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December 2011
January 2012 PLL E-News
In This Issue
PLL-Summit III
PLL Needs You to Volunteer
PLL Grants
AALL Annual Meeting/Workshop Grants
AALL Scholarships
Membership News

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PLL Webinar 


Libraries & Knowledge Management: Taming the KM Monster







29, 2012


 9:00am EST/10:00am CST/12:00 pm PST



Camille Reynolds, MLS Director of Knowledge Management,

Nossaman LLP &

Jaye Lapachet, MLIS, Manager of Library Services,

Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP


Learning outcomes:


 1: Participants will learn how librarian expertise can be applied to KM

projects within Law Firms & other organizations


 2: Participants will learn how to scale KM projects and utilize existing

tools to add value to their organizations via KM projects



Intermediate to Advanced



For any librarian or information specialist interested in knowledge

management and adding value to their organization.


Learn how librarians are using their expertise to develop connections

within their organizations that deliver value by meeting the needs of

internal and external customers. Discover how you can implement KM

initiatives in your organization using existing tools and creative

problem solving. Internal knowledge sharing, information silos and

developing products that integrate internal and external data which

vendors can't duplicate create added value for attorneys, managers,

directors, and other professionals. The first talk provides tips on how

to start small, market your successes, and build on those successes for

larger-scale initiatives, discusses how to define KM in a way that fits

your organizational culture and mission, which, in turn, sets realistic

expectations of what KM can and cannot achieve.


PLL hopes 2012 has started out well for you.

PLL Summit 2012 Logo 


Our PLL Summit Committee, lead by Joan Axelroth and Jean O'Grady, the Summit-Co-chairs, is well on its way to formulating an impressive agenda with topics that will challenge us to rethink our mission in light of fundamental changes impacting information services in 2020. The Summit provides us with an opportunity to prepare for the future so that we can remain relevant, and even thrive,  in the "new normal." Below, please find a brief description.


The PLL Summit, now in its third year, continues to address issues critical to the future of law librarians and law firms. As change agents, we must ask the questions which will help us understand the fundamental changes in the business and practice of law. What will information services look like in 2020 and what should we be doing now to advance that vision? How do we empower ourselves to drive information strategies, ensuring our own viability as information professionals? In addition to a forward-looking discussion of library services, a panel of partners, including Greg Castanias, Library partner at Jones Day, will discuss the value proposition librarians bring to the table and how they see our roles evolving. Break-out sessions will cover the business of law, proactively managing your career and technological advances and challenges.

Participants will be better able to understand the trends, structure and pressures of the law firm environment so that they can be prepared to take leadership roles as the practice of law goes through a time of radical change.

In order to provide access to a wider audience, we have secured a venue that can accommodate up to 350 attendees. We encourage members to register early so they can be a part of this invaluable one-day conference.
Visit the PLL Summit blog to obtain more information as the final agenda, programs and speakers are confirmed.
PLL Needs You to Volunteer for AALL Committees
Historically, PLL has been underrepresented on AALL Committees. If you want PLL to have a stronger voice in AALL decision-making, we need YOU to volunteer for an AALL Committee!!! Because you weren't previously selected is not an excuse for you not to volunteer again!!!

AALL committees implement AALL's Strategic Directions of leadership, education, and advocacy leading the Association into the future. By having members that represent the interests of private practice law librarians on AALL committees, we ensure that our needs and concerns are being heard and considered.

AALL thrives because our members get involved and you benefit from the professional experience and collegiality of committee membership. Please take the time to see what committees might be of interest. Take a look at a list of active AALL committees. Take a moment to look through them. You may find one that really interests you. If so, keep an eye out for the Committee Volunteer form next week.
Remember to update your member profile on AALLNet so that appointments committee members who do not know you personally can get an idea of your experience and interests. Also, please write a thoughtful response when asked why you are interested in the work of the committees. Just noting that the work of the committee sounds interesting is not particularly helpful to those making the appointments. 
This committee is responsible for overseeing the awarding of grants to PLL members to cover the cost of transportation to the annual meeting and to other AALL- and PLL-sponsored events.  These grants are open to all PLL members.  Please note that the applications will be available in early March, and the submission deadline will be in mid-April.  The Committee will notify PLL Members via e-mail when the application forms are posted.
The Committee develops the criteria used to award grants and produces appropriate application forms.  The Committee is also responsible for advertising and promoting the availability of this money to members who might otherwise be unable to attend the meetings.
PLL members may also be eligible for grants and scholarships from other groups, and links to those grants will be added to the PLL Webpage as they are announced.
Elizabeth A. Stack, Librarian (Committee Chair)
Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP
P.O. Box 1347
1201 N Market St
Wilmington, DE 1989901347
Phone: (302) 351-9240
Frances Schach, Librarian
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
2345 Grand Boulevard Suite 2000
Kansas City, MO 64108-2617
Phone: (816) 221-3420, x5261
Linda-Jean Schneider, Law Librarian
217 Inverness Circle
Chalfont, PA  18914
Phone: (215)868-4780
AALL Annual Meeting/Workshop Grant Applications
Deadline: April 1
Contact: Grants Committee Chair
Grant Application for Student/New Members



Purpose:  The AALL Grants Program provides financial assistance to experienced law librarians who are actively involved in AALL or its chapters and to newer law librarians or graduate students who hold promise of future involvement in AALL and the law library profession. Funds are provided by AALL, AALL individual members, and vendors.

Grants cover registration costs at either the Annual Meeting or workshops associated with the Annual Meeting. Individuals eligible for the Experienced Member Grant are active members with five or more years of AALL or AALL chapter membership. Individuals eligible for the Student/New Member Grant are active members with less than five years of AALL or AALL chapter membership or student members of AALL or an AALL chapter.



For additional information and copies of the application forms, visit the Grants Committee website on AALLNet.





AALL Scholarships Available
Going to school? Need money? Apply here...
Did you know the American Association of Law Libraries has several important scholarships to assist present and future members of our profession to achieve their goals?  These scholarships provide valuable assistance to present and future law librarians across all types of member libraries.
Educational scholarships to help those working towards various types of degrees and for continuing education courses
The George A. Strait Minority Scholarship provides valuable assistance to members of recognized minority groups intending to pursue a career in law librarianship.
The LexisNexis John R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship is open to any candidate who applies for any of the AALL Educational Scholarships.
The Marcia J. Koslov Scholarship, jointly established by AALL and member Marcia J. Koslov, assists librarians in state, court or county libraries who wish to pursue a continuing education course or a professional development opportunity.
For more information about these scholarships and to see a list of past recipients, please visit the Scholarships website.


Welcome New Members:
Carl J. Doebel, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New York
Bill Rueter Jr., Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP, Wilmington, Delaware
Marianne Watson, Cozen O'Connor, Philadelphia


Member Memorial Announcements:
We sorry to report that Alan MacDougall, who served as manager of library services for Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP's Palo Alto and San Francisco offices until 2004, passed away November 30, 2011. He was a member of AALL and served as Northern California Association of Law Libraries' treasurer and membership chair. 
Many PLL members in the New York City area may remember former PLL member,  Anthony Burgalassi, who died shortly after the Holidays.  City Bar of New York Library Operations Director, Richard Tuske, shared memories of working side-by-side with Tony at the City Bar, and filing loose-leaf reports with him at various law firms, including Baker & McKenzie
Eileen McCarrier notified the Law Library Society of DC that longtime member, Patsy Haley Stann, died January 21 in Chevy Chase, MD, after a long illness.  Patsy was a Library Manager at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman and several of its preceding firms until her retirement in 2007, and is fondly remembered by those who worked at her side over the years. 

It is with great sadness that we report the death of our friend and colleague Felice Sacks. Felice recently celebrated her fifth anniversary as Director of Library Services at Lionel Sawyer & Collins after a successful career including positions as the former head librarian of the EPA's Superfund collection, database trainer for Congressional Quarterly, manager of research services at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering and library director at the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.  Among her several special achievements, Felice was especially fond of the prize she was awarded from the American Association of Law Libraries for the creation of a newsletter, Cyberlinks.   She will be missed.