28th April 2014

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News and Comment from Roy Lilley

Tweeters will know the punch up I've had over my car; persistent fault, snooty dealer and customer service people sending me on a Kafka loop designed to torture me into submission.


You may also remember my row with a regional airport; arrived first thing in the morning, hundreds of passengers, only one, out of about eight, X-ray thingamabobs open. The queue of elderly people, families with kids and the rest stretched back to passport control.


I solved my car problem by taking to Twitter; naming the car maker (I won't do it again, Jaguar get very upset), posting pictures of my broken down jalopy shaming them.  Within 24hrs the head of Social Media, was asking 'If he could help?'  Code for please stop.  I did and they fixed the car.


At the airport I Tweeted a picture of the queue and added #leedsairport and within 20 mins more staff had whizzed us all through.


This is not heroic or smart, frankly it's smug but I could have had months of correspondence with the car people, ending up with a lawyer's bill.  I could have sweated it out in the airport queue and written a snotty letter to the head-honcho and been ignored.


The power of social media is... well... very powerful.  If a company has a complaints department, avoid them it means they have so many complaints they need a department to cope.  If you ring and they so; 'Oh, really, you want to complain?  Just a minute, I'm not sure what to do... can I put you through to the boss?' ...you know this is a company that doesn't get many complaints!


You can complain by email; go to this website for the email address of pretty well every big company boss.  But, companies are cute and your email will probably be diverted to the customer services wasteland.


Social media works... as doctors are finding out. An article in Management in Practice tells us patient complaints about doctors, on social media, have driven 400% more calls for help from the Doc's defence union.


Figures released by the MDU reveal patients are increasingly turning to websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and NHS Choices to criticise doctors.


For ages, the NHS has been fiddling about with social media not knowing what to do.  The public do! 


What gets lavatories cleaned in a waiting room in a hospital?  A letter to the Chief Executive or a picture of the bog on Twitter with a #hashtag naming the hospital?  What will improve the food?  A letter to the Chief Executive or twenty or so pictures of plates of goo with the Trusts @twitter address (theyall have them) included? 


A picture of a hospital acquired bed sore on Twitter with a caption, 'Given away free at the #St Anywhere NHS Trust' should do the trick.  A meal left out of reach, a bell pull draped beyond pulling - post a picture and #name the @Trust.  Oh, and smart phones do videos and record sound, don't they?


Waiting in the GP surgery twenty minutes overdue for your appointment and no explanation - a picture and a caption into the Twitter-sphere. 


Comm's people who don't manage and monitor electronic media have a shock coming.  Indeed, if they were smart they would post a #hashtag around the hospital inviting comments.  My bet is you'd get some really nice compliments as well.  How about encouraging a few 'selfies'... #meandmyfavouritenurse @Trust.  Invest in an App for instant feedback like the beautiful Birmingham Children's Hospital.


I know, not everyone has a smart phone, but those who have can help raise management awareness for us all.


Either we make it easy for people to complain or they will easily make sure we take the blame.  Instant complaints can be fixed with an instant response and with the maximum of Fuss.  Fast; fix it right now.  Unreserved; no blame-shifting, take it on the chin.  Sorry; just say it.  Sincere; and mean it.


Like it or not, this is going to happen.  The NHS belongs to the people, so does social media; the combination is a powerful voice and probably the most democratic form of communication, ever. 


Free, instant and hurricane quick.  It might not be fair and might not tell the whole story but it will happen. 


  Contact Roy - please use this e-address


Know something I don't - email me in confidence.

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Medicine for Managers
Dr Paul Lambden
It's a miracle (Part 1) 
Apology - Really sorry if you took part in this survey. We had a 'technical' and the results went down the electronic plug-hole.  Would you please have another go.  We've shot the bloke in the bobble hat....

Evaluation Help Needed

Would you like to evaluate a new molecular device for conducting a chlamydia or gonorrhoea test, in-house, with results in 20 minutes of collecting a sample? The kit is supplied free, click here to take part and for more details.


Guest Editorial
Speaking Out Summit  
 50% Discount for RCN Members
'We want the front-line sitting in the front row...'
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 For all delegates,
Copy of Dr David Drew's new book detailing his personal WB experiences.
Learn why organisations don't listen

Find out how to put proper WB policies in place

What to do when it all goes wrong.

Workshops and take home ideas.  
8th May - London
Speakers include; Sir Robert Naylor, Dr Phil Hammond, Dean Royals, James Titcombe, Prof Chris Newdick, Garry Walker and others.
Full details here.
Book today.  Discount for NHS staff.
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HealthChat with Mike Bewick
Dr Mike Bewick
NHSE Deputy Medical Director
In conversation with
Roy Lilley
Is primary care infrastructure robust enough to cope - do GPs want to be part of commissioning - should GPs be self-employed - are the golden days of being a GP gone - what will replace them.
Book Here
27th May - King's Fund
News and Stuff 
News boy
>>  Monitor dumps competition panel - brings in 2 wise men to advise them.  Will they publish their deliberations?  Does this mean the effective end of worrying about competition, or more to worry about!
>>  Flat-Earth - new style 'death by anecdote', reports
>>  Last week we featured a mystery report on AKI, no one could find it - It bigged up in the media in a way that I thought stretched the credibility of the research and wondered how it got such wide coverage.  I think it might be coz the lead researcher and former DH employee Marion Kerr now running the management company that press-released it, has a sister  Caroline who runs a media company.  I guess redefines the friends and family test! Thanks to various readers who did the detective work.
The original report is here and uses the word 'estimate' 38 times in 7 pages.
>>  Labour Health Policy - is likely to be based on their recent Independent Commission. At the time it was published I didn't think it moved us forward and said so.  However, I decided to get a second opinion.  Here it is.  I don't think I was far off the mark.  See what you think.
>>  Environment and health atlas - England and Wales.  Oh, this is sooooo good!
>>  Specialist nurse - on-line resource by Apollo.  Worth a look, loadsa good stuff.
>>  Elder Care - there will be more elderly than carers to care; IPPR report.
>>  Provision of general children's surgery - guide.
>>  E-Fags - regulatory gap; from the Lancet.
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - Liverpool Care Pathway; the review is due out in June.
>>  Sunday's BBCR5L - Burnham said he wouldn't ask people for more money for the NHS until he could be sure it was spending what it has wisely.  What does he think we do with it?  Give it to Bet Fred?  On the same show LaLite said he was intending to save NHS finances by buying cheaper surgical gloves. (Which type?)
>>  I'm hearing that the huge salaries paid at Monitor means it will soon merge with Wonga.
>>  Why are there 3 LETBs across London. 
Waste of overhead, isn't it?  Anyway didn't Anne Rainsbury write a workforce plan for London?  Why do we need another one?
>>  Homerton has had its report from the Flat-Earthers.  Ranked 1 under 'intelligent monitoring' 'good' by the CQC and the A&E 'outstanding.  Confusing, eh? How does this help patients?
>>  I'm hearing Simon West, consultant trauma and orthopaedics at Northampton has quit in a row over safeguarding and Trust governance.    
Today's Larf
Martin Shovel
cartoon martin