from ND COMPASS         
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Is North Dakota Getting Any Younger?
North Dakota's population has transformed over the last 10 years, overturning historical trends of outmigration and fewer births. North Dakota's population clearly increased from the point of becoming a state until World War II, reaching a peak of 680,845 residents in 1930. From 1940 through the mid-2000s, North Dakota's total population, while fluctuating from year to year, remained relatively unchanged with 641,935 residents in 1940 and 644,705 in 2004. 
Starting in the mid-2000s the impact from the Bakken oil boom significantly changed and continues to change the demographic landscape of North Dakota. Since then, many areas throughout the state experienced an unprecedented population growth. Increased energy development activities and other economic opportunities throughout the state have resulted in an influx of new residents between the ages of 24 and 64 (those who are the prime labor force) resulting in a rejuvenation of the state's population.
This influx of younger adults coupled with an increase in the number of births, creates a younger state overall. North Dakota currently is the 4th youngest state in the nation ( median age was 34.9 years old in 2014). In addition, this population growth created an opportunity for North Dakota to lead the nation with the highest  percent change in population (2.2% growth) from 2013 to 2014.
Despite North Dakota's new status as a younger and growing state, there are many areas still facing similar challenges of the past, such as a declining and aging population. In fact, although the state is growing in population and getting younger overall, the state will likely experience an expansion in the older adult population as a whole , as residents from the baby boom generation are moving into the older adult age groups .
This major shift in the older adult population will translate into a heightened demand for health care access, long-term care, family caregiving services, general services, housing, and programing for this population segment. These challenges are coupled with opportunities since this emerging older adult population is more likely to have higher levels of education and skills, relatively higher incomes, and more involvement in volunteer activities than the generations before them. 
Communities can take advantage of the opportunities that the older adult   population  brings and encourage active community participation and healthy and sustainable lifestyles for older residents.
To get a better understanding of the older adult population, this month's Ask a Researcher column highlights facts, figures, and projections associated with the sizeable increase in the population ages 65 and older in North Dakota.
Balancing challenges and opportunities, the AARP organization addresses issues affecting older Americans through a multitude of initiatives. Janis Cheney's For Discussion article is highlighting AARPs efforts to assist the older population in North Dakota.
For Discussion
AARP - Discover Your Possibilities
Janis Cheney, State Director of AARP North Dakota, shares AARP's vision, explains the role that AARP plays throughout the state, and offers opportunities to get involved.

Ask a Researcher

Growing Older in North Dakota 

In this month's Ask a Researcher column North Dakota Compass project director, Kendra Erickson-Dockter, uses the ND Compass charts and graphs to provide some insight about the impact of North Dakota's growing 65 and older population.


Read more. 

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Join a Team of Experts!
The Center for Social Research at NDSU is currently seeking a full-time Director.
The Director will serve as the Center's principal leader and representative, and play a key role in defining the CSR's mission, strategy, and vision for growth. The Director will lead the Center to become a recognized academic and service center for social science and evaluation research in the Northern Great Plains region and the state of North Dakota.
See the full announcement here!