Fundraiser for the Alliance Fran Ç aise of Greenwich
Friday November 20 | 6-8pm
Putman and Vine
39 East Elm Street
Greenwich, CT 06830
Join Paris Cocktails, the Art of French Drinking author, Doni Belau, for a mini-mixology lesson and presentation of the "cocktail revolution" sweeping Paris. Sipping, sampling and sumptuous hors d'oeuvres will be followed by author book signing. All guests will receive a complimentary autographed copy of "Paris Cocktails".
$250                                          Purchase ticket
Mistinguette - drink names for famous French actress, singer and dancer at the turn of the century. Her titillating act at the Moulin Rouge made her one of the highest paid entertainers in the world. Created by Romain at la Conseverie, Paris includes 2 autographed copies of "Paris Cocktails".
$150                                             Purchase ticket 
French 75 Squared- the classic cocktail created in 1915 a the New York Bar, the oldest bar in Paris.
$100                                               Purchase ticket
The Lafayette- Named after the Marquis de Lafayette - a hero to both French and Americans.
$50                                                  Purchase ticket 
Ritz Sidecar - made famous at the Hemingwary Bar at the Ritz in Paris. (limited availability)
If you can not attend but would like to contribute.

Or Call 203-629-1340