Meet Jamie Staton's Virtual Running Team: Mile 18    
Name: Thomas Liseno

Age: 31

Local Program: Team Barrington & Dover Dynamites

  Athletics, basketball & soccer

Thomas Liseno is a Special Olympics New Hampshire athlete on Team Barrington and the Dover Dynamites, where he competes in basketball, athletics and soccer. At the age of 8, Thomas' parents believed that Special Olympics would help him gain skills that would allow him to achieve his dreams and be happy. Once Thomas started Special Olympics, he learned valuable life lessons like how to motivate himself to be better and how working hard is important to achieve your dreams. He has always enjoyed being around different athletes which helps motivate him to work hard towards winning gold medals.

In 2007, Thomas was selected to go to China for the World Summer Games where he competed in athletics. His favorite part was meeting the coaches and training with them to get ready for competition. He said, "All the coaches were super nice and so happy to see all of us." He was very proud to compete against athletes from across the world.

Special Olympics has brought joy and happiness to Thomas's life. The best part for him is meeting so many new friends and bringing all different kinds of people together to learn to accept one another. When asked about Special Olympics, Thomas said, "After years of hard work and trying my best, I now live in a townhouse and work two jobs, my dreams are finally coming true and I have to say thank you to Special Olympics for that."
Name: Patty Langille

Age: 36

Local Program: Concord Golden Eagles

Athletics, basketball, bowling & golf

Growing up, Patty Langille was very shy and always kept to herself because she was made fun of for having hearing aids and not being able to speak clearly. Her elementary teacher thought that Special Olympics would help break her out of her shell and give her a sense of confidence. Patty started Special Olympics at 8 years old, at first it was difficult, but little by little Patty started to come out of her shell and become more confident.

Today, Patty competes in basketball, bowling, golf and athletics for the Concord Golden Eagles. In 2006, she went to Iowa for the National Games to compete in basketball, which is also her favorite sport. She really enjoyed experiencing a new place and meeting new friends. During her time in Iowa, she took home a 5th place ribbon.

Special Olympics has done many things for Patty, it has empowered her to be independent. Today, Patty is responsible for her own transportation; she calls a cab or takes the city bus to St. Paul School in Concord, where she works in the kitchen five days a week. She also volunteers once a week at the Special Olympics New Hampshire office. She enjoys scrapbooking, sewing quilts and pillows and doing clay work.