June 1, 2020

TO:    Directors and Assistant Directors

FROM: Joan Borden, Directors' Coordinator

RE: Jan Carley Music Leaders Workshop

Hi All:

These challenging times, it seems, are offering us more opportunities to connect with one another. I am excited to invite all Region 16 Directors and Assistant Directors to join Jan Carley in a workshop designed to support musical leaders in these difficult times. Jan, the Inner Coach of Barbershop, had been scheduled to be on the faculty at IES this summer sharing her personal coaching skills. We are thrilled that she is able to work with us on Sa t. June 6 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm . Jan will open her session early at 3:30pm for a technical check and pre-workshop chat. I hope you can join us, and look forward to seeing you there and sharing Jan's expertise.

Below is Jan's personal invitation to you all.



Dear Region 16 Directors:
I am so looking forward to being with you on Sat. June 6 for my workshop “Leading in Uncertain Times”.
 I am so respectful of the incredible role and responsibility you all have as our directors and my goal in our time together is to help you feel supported, inspired and validated as you wend your way through the unprecedented current reality of “leading without the risers”.
I will open the Zoom Room Sat. June 6 at 3:30 p m Eastern for popping in, catching up, connecting and chatting with each other making sure your tech stuff is up and running ....and then the workshop will run from 4:00 – 5 pm Eastern time.   Joan Borden, your wonderful Region 16 Directors Coordinator has said that if you want to continue to chat or debrief after the workshop that she will keep the zoom room open.
*Just one question from me for you to reflect on in advance of the workshop:

Think of a time when you successfully led your chorus through a demanding or difficult situation or event.  How did you show up? What strengths/qualities of yours did you draw on to get through ?
Looking forward to meeting you all on June 6.
Jan Carley,
Inner Coach of Barbersho
Below is the Zoom Meeting Invitation:

Topic: Jan Carley's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 6, 2020 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 763 554 4352
Password: 414181
Find your local number:  https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb89qGDH7y