Welcome to our new website!

By now you have probably visited our website and have been enjoying its new look and features. There's more we're excited to share with you, though! Our website includes a searchable online directory of all our adult members that is only viewable if you are logged in. Here's how you do that: 
  1. Click the button at the bottom of this email to open up the password request form, then enter in the email that you have on file with CBE.
  2. Check your email! You should receive an email with a link to generate the password at the bottom. Click the link.
  3. You will see a screen that looks like the image on the right. You can choose to use the password that has been generated for you, or you can create a new password. When you have decided on a password, click the "Reset Password" button.
  4. You will get a message that your password has been reset and a link to log in. Click the link.
  5. You will then be on the login page, where you can log in with your email and your new password.
  6. You will be redirected to the home page. There should be a message saying "Shalom, <your name>"! if you are logged in.

Congratulations! You are now logged in and can view the directory. It looks like the image above. You can click on names or arrows to expand them, and you can use the dropdown list on the left or the letters on the right to filter by category and letter respectively.

To edit your directory entry, first click "View My Directory Entry" and then "Edit MyDirectory Entry". You will be able to add and update your address, phone numbers, emails, websites, even social networks and picture. When you are finished editing your entry, click the "Update" button on the right.

Please let us know if you have any questions! We are happy to help you through this exciting transition.