(c) Mateo Ivankovic 2016

July 27, 2016
Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children! I am looking at you and I see you lost; and you do not have prayer or joy in your heart. Return to prayer, little children, and put God in the first place and not man. Do not lose the hope which I am carrying to you. May this time, little children, every day, be a greater seeking of God in the silence of your heart; and pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes joy for you. Thank you for having responded to my call." (July 25, 2016)
I find this message to be strangely comforting. Our Lady assures us that she is looking at us. That alone is good news!! She is concerned for each of us. She is watching over each of us. And she has "got our number", if you know what I mean. She is not fooled by anything. She knows when we are lost. She knows when we are not praying, especially when we are not praying with the heart. And she knows when our priorities are off.
Our Lady is very shrewd. And we will never fool her. So, as I say, this is very comforting! I feel that we are in good hands.
That said, this message gives us a serious warning. We are lost. Or at least in danger of getting lost. Why? Because we are not praying and our joy is gone. Perhaps the difficulties of our time have driven prayer out of our hearts. Perhaps our fears have dampened our spirits, and we are losing our confidence in God. Perhaps we are running scared!
If so, this is no time to lose track of God.
I am including a beautiful litany to Our Lady - the Litany to Our Lady of Good Counsel. It seems to me to be a good response to this message. In this litany we recognize our weaknesses and fears and put them in Our Lady's hands. Then we recount Our Lady's great gifts and blessings from God, and we allow those wonders to fill our hearts with hope.
Let's begin to respond to this message with this litany:
Litany to Our Lady of Good Counsel
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father, pray for us.
August Mother of God the Son, pray for us.
Blessed Spouse of God the Holy Ghost, pray for us.
Living temple of the Holy Trinity, pray for us.
Queen of Heaven and earth, pray for us.
Seat of Divine Wisdom, pray for us.
Depositary of the secrets of the Most High, pray for us.
Virgin most prudent, pray for us.

In our doubts and difficulties, pray for us.
In our tribulations and anguish, pray for us.
In our discouragements, pray for us.
In perils and temptations, pray for us.
In all our undertakings, pray for us.
In all our needs, pray for us.
At the hour of death, pray for us.
By thine Immaculate Conception, pray for us.
By thy happy nativity, pray for us.
By thine admirable presentation, pray for us.
By thy glorious Annunciation, pray for us.
By thy charitable Visitation, pray for us.
By thy Divine Maternity, pray for us.
By thy holy Purification, pray for us.
By the sorrows and anguish of thy maternal heart, pray for us.
By thy precious death, pray for us.
By thy triumphant Assumption, pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
R. And obtain for us the gift of good counsel.
Let Us Pray:
V. Lord Jesus, Author and Dispenser of all good, Who in becoming incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin hast communicated to her lights above those of all the Heavenly intelligences, grant that in honoring her under the title of Our Lady of Good Counsel, we may merit always to receive from her goodness counsels of wisdom and salvation, which will conduct us to the port of a blessed eternity.
R. Amen.

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2016

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Saint John Paul II
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