Spring Robin
Jim's Recovery Update

       Absolutely unbelievable!! I have seen Jim's recovery rebound remarkably in a matter of days post operation in (Feb 2014). He went from total dependency, severe pain and mobility restriction to a desire for life again. God inspired this at his worst moment in this severe trial. Jim took hold of Christ. A mere month or so after our trip back to CO he eliminated the need for his walker as his stability returned. He began turning himself in bed without assistance from me. Pain decreased drastically. His independence recovered increasingly over time but just seemed too dramatic to be real. Then the brace came off after 3 months and the healing continued. I threatened to put a shock collar on him if he didn't wisely limit his activity and submit to time for healing to be truly complete. He was wise and didn't need the collar to be used. Thank heavens for that.

       Coming close to God, praying and cooperating for healing, yielding up frustrations as they came, eating healthy food, drinking all those green drinks, taking the supplements we chose; over time grew his strength and recovery by God's hand blessing it all. Taking advice from his wife and friends was a key element and good for his character development as well. God blessed on all lines. Weekly hikes came in and increased his lung healing and body strengthening. He thrived hiking. At 9 months (Nov 2014) he had a successful surgery to remove the rods and screws that were holding him together in his healing process. Now for more patience in the waiting room of God for the final healing process to complete.

       In March 2015 we hiked Zion National Park--our favorite hikes were "Angel's Landing" and "Coyote Buttes" both very strenuous hikes but a joy for both Jim and myself. You could not tell Jim ever fell through that greenhouse roof breaking 2 vertebrae, 5 ribs, sternum, and collapsing his lung. Above is a picture of the top of Angel's Landing. A 2 hour hike ends with this last summit. Jim had not a twinge of discomfort. I had to make an effort to keep up with him. Chia seeds had so increased his oxygen carrying capacity, we praise the Lord!

       Then in April we made a trip to the Grand Canyon with some friends. We hiked to Havasu Falls. It's eight miles down the canyon. Then a couple miles more to the majestic Havasu Falls and more still beyond that. Jim was our great leader and pace setter!!

       Below is a picture of the Grand Canyon and Havasu Falls. God is an awesome Creator who created these wonders and beauties but also Recreates us from our falls, and character defects into something to God's Glory.
Havasu falls 2015 

       The Capstone to Jim's healing is the remarkable hike out. Jim wanted to do the 8 miles up non-stop to the top. I was "all in" with his challenge. God gave the stamina to walk out uphill non-stop in 3 hours and 15 minutes. That was record time. Isn't God good!! What more evidence do we need to see God as a Big, Powerful God Able to heal and change each and everyone of us to be more like Him? He loves to RESTORE us.

       We consider God an Awesome God--Our Healer in this world. May His walk with you Heal you too.

Praises to God,
Jim & Sally
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