertaking of awesomeness will include: live interviews, meditations, sound healings, transmissions, experiential activities, and videos that will share the sweet vibrations of peace around the world.

Gaia is bringing us:
Peter, Paola, & Lisa (the Awake filmmakers) SUNDAY 11:00a PST
Daniel Schmidt (Inner Worlds & Samadhi filmmaker) SATURDAY 6:00p PST
Dr. Bradley Nelson (featured in E-Motion film, author of The Emotion Code) FRIDAY 7:00p 
There Are Three Ways To Watch

YouTube Live

The Broadcast will be airing from starting
Friday, September 21 • 8 am PST to Sunday, September 23 • 9 pm PST
Unify will be sending a notification directly to your phone once the broadcast goes live. Text now to stay in the loop with all the activities happening on Peace Weekend!

On the official International Day of Peace, Decentralized Dance Party, Daybreaker and EarthDance will be hosting World Peace Parties in thousands of locations globally. 

#WAGEPEACE in your local community by engaging in radical acts of compassion.  

Join millions from around the world in creating the largest global synchronized mediation and prayer for world peace.
World Peace Events Map

UNIFY is now gathering Peace Day Events from around the world! Please look on our World Peace Map to see if there is a Peace Day Event in your region, and join it :)

If there isn't one near you, consider creating one. Here are some ideas of what your simple Peace Day Event could look like:

  • Create a Meditation Flash Mob somewhere in your city
  • Invite 5 people over for dinner and hold an intention for Peace
  • Create a World Peace Dance Party with your friends
  • Organize a spontaneous Peace Day Vigil
  • Think of your favorite magical people and get creative for peace! 
You can participate by creating or joining an existing event, acting for peace with friends, or taking action solo.

  • Meditate in the park
  • Watch the World Peace broadcast with friends
  • Engage in local community service
  • Find an event in your area from the map
  • Get creative, there are no rules!

When you click PARTICIPATE on the map at , you will be able to share images and videos of your acts of peace. Together we will tell a global story of peace on earth. 

Peace Weekend is upon us. How will you show up and add your peaceful presence to the global movement? We need each and every person to make a stand for peace, each in your own way.

“Those who love peace must organize as effectively as those who love war.”

~ Martin Luther King Jr.