July 1, 2014


Hey Family:


I left Philadelphia after only 3 weeks so now I am in Austin, TX for the next  6 months. Happy 4th of July, Independence Day and I suggest instead of just looking at fireworks this weekend everyone sit back and figure out what you need to do to save your family. 


I am not a historian but the below article will give you a little history on how things got so bad for so many people.  It will alert you to why we need to come up with a new way of thinking about our lives. 


What you need to remember foremost is that there are many opportunities in a fallen economy, so you need to come up with ways that will help you change your life and save the people that you truly care about.


Love ya, 



Austin, TX


Cathy Harris Speaks

 It's A New World:

Will You Be Able to 

Save Your Family?


By Syndicated Columnist Cathy Harris


July 1, 2014


Over the last few years there have been a complete paradigm shift in this country and there have been many reasons for this.  The question is how do we embrace this New World and survive and how do we save the people that we care deeply about?



When I grew up living on a farm and eating from the land and taking castor oil and black draught laxative, along with my 8 siblings, which were old folks remedies, the first time I ever went to a doctor was at the age of 19 for a physical to join the military.


Your goal should always be to eat foods for your blood type.  Foods affects every area of your life, especially your mood, behavior, happiness and entire quality of life.  The government and pharmaceutical industry had to start making sure that people got sick from a very early age especially children who have undeveloped and weak immune systems. 


They initially did this by miseducating families on the 4 basic food groups.  Now many people are finding out especially once you get entrenched in holistic and natural communities that you should not mix bread and meat and other foods together so the 4 basic food groups were put into place to keep people sick. 


Face it the pharmaceutical industry is big business and as long as people are sick and going to doctors or buying over-the-counter medications, then the pharmaceutical industry makes a profit.  Pharmaceutical companies profit greatly from treatments not cures and natural, low-cost treatments work but they also threaten profits. 


When you really stop and think about it, vested interest groups, special interest groups, and corporations control every major industry!  They have the deep pockets to affect all areas of government.  Corruption is wide spread and it's all about keeping a billion-dollar industry in place.


Some of the events that have brought on this New World include: 




The number one way to depopulate the world is to force GMOs, also called Genetically Modified Organisms, Genetically Modified Foods, Genetically Engineered Foods, and Genetically Altered Foods on the entire world - and now today over 90% of foods (all processed foods or foods that have been altered) in U.S. grocery stores are now GMOs. 


GMOs have been in this country for 20 years, however, over the last 3 to 4 years, it has taken a front seat especially in most holistic or natural communities and the number one battle today is to label foods as GMOs.  Only one state, Vermont, has approved this so far.


For those of you who think the government is here to save us -- you are wrong!  Three governmental agencies, Food and Drug Administration (FDA.gov), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA.gov) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA.gov) have all given permission for GMOs to be grown and sold on the U.S. economy and to be imported into this country.


If you thought the government and Congress are here to protect the people from dangerous foods, think again.  It's time to wake up from your mass media induced coma and face the fact that if you want to protect yourself and your children and their children from the deadly effects of Genetically Modified foods, you're going to have to do it yourself because the government and regulators have been either paid off or silenced -- so that biotechnology companies can earn huge profits.


We are at the mercy of biotechnology companies that stand to make billions of dollars from selling GM foods, and could lose billions if they are ever found to be dangerous. This is a very big conflict of interest!  The biotech companies are essentially self-regulating -- just like the banking industry has been.  That should be cause for great alarm!


If you sleep on this one, by the time the truth becomes known, it will be too late because the effects of these Genetically Modified foods will already be in the genes of your children and grandchildren.  Just because people aren't dropping dead in large numbers yet - doesn't mean that it won't happen in the near future.


The worst thing about these Genetically Modified crops and genes is that once they get into the wild, they will eventually contaminate all of the Non-genetically Modified crops -- so that at some point in the future, there will be no Non-genetically Modified crops in the world!


Once the Genetically Modified genes have contaminated all of the Non-genetically Modified plants, there is presently no way to remove these synthetic genes from the plants.  We'll all be stuck with these toxic plants that produce toxic foods.


GM foods are causing multiple illnesses such as antibiotic resistant diseases; food allergies; toxins; digestive issues; nutritional issues; organ damage; reproductive disorders; miscarriages, infertility or lower sperm counts; immune problems; diabetes; high blood pressure; cancer; obesity; blindness; accelerated aging and especially brain issues such as autism and other birth effects such as kids born with smaller brains and low birth weight; brain cancer, mental illness, bipolar disorder, brain fog, MS, Parkinson's and Alzheimers.




After losing his run for the President, Al Gore started to educate the country on Global Warming but even though many people laughed at him, today with all these erratic storms and what happened in Atlanta a while back and other places, many are now convinced we are seeing the results of what he was trying to teach us. 




When the Green Movement came on the scene, everyone supported it thinking it would help clean up the environment but instead it totally poisoned the environment.  Not only are the new green tote bags that are sold in all establishments toxic but the biggest contributor that poisoned the environment was the green twisty light bulbs. 


The light bulbs were supposedly created to help people save money because they would last longer but then we found out that not only did people die in China from making the bulbs because of heavy metal poisoning, but many people who put these bulbs throughout their homes today are coming down with heavy metal poisoning.


And don't break the bulbs in your homes, because if you do, you will have a toxic dump site right in your home.  First there were recyclable bins to discard the new green bulbs but because of the downfall of the economy, people just stop caring and now the bulbs are thrown in with regular garbage.


In 2012, it was suppose to be mandatory for every home to use the new green bulbs and the old bulbs would stop being made but many states fought this.  Now they are saying it will become mandatory in 2014 but many states and legislators are still fighting this.  So if you switched to the new green bulbs - switch back ASAP.




Today we are learning from many whistleblowers about the use of chemtrails and how it is contributing to poisoning the environment.  The heavy metals from the Air Force planes that criss-cross in the sky and leave streaks of white foam not only gets into the water and food supply system but it's in the air we breathe. 


So everytime you walk out your door, you are exposed to heavy metals which makes it imperative to clean up the air quality in your home by using natural products only because the air quality in most homes today are 2 to 3 times more toxic than the outside of most people's homes.




What brought about a big change in this New World was the housing market crash of 2007, where you had everyone living in parks and on the other side of the street you had empty homes owned by banks.  After the crash even those with good credit were denied loans by banks and none of these banks were punished for setting people up to become homeless.


The housing market crash of 2007 was the worst housing crash in U.S. history.  It was the cause of the financial crisis and this nearly caused the U.S. to experience another depression like the Great Depression.


According to latest statistics, 50% of people still can't afford their homes and many people who were underwater during the crash simply walked away from their homes.  Homeless people do not just live on the streets anymore! They are living in hotels and with relatives and friends.




Downsizing has changed the entire structure of the workplace and unless many employees that were downsized learned new skills, many today are still unemployable. 


You have companies like General Motors that have outsourced 70% of their company in order to use cheap labor but the ending results have been faulty equipment where many people have died in their vehicles.  Now they put a women at the head of the company to try to fix the problem - so chances are she has been set up to fail.




The quality of schools deteriorated when Corporate America started downsizing and outsourcing jobs.  Most employees who were downsized with degrees ended up teaching school even though many of these people did not care about children. 


They were simply there for a paycheck and because of their unions, it was hard to fire teachers.  Many feel the reason some teachers do not care about the public school system is because their kids at�tend other institutions.  Many public school teachers' children attend private schools.


Black kids continued to receive harsher punishment in schools and TV and other media entities continued to portray these students as criminals which gave them no hope of change.  Because of GMOs many students lost the ability to learn, think or act so today we are left with over 60% of students that will drop out of school - 70% in some areas. 


Over 60% of students who graduate from school - read at a 6th grade level (most read at levels 4 or 5 grades behind).  If you can't read then you can't fill out a job or college application or start a business.  Many of these kids can't write either especially since they took cursive out of schools.




The U.S. population is less than 5% of the world.  The U.S. has two million people behind bars today -- more than any other country on earth. One fourth is locked up for drug offenses -- nearly half are African-Americans. 


Black females are the fastest rising population being incarcerated in the American penal system.  Nearly half of all women behind bars are there for drug-related offenses.  And studies show that, unlike men, women are more likely to stay behind bars longer for these offenses.  One in four women is now imprisoned for violent crimes, and half of them are African Americans.


The people being jailed are not part of the political system.  They don't vote and are not knowledgeable about issues in the community.  Judges, police officers, probation officers, lawyers, solicitors, zero tolerance, parental neglect, mandatory minimum, breakdown of the family, and poor education are causing kids to be jailed.


If kids are not reading by 1st grade or know their timetables by 3rd grade they are already behind and many will never catch up.  If kids fail the 3rd grade especially black boys - many cities use these statistics to build prisons -- so schools are serving as feeders into the prison sys�tem.


On average, states are spending more on prisons than on higher education.  It is sad that states are finding it easier to contribute to incarcerating our boys and girls.  As long as funds are going into prisons instead of the edu�cational system, schools will continue

to serve as feeder systems into prisons.  That means students will continue to be expelled and kicked out of school and end up in prison.




Because of the quality of education today or lack there of, many parents are choosing homeschooling over sending their kids to public schools.  In an effort to keep children from receiving mandatory vaccinations required for public school children, which many feel will cause autism rates to rise, many parents have chosen homeschooling. 


However, because of the latest outbreaks of measles (at least that is what the media is telling us) the government is preparing to make it mandatory for all children to take vaccinations.  Remember that vaccinations are medications and who profits from these vaccinations - the pharmaceutical industry.




Oprah Winfrey had a popular show on TV for 25 years and because she chose to live with her mate, instead of marry him, many people followed in her footsteps.  Many couples moved in and lived together instead of going to the altar and saying "I do."


Over 70% of black women are single mothers today and many are choosing it this way.  Many single mothers today are electing to go to sperm banks to conceive rather than doing it the old fashioned way.


I remember a few years ago as an advocate and activist on the streets of Atlanta when many 15 year old girls were having babies.  Now we see the results of those births.  Since many children are only 15 years younger than their parents, they are not being reared in the correct manner by their parents.  And unlike earlier years, even grandparents are not involved in their grandkids lives. 




When we grew up most of us never moved so we knew everyone from the first grade to the 12th grade.  However, today because of the 2007 housing crash everyone were forced to relocate or move to other areas, and because of the lack of rearing and manners in kids today, many children are being bullied in schools.   




Within the next few months and years, gay marriage will be allowed in each state so this too has contributed to this new changing world by changing the entire makeup of families.  Many states are even electing to open up schools just for gay kids because of all the bullying they are experiencing.




Because of technology, cyber bullying has become the new norm on many social networking sites. The 10 greatest tech inventions included the cellular phone, microwave oven, GPS, personal computer, digital music, computer mouse, internet, remote control, digital camera, and video conferencing. 


I never thought I would be able to pay my bills by talking into a machine on the phone but today time and time again, people are being replaced with machines.  Even factories are replacing people with robots so what does this really mean for those workers that think factory jobs will eventually return to this country? 


It means that people will have to embrace new ways and look for jobs that are embracing this New World.  It means that we need to try harder to help our kids become business owners.


Desktop computers, laptops, Ipads, cell phones and other hand-held gadgets can get you on the internet and many people are building careers around these inventions, however, with new inventions and technology, you have to be careful because listening to this new technology especially using cell phones with headsets today will also cause you to lose your hearing at an early age (in your forties).


Years ago many people were told to get a hearing test at age 65, however, today it's much earlier.  So whenever technology comes on the scene, you need to look at the pros and cons of using it.  Microwave ovens are now said to cause cancer and many people have elected not to own one.


There have been many more deaths and accidents from people talking and texting on mobile phones in cars or even while walking on streets.  Time and time again we hear stories about women being abducted because they were distracted by talking or texting on cell phones.




With everyone's brains turned off from eating GMOs and because of technology, bad customer service has taken a front seat in society today.  As a matter of fact, most people are shocked when they do experience good customer service. 


Everyone seems to be tuned out to people and tuned into machines, computers or some type of hand-held gadget.  It appears that people with bad manners have taken over the entire world and rudeness is no longer an exception but a lifestyle.


People are disrespectful of others in public areas and in business.  Most businesses go out of business within 2 to 5 years and many times it's because of their customer service.  Amazon.com seems to be the only company out there that still believes in good customer service and this is why the company is worth billions.




First came the legalization of medical marihuana in many states.  New York just became the 23rd state to legalize medical marihuana.  Many people have moved to Colorado because they have legalized marihuana in that state.  Eventually it will be legal to buy and smoke marihuana in every state.


I agree that people who are sick and especially those with some type of terminal illness should be allowed medical marihuana but I don't agree with legalizing marihuana period.  Just like alcohol, marihuana will alter your ability to think especially while driving a vehicle and it will also increase the obesity problem in this country.



  1. Unemployment/Jobs is the number one concern for U.S. voters.
  2. 20% of American families do not have one single family member employed at this time.
  3. One out of every six men in their prime (25 to 54) do not have a job.
  4. More than 20% of children are living in poverty.
  5. Over a million public school children are homeless.
  6. 53% of wage earners makes less than $30,000 a year.
  7. Half of all college graduates are still relying on their parents for financial support even after being out of school for 2 years.



  1. Join the National Non-GMO Health Movement: Everyone should join the National Non-GMO Health Movement and urge all their legislators to introduce bills to label foods as GMOs.  You can learn more at www.ResponsibleTechnology.org; www.Occupy-Monsanto; and www.MillionsAgainstMonsanto.org.
  2. Grow Organic Gardens/Form Organic Food Co-ops: Every city has holistic and natural healers who are actually healing people.  They can tell you where the organic farmers are located who can teach you which foods to grow and when to grow it.  You should seek out these communities to help you turn your brains back on while you eliminate all processed foods and switch to organic foods only.  Ideally you should eat foods that are "100% Certified Organic" but the only way to guarantee this is to grow foods in your own gardens or join organic food co-ops.
  3. Join the Fight to Extend Unemployment Benefits:Many people have given up looking for work because there are many applicants for every available job. Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, who is also a former civil rights lawyer, stated that "No one is living the good life on unemployment.  It is a lifesaver, not a lifestyle" -- so why aren't these benefits being extended all over the country?  Everyone should urge their legislators in every state to extend these benefits.
  4. Join the Fight to Raise the Minimum Wage: Everyone should join the fight to raise the minimum wage.  Even though women are still underpaid in this country compared to men, female legislators are not taking the lead to raise the minimum wage.  It will probably be a male raised by a single mother who will probably help raise the minimum wage in this country.
  5. Support the Homeless: Housing is a human right so join the fight to support the homeless. 
  6. Support Veterans: Many veterans who have been denied benefits in the past by the Veterans Administration (VA.gov) are homeless so everyone should get behind our veterans and honor them instead of putting them on a death panel list.  
  7. Support Whistleblowers:We need a nation of whistleblowers and everyone should support whistleblowers.  What you need to understand is that it was whistleblowers that exposed the VA.  You have whistleblowers in every major industry at this time but many don't receive the support that they should.  Learn more about whistleblowing by subscribing to the following websites -- Government Accountability Project (GAP) (www.whistleblower.org), National Whistleblowers Center (www.whistleblowers.org), Project on Government Oversight (www.POGO.org) and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (www.Peer.org).  
  8. Support Youth Entrepreneurs: We need to teach our kids to start businesses so they can grow up into a responsible adult and humanitarian; help their family out financially; help improve the conditions in the community; pay for their entire college education; and currently they don't have any other choice.  Unlike adults, children have not been scarred or damaged and many can form thriving futures by learning about business early on.


Cathy Harris is an Empowerment and Motivational Speaker, Non-GMO Health and Wellness Expert, Business Coach, Self-Publishing Expert and author of over 20 non-fiction books including 4 health books.  She is available for lectures, seminars and workshops and can be contacted through her empowerment company, Angels Press, P.O. Box 5288, Atlanta, GA 31107, Phone: (770) 873-2072, Website: http://www.angelspress.com, Email: [email protected].


Copyright 2014 Cathy Harris. All Rights Reserved



PDF Article

(click here)


Will All the Brave People...

Please Stand Up!!!


 What We Need Is a 

Brave Movement!!!

Our ancestors were brave when they learned to read. They were brave when they started businesses and they were brave when they grew their own foods to feed their families. 




Are You Setting Your Kids 

Up for Failure?


By Cathy Harris, Syndicated Columnist


July 1, 2014


Will you continue to allow your kids to go to jail or will you look for other options for them?  Will they go to jail or start a business?  Because of the complete paradigm shift in most communities, it's time to redefine the game of business ownership.  It is time for us to think of children in new ways.  


We can no longer operate like we did in the past.  Young people need to understand that their parents are under attack by a society that is seeking to "break their spirits" and turn back the hands of time.  Therefore, they must seek to become self-sufficient by becoming a business owner.


Some of the reasons kids/young adults should open their own businesses include they should want to grow up into a responsible adult; they should want to grow up into a great humanitarian; They should want to help their family out financially; They should want to pay for their entire college education; They should want to improve the conditions in the community; and they have no other choice because of the economy.


Some of the reasons adults will support youth business owners include to give young people hope; To stop young people from going to jail; To stop crime in the community; and they don't have any other choice because of the economy.


Our youth will succeed at business ownership because they have the energy and vitality to make this work; They don't have the baggage that adults have; and adults will support young people.


To make this work the community needs mothers, fathers, caretakers and other relatives to find a business group that caters to youth entrepreneurs.  They also need educators, legislators, businesses and other community leaders to get involved.


Everyone has some type of talent or passion which is of value to others.  My business book "How To Take Control of Your Own Life: A Self-Help Guide to Starting a Business" (Series 2) (which is available as e-book and paperback and coming soon as audiobook) is an easy-to-read self-help guide for ages 12 and above which will lead any youth, young adult or adult -- through the entire process of starting and growing their own business by using their own talents and passions.


Our youth have talents and passions that make them unique.  When parents reject established norms and embrace their sons and daughters unique talents and teach them practical business skills -- that will be the time for them to realize the key to their child's financial success.


Parents encourage their children to take piano lessons, dance lessons, play basketball, football or other sports -- when they are young to gain skills that they will enjoy and carry into adulthood. 


Why not give them the same opportunity to acquire financial skills that will pave the way to an affluent and secure future?  We need to get to kids at a young age -- when it is easiest for children to take in new concepts and information -- before life patterns are established.


As a youth business owner, the number one goal of parents should be to allow them opportunities so they can excel in bright futures.  After all don't they want their kids to do better than them? 


Cathy Harris is an Empowerment and Motivational Speaker and is known as the Ethical Black Business Coach (http://theethicalblackbusinesscoach.blogspot.com).  She is also the author of 20 non-fiction books (19 e-books, 10 paperback books and 3 audiobooks) and is available for business lectures, seminars and workshops and can be contacted through her company, Angels Press, P.O. Box 5288, Atlanta, GA 31107, Phone: (770) 873-2072, Website:  http://www.AngelsPress.com, Email:  [email protected].  To ask Cathy a question email [email protected].


Copyright 2014 Cathy Harris. All Rights Reserved


Top 12 Questions to Ask Before Joining Chambers of Commerce or Any Other Business Groups


 by Cathy Harris, The Ethical Black Business Coach


July 1, 2014


Could Black Chambers of Commerce, Black Business Leagues and Black Business Networks save the Black Community?


With small businesses being the backbone of the community, one would think that these business entities would be in a position to save the black community. But if you are a black business owner, then you should be well aware of how it really works and of all the struggles of black businesses.


Unlike other nationalities and communities - in the black community misinformation, urban legends, and old wives tales will always be the primary reason for relevant business information not being disseminated properly.


Many people don't know what to look for when they are seeking to join a local or national business group. Therefore, they end up joining the wrong group and get off track by losing their focus.


The following top 12 business questions are what you should ask yourself before joining any local or national business groups:


1. Is the Leader (CEO/President) of the Business Group Ethical?


The primary objective of any business network is to assist the network to achieve their goals - not just his or her goals. Everyone needs to understand that all leaders were followers at one time. But being a business owner especially the head of a business network means you must become a leader. Not just a leader but an effective leader with your number one trait being honesty. It's up to the head of any business group to set the tone for their group because again, "It's their business!"


2. Is the Membership Fees or Activity Fees Too Expensive?


This is where you have to be really careful and investigate potential business groups. Some of these groups might run their business simply to collect extremely high membership, monthly or yearly fees. You can check to see how much other groups are charging for their fees and compare prices. Do the fees fall in the same range as other business groups or do the fees seem extremely high for what they have to offer?


3. Do the Business Group Provide Feedback and Follow-up?


When you inquire about membership or other services or products of a business group, are they timely when getting back to you or do they even bother to return your phone calls and emails? Sometimes the President of a business group might be great but the people around him or her might not have the right attitude to bring in new members or help grow the group. But again it's up to the leader of any business group to set the tone, therefore, he or she should be aware of what type of people they have surrounded themselves with. Not providing feedback and follow-ups will be one of the main reasons that will force business owners to leave business groups and join others.


4. Do the Business Group have a Website With all Their Services and Products Listed?


Having a website will make it easier for anyone to view what services and products a business group has to offer. It will bring legitimacy to whatever mission the group is trying to achieve. It will also help you see how the group presents itself to the public and other potential members and partners. Is the website professional? Does the website have a signup mailing list or do you have to join first? Is the website updated often? Does the website list any potential partners? All relevant information should be posted on the website especially any other groups they are partnering with.


5. Who are the Business Group Partnering With?


In order to be a successful business owner, a solo business owner can only get so far unless they form strategic alliances and partnerships with other businesses. But before joining any business group try to make sure you check out other potential partners of that group. What type of reputation do these potential partners have? If the business groups you are looking at joining are partnering with groups that have hurt the black community, then of course you do not want to be a part of their group. So investigate by speaking to the President and other members and attend several meetings and networking events before you decide to join.


6. Are the Business Group' Leaders Forming Alliances with Black Pro-Business Legislators and Other Community Leaders?


Pro-business, visionary black legislators can play a major role in the success of black businesses. These legislators are in a position to disperse funds and business information to both black youths and adults and therefore we must hold them accountable especially when it comes to black youths. Business leaders and groups must have respect for all segments of the community: grassroots, youth, elderly, other business proprietors, professionals, laborers, clergy, etc. This will not only allow the network to grow but it facilitates bonding and promotes self-esteem.


7. Are there Monthly Business Meetings, Yearly Events and Other Networking Activities?


Business networking is a marketing method by which business opportunities are created through networks of like-minded business people. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationship and generate business opportunities at the same time. Many groups are inactive when it comes to networking events. Some simply want others to join and pay their membership fees without giving them anything in return. Never, ever join a group that is inactive unless you think your participation can help the group expand their services and products. If the group does not have monthly meetings, yearly events or other networking activities where members can highlight their services and products and build relationships, then maybe you need to find another group. You can usually tell if a group is inactive when they don't update their website. All monthly and yearly activities should be listed on their websites.


8. Is the Business Group a Non-Profit?


Many of these groups especially Chambers of Commerce might be non-profits. Working with a Chamber of Commerce that is a non-profit will not hurt your business but be careful starting your own non-profit. Most black business owners who have non-profits end up sitting around begging the government for money. A Chamber of Commerce is a form of business network that works with everyone from every walk of life such as small business owners, college students, educators, bankers, retirees, health professionals - all committed to ensuring the strength of our economy. Business owners in towns and cities form these local societies to advocate on behalf of the business community. Local businesses are members, and they elect a board of directors or executive council to set policy for the chamber. The board or council then hires a President, CEO or Executive Director to run the organization. Generally, Chambers of Commerce serves the following purposes: 1) Creating a strong local economy, 2) Promoting the community, 3) Providing networking opportunities, and 4) Speaking with government on behalf of business. Chambers may also serve other purposes, such as arbitrating disputes between businesses or serving as a "Better Business Bureau."


9. Is the Business Group Polluted with Multi-Level Marketers?


Remember that every group that you run into in the community, you are not going to want to be a part of especially if they are polluted with Multi-Level Marketers (MLMs) (Noni-Juice, Melaleuca, Pre-Paid Legal, Primerica, YTB Travel, ACN, Ignite Energy, Ameriplan, Quixtar, Body Magic Shapers, Warm Spirits, etc.). That's why it's extremely important to visit groups several times before paying any type of membership fees or forming alliances or partnerships with these businesses. You want to stay away from these types of groups because if the groups are polluted with MLM's usually the President or leaders of the group will also be involved in some type of pyramid scheme which will make it extremely hard for you to succeed with your business, because of their unethical business practices. Remember never ever get involved with any business simply because someone else is involved in the business. If it's not your passion chances are you will become bored and not succeed in your business.


10. Are Businesses Given the Right Tools to Move Their Businesses to the Next Level?


The purpose of any business is to grow into a local business, to a local company, to a National Corporation and into an International Corporation. The top 3 reasons a business fails are: 1) Lack of Research, 2) Poor Management, and 3) Lack of Funding). Every business could use some extra money to grow their business. Are the group leaders making sure that members' business plans are being viewed by potential investors and others who can help their businesses move to the next level? Are they bringing in speakers and others who can help the group's membership grow and assist businesses with highlighting their services and products while they form strategic alliances and partnerships with other businesses?


11. Is it Hard to Join Committees in the Business Group and Actively Take a Part in the Group?


The problem with most business groups is the heads of these groups caters to their own long-time networks including their own family and friends and supporters whom they have built relationships with over the years even though they might not offer anything of value to the group. Others who join these groups or committees will have an extremely hard time to move up in the group and get the visibility that they need to build and grow their businesses. Being a leader of any business with membership means developing the skills of the members of the group by encouraging full participation while opportunities are created for its groups' members. Are there different committees and do they cover a broad range of topics that you would like to see addressed? Do current committee leaders give you the respect you deserve? Is your input taken seriously?


12. Do the Group Have a Youth Division?


Any black business group, whether they are a Chamber of Commerce, Business League or Business Network, should have a "Youth division" where young people can be matched up with other business mentors in the group. They should also have a program where speakers and other business mentors go into the school system on a regular basic. These mentors should be guiding black youths to business resources in the community while they teach them about financial literacy, mentoring and tutoring programs. If black business groups don't have a youth division, then volunteer to form this committee. This should be one of the most important committees in any black business group.


Cathy Harris is an Empowerment and Motivational Speaker and is known as the Ethical Black Business Coach, http://theethicalblackbusinesscoach.blogspot.com).  She is also the author of  20 non-fiction books (19 e-books, 10 paperback books and 3 audiobooks) and is available for lectures, seminars and workshops and can be contacted through her company, Angels Press, P.O. Box 5288, Atlanta, GA 31107, Phone: (770) 873-2072, Website: http://www.AngelsPress.com, Email: [email protected]


Copyright 2014 Cathy Harris. All Rights Reserved



National Community Action Empowerment Think Tanks & Mobile Training Centers with Cathy Harris


Documentaries for the Entire Family
Get ready for an explosion of sick kids. Round-up Ready Weed Killer which was made by Monsanto is being sprayed on all playgrounds, in parks, and on soccer, football and baseball fields.  

If a child lay in the grass or breathe in the poisons, it will automatically get into their blood system and become a breeding ground for illnesses and diseases.  Children have weak and undeveloped immune systems so they are more susceptible to illnesses.

Must-Watch Food Documentaries

It's Time To Join the FOOD FIGHT!!!
Cathy Harris Launches 90 Day Health Initiative and Challenge...
Join the Health Revolution Today!!!

 Cathy Harris 2014 E-newsletters


Happy Father's Day



Cathy Harris Launches National Community Action Empowerment 

Think Tanks & Mobile Training Centers



Special Mother's Day Edition from CathyHarrisSpeaks.com



Are You Ready for a Health Revolution?

Cathy Harris Launches 90 Day Health Initiative and Challenge for the Entire Black Family



Should You Start a Non-profit Business?



If I Only Had a Brain - Why We Live in a Brain-Dead (Zombie-Like) Society



Part 1 - Why Network Marketing is Killing the Black Community



Part 2 - Why Network Marketing is Killing the Black Community



AngelsPress.com Presents Women's History Month



Hair vs. Food - Join the Natural Hair Movement Today!



Black History Month



Cathy Harris Launches Cathy Harris TV



How To Reinvent Yourself in 2014



Top New Year's Resolutions



Should Women Stop Joining the Military?



Cathy Harris List of 

Empowerment Books

Books can be read by 12 year olds 

and above...





Available at  


Cathy Harris Audiobooks

Also available as E-book & Paperback 

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

The Empowerment Train 
has arrived in Austin, TX 
and is now setting up events...



Support the 

2014 Cathy Harris Empowerment Tour 

now setting up National Community Action Empowerment Think Tanks and 

Mobile Training Centers 

(click here) 


Coming to the West Coast, California, in December 2014 


Cathy Harris is known as The Empowerment Guru

  and is the author of 20 non-fiction books which covers topics on family and community empowerment, health, youth and adult entrepreneurship, writing/publishing, workplace discrimination (sexism, sexual harassment, sex and race discrimination), whistleblowing, law enforcement, government, domestic and international traveling, politics, media, beauty, car buying and selling for women, aging/retirement - just to name a few.  Her books and articles are full of content-rich material to help anyone get back into the driver's seat and are available at



Cathy Harris can be reached through her company, Angels Press, P.O. Box 5288, Atlanta, GA 31107, Phone: (770) 873-2072, Website: http://www.angelspress.com, Email: [email protected]. To view events planned for the tour and to follow Cathy on tour go to http://www.cathyharrisspeaks.com. To work with Cathy or add your city to the tour or schedule an event call (770) 873-2072 or email [email protected].
Do You Have Any Type of Question?  
or call: (770) 873-2072