In this month's newsletter, we publish our review of the latest SPC-1 and -2 performance results and discuss Hitachi's VSP F series of all flash storage announcement.
Latest Microsoft Exchange Solution Reviewed Program (ESRP) performance report 

ESRP for the over 5K category has had seven new submissions since we last covered this over 5000 mailbox category. Most of these had between 8 and 25K mailboxes so there weren't many new top 10 entries. Nonetheless, we do show two of our ESRP top ten performance charts with new entries. Read the report to learn more. 

Hitachi announces a new all flash array product line the Hitachi Flash Storage (HFS) A-Series  

The new systems use industry standard controllers and SSDs with brand new storage software with deduplication and compression to go after the current crop of data reduced all flash arrays on the market. R ead the report to learn more. 

RayOnStorage top blog post(s)

QoM 16-001 Will NVMe GA in enterprise storage over the next year, Yes 0.68 probability - Another entry in our analyst forecasting contest is our top blog post for this month. Here we analyze what we think are the major considerations on whether Intel's NVM Express PCIe SSD interface will show up in enterprise storage oven the next 12 months. With a probability of 0.68 it's not a certainty and it could change as more information comes to light.   Read the post to learn more.

Greybeards yearend storage trends podcast - in our year end wrap up we try to cover technology trends that will impact the storage systems over the coming year and provide some color to what has happened to our industry over the last 12 months. We start the podcast off with one major trend that has everyone in the industry talking is continuing declines in revenue. We go on to discuss recent acquisitions, the perennial trends in software defined storage, some more esoteric storage technology activities, and a few other odds and ends. Due to technical difficulties we were unable to record a video this year, so we only have our podcast. Listen to the podcast to learn more...

What you may have missed last month
There are still no vendor SPECfs2014 submissions so we show a recently derived plot on how flash capacity impacts NFS ORT using previous SPECsfs2008 submissions. The results for all-flash arrays were a surprise to me and are non-obvious. Read the report to learn more.

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