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September 25, 2015
Did You Know
Stark ESC Adds Two Districts
The Stark County Educational Service Center is excited to welcome two new school districts - Green Local of Summit County and  Strasburg-Franklin Local of Tuscarawas County. 

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Canton Early College High School Seniors Reflect on their Experience

Since 2009, 222 of the 359 graduates of Canton Early College High School (CECHS) have earned an associate degree. This 62% success rate is more than twice the national average. That's the data, but what is the motivation?

In a recent survey, ECHS seniors from the class of 2015 were asked two questions. Here is what the students said:

What was your goal when you applied to Early College in the 8th grade?
  • I wanted to go further rather than "go with the flow."
  • I wanted a head start and to save money.
  • I wanted to be challenged.
What is the most powerful thing that happens at Early College, the secret sauce, that supports success?
  • You can't do it alone - all the students are friends who help each other with everything.
  • Teachers and tutors who are willing to help with personal and academic issues and learning to ask for help. They made us feel that we want to do better, and that we CAN do better.
  • "They were there" every time I needed a push, checking up and/or checking in.
  • You will succeed if you take advantage of the opportunity. You have to be willing. 
About the Partnership Long Header
The Stark Education Partnership, Inc., is a 501(c)-3 non-profit education reform support organization in Stark County, Ohio crossing the lines of 17 public school districts. The Partnership collaborates with educators, business, community and civic leaders to create and respond to opportunities that will add substantial and measurable value to education. 

Questions or comments? Email [email protected] or call 330-452-0829. Visit our website at http://www.edpartner.org