Shannon Shutts-603.627.0035
September 11, 2010
Manchester, N.H.-The Ovide for Senate campaign today
announced the endorsement of U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South
Carolina), chairman of the Senate Conservatives Fund.
In a statement, Sen. DeMint said, "Ovide Lamontagne is not [the]
candidate supported by the Washington establishment, but he is the
best choice. Ovide is a proven conservative leader who will stand
up to the big spenders in both political parties. Ovide is surging.
A recent poll shows that he had jumped into second place and was
trailing the first place candidate by only 10 points. Then the
Union Leader newspaper endorsed him, giving him another boost in
the homestretch. If we're willing to fight for Ovide in the final
hours of this race, he can and he will win this seat for
conservatives. Please support his campaign today."
"I have observed and admired Sen. DeMint's commitment to core
conservative principles and his willingness to buck the
establishment within our own party to assure that a new generation
of authentic conservatives assume leadership in the U.S. Senate,"
added Lamontagne.
"During these challenging times in our nation's history, he leads
the charge for a constitutional renaissance to restore the
principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility and
national security, to include border security, in the Congress and
to our country.
"I am grateful for Sen. DeMint's endorsement of my campaign. I
look forward to securing the trust and votes of Granite Staters in
September and November, and earning the opportunity to work with
him and other like-minded Senate guardians of liberty in 2011, and
together, bringing fundamental conservative reform to Washington
once and for all," concluded Lamontagne.
Senate in 2004, Senator DeMint has established himself as one of
the most effective conservative leaders in Washington. He has
earned national acclaim to end the system of earmarks, for which he
was called a 'hero' by Robert Novak and the 'taxpayers' greatest
ally' by Wall Street Journal editor Steve Moore. In 2006, DeMint
was elected Chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, comprised of
the majority of Republican senators and working to advance
conservative legislation. He was recently ranked as the Senate's
most conservative member by National Journal.
DeMint also serves as Chairman of the Senate Conservatives Fund
PAC, which seeks to bring bold conservative leadership to
Washington by supporting only the most principled candidates
nationwide - candidates who believe in the timeless conservative
principles of limited government, strong national defense and
traditional family values. In the 2010 election cycle, Senator
DeMint and the SCF have endorsed leading anti-establishment primary
candidates for Senate such as Marco Rubio in Florida, Pat Toomey in
Pennsylvania, Rand Paul in Kentucky, Ken Buck in Colorado and Mike
Lee in Utah.