Center Stage Software

July 2013 Newsletter

The award-winning performance of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Elkhart Civic Thatre. Photos courtesy of Stephan Bird.

We like bragging about
our customers!
Nothing puts a big smile on our faces more than hearing great news about our customers.

This month we are celebrating a couple of our Wintix users: Elkhart Civic Theatre and Tacoma Little Theatre. The dedication and hard work from people at both companies helped make AACTFest 13 an exciting and rewarding experience for everyone there. Bravo!

We hope their accomplishments inspire all our customers - big and small.

Got some news to make our day - and our newsletter? Email peggy@centerstage!

planApplause for AACT
While we have many types and sizes of customers, for community theatres, AACT is an organization that offers many benefits to its members.

From specials on rights and royalties with certain publishers, discounts with retailers like Sherwin-Williams, and assistance with insurance and ASCAP, it's a great resource! 
Contact Us

Center Stage Software

1191 Luxton St.

Seaside, California 93955



Sales: Jim and Trudy Hines  480-981-0073




Center Stage Software
updateImportant update - new Center Stage servers   
for faster data connection 

Due to our expanding business, we have outgrown our servers - again. We now have an additional two servers in San Francisco to provide a faster data connection for our Western U.S. Webtix clients, as well as our Alaskan, Hawaiian and Australian neighbors. 

Is it a good idea for you to be on the new server?  

Maybe. You need to do a simple test. Click on Start | All programs | Accessories | Command prompt. A black window will appear. Type these 2 commands:

Here is what it looks like:

The bottom line of the results will have the average time. If you think your data connection might be faster on our new servers, please run this test and let us know what the average times are for both the data1 server and the data2 server . Contact Diane Rowe: or 831-583-0641.

"One measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions."    

winnerCenter Stage customer Elkhart Civic Theatre wins two awards and seven nominations at AACTFest 13
They have ten minutes to set the stage and strike it. And only 60 minutes to perform and impress the judges. That may sound like a logistical nightmare to some people, but for the participants at the AACTFest, it's all part of the fun.

For Elkhart Civic Theatre, their production of  "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" at the national competition also resulted in awards for best costume design by Linda Wiesinger and best lighting design by Randy Zonker.

"We had an outstanding group of actors, and I include the crew because they were in costume and were part of the cast moving set pieces in full view of the audience," says Dave Dufour, who with Garry Cobbum, was nominated for best sound design. "We made good use of lighting, and even brought our own special lighting that required an in-the-wings lighting operator. Our sound design was essentially a soundtrack that kept the action moving and the script is quite unique in the way it handles the Hyde character (there are four Hydes, actually).  Overall, I think the uniqueness of our production and the play, itself, excited the judges."  

Elkhart received more nominations than any other theatre. Other nominations included best featured actress Kaitrin Higbee, best featured actor Tony Venable, and best set design by John Shoup.

Elkhart, like other theatres, advanced through competitions at state and regional levels, winning major awards at each level and constantly tweaking and improving their performance.

It was a lot of work but according to Dave, "theatres should participate in the festivals or just attend a festival to see other theatres' ideas, and network with theatres around your state, region and across the USA. You learn a lot. Many festivals, including the National AACTFest, also have workshops where participants can learn skills from stage combat to fund-raising for the theatre." 
chrisWintix user and workshops chair from Tacoma Little Theatre says AACTFest a 'great celebration.' 

"AACTFest is a great celebration of community theatre across the United States," says Chris Serface of Tacoma Little Theatre, a Wintix and Webtix customer, who chaired the Workshops Committee.

"Individuals and theatres that come to the festival have the opportunity to see what is happening in the rest of the country at a community level, network with other theatres who may be in similar situations as their own, brush up on skills, and have the chance to see some great theatre from each of our regions."

Chris became involved in AACT when AACTFest was held in Tacoma, Washington. He didn't know much about the organization at that time, but when he attended the festival, he met people who had the same passions and drive for community theatre that he did, and who wanted to help others achieve success. 

"Everyone is there because they truly love the performing arts," he explains. "To surround yourself with others who are so like-minded is wonderful."

Back in the office, Chris appreciates that "Wintix allows our box office to take control of the business. I never feel that we're at the whim of another company. Anytime that we have a problem that we can't solve here on site, Center Stage support has been quick to drop everything and make our problems their top priority."

Thanks Chris!