Meet Jamie Staton's Virtual Running Team:

Mile 12   
Name: Alex Beauchner

Age: 24

Local Program: Dover

Basketball, softball &swimming

Special Olympics has made me a better person and a better teammate. I have made a lot of friends through Special Olympics that I can always talk to when I have a problem. The coaches are also great.  They are always showing support for me and the other athletes.

Special Olympics has also built my leadership skills.  Many times people turn to me for guidance. I always make sure that I am a positive voice on the team. I encourage people to do their best, which I think is very important!

My confidence has gotten higher in myself as a person but also in myself as an athlete.  Walking into important games, I know how to be focused and be physically and mentally ready for the game. I know that I can do great things.

Special Olympics is like family and we encourage each other!

Name: Kate Messler

Age: 24

Local Program: Team Portsmouth

  Athletics, basketball, bowling & golf

My mom got me involved in Special Olympics.  When she was younger, she played basketball and ran track.  My mom thought it would be good for me to get involved with sports too so that I could stay active, meet friends and have fun! 

Basketball is my favorite sport!  I love making 3-pointers and being with my friends at games and practices.  I get so excited for each game.  I always wear my lucky socks and shorts!

Mile 13  
Name: Tim Essig

Age: 17

Local Program: Team Uncanoonuc

Athletics, basketball & bowling

Basketball is my favorite sport. It is an exciting game to be part of and it is a lot of fun!

I love to dribble with my left and right hands up and down the court. Also, I love to shoot the ball through the hoop and score.

I always play with my friends and I like that it is inside. I do not have a favorite player but I love to watch my brother play.

Name: Sammi Savage

Age: 27

Local Program: Hudson

basketball, bowling & soccer

Special Olympics has given me an opportunity to be part of something bigger than myself. It has made me more confident and I feel a sense of accomplishment now. 

I used to get very nervous to talk to people. Even though there was so much that I wanted to say, I would try not too talk because I was scared that they were going to judge me or make fun of me. But interacting with coaches, volunteers and athletes through Special Olympics has provided me with the courage to speak.  It has helped me get rid of the nervousness and has helped me become outgoing.  I can finally be myself!

Special Olympics has also brought my mom and I closer. She is now a Special Olympics coach and I enjoy spending time with her because she is my favorite person. Overall, I am outgoing, helpful, special, kind, caring and hardworking all because of Special Olympics!