Introducing The Abacus!
Check out what has been happening at LSW in the last month.
Welcome to the first issue of The Abacus , the new e-newsletter from Literacy Services. We are finding that there is more timely news to get out to you than our quarterly printed newsletter can cover. We hope you find this new, quick, email newsletter a welcome addition to our communications to you, our volunteers, donors, students, and friends. Do you have some feedback that would help us provide the information you want? Send me an email at . Is there something else you would like to see? Is there other information you wish we would provide to you? Let me know! We love to hear from you!
Thank you for all the ways you help meet the adult literacy needs in our community. Without you, literacy would remain out of reach for so many adults in our community.
Warmest regards,
Ginger Duiven
Executive Director
In the News
Did you catch us on the news? Today's TMJ4 featured ABE student Sonny and his tutor, Kate, in an important awareness-building segment about the struggles and solutions to illiteracy issues in Wisconsin.
Volunteer Opportunity
Pre-Thanksgiving Stuffing!

We're looking for volunteers to help stuff, stamp, and label year-end appeal letters. We abide by the saying "many hands make light work" for this largest mailing of the year to our extended LSW community.

If you can help out for an hour or more on November 15th, 16th, or 17th please click on the button below to send a message to Chad Knezel. Thanks for stuffing!
Mark Your Calendar
1st - Volunteer Orientation
16th - Volunteer Orientation
23rd & 24th - Thanksgiving Break
Agency Closed

7th - Volunteer Orientation
13th - Winter Honors Celebration
Downtown - Noon-1:30pm
19th - Winter GED/HSED Graduation
6:00pm - Free to attend
Milwaukee Area Technical College 
Cooley Auditorium

Winter Break
Dec. 22nd - Jan. 1st - Agency Closed
Dec. 22nd - Jan. 5th - No Classes
Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 8th 
Creating Books of Art
Special thanks to United Way Season of Caring volunteers from Johnson Controls, and to MATC staff who came out on MATC Day to help us turn books into works of art. The books will be showcased at the 2018 Awards & Fundraising Dinner on May 15th. More event details coming soon.

In the meantime, we're looking for more volunteers to craft additional books into lovely hearts. If you would like to learn how to fold pages into works of art, send an email to Dustin Slane at for details about upcoming project dates.
“I will never forget this experience. I hope as soon as possible I will enter university and continue my masters. I just want to say thank you for all your help.”
- Iranian ELL Student Saman addressing the crowd at the 2017 Autumn Honors Celebration