Meet Jamie Staton's Virtual Running Team: Mile 17   

Name: Cindy Bunszel

Age: 57

Local Program: Keene Parks & Recreation

Basketball, bocce & bowling

Cindy Bunszel joined the Special Olympics New Hampshire Keene Parks & Recreation local program at the age of ten. She started Special Olympics because a teacher in school saw the love that she had for sports. Cindy loves to compete in basketball, bowling and bocce.  Bocce is her favorite sport! Over the years, Cindy trained hard and was selected to compete at the World Games in Greece where she won a gold medal in bocce.

After years of competing, now at the age of 57, Cindy was inspired to try something new...and decided to try coaching.  Cindy wants to pass along the skills she has gained to other athletes in bocce and basketball. Cindy helps by guiding the athletes on whose turn it is during a bocce game and is a great support system for her athletes, she said, "I am always proud of my athletes, of the hard work that they put in, I make sure I shake their hands and always congratulate them." 
Name: Josh Janvrin

Age: 26

Local Program: Derry Recreation Timberwolves

  Athletics, basketball & bowling

Josh Janvrin is 26 years old and lives in Derry.  He is a member of the Derry Recreation Timberwolves where he currently competes in bowling,basketball and athletics. Josh has always been an active person and enjoys all sports.

Special Olympics helped Josh at a crucial time in his life.  When his brother passed away, Josh turned to Special Olympics and running as a way to help him deal with the stress. Josh says, "running has provided me a way to deal with life.  When I run, I focus on the trees and nature; I think about how lucky I am try to enjoy what I have."

When asked about Special Olympics, Josh said, "Being part of this amazing organization has made me feel good about myself, and has also taught me to never be scared. I call Special Olympics my family."