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June ~ Optimize Your Health!


Hello again my friend & welcome to this magical month of June! This month we will examine the importance of food as medicine 

for optimizing your health. As summer rapidly approaches, we can optimize our choices in our kitchen pantry, as well as in our lives! 

This month our Museletter will explore the question: Have Fruits and Vegetables Become Less Healthy? We will also discuss the many Benefits of Chia, Hemp & Flax. 

I will then share with you 2 Simple & Super Seed recipes! Finally please read this months tip concerning 8 Super Foods to Add to your Smoothie:)


On that note, I hope you savour this months magical Museletter... Wishing you a MAGICAL June!!! With GREAT gratitude & love for you 

& your loved ones! ALL the BEST XOXO


"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."  


~ Hippocrates 


Red Lotus


The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates believed that the key to vibrant health was through maintaining a healthy diet and fitness routine. Nearly 2,500 years ago he proclaimed, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Medical experts still heed Hippocrates' advice today, and recommend a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables for optimal health. But does it matter what types of fruits and vegetables we're piling on our plates?  

According to a recent New York Times article, "Breeding the Nutrition Out of Our Food," choosing the right varieties of fruits and vegetables is essential for getting the maximum health benefits. Studies published within the past 15 years show that much of our produce is lacking in phytonutrients, the compounds that help protect against certain types of diseases like diabetes and dementia 

as well as many others.


So what's the difference between the amount 

of phytonutrients in wild plants compared to 

the produce we buy in supermarkets?

The results revealed in this article are startling. Wild dandelions have seven times more phytonutrients than spinach, a leafy green that many of us consider a superfood. Even more surprising is that there's a species of apple that has one hundred times more phytonutrients than a popular brand of apple available in our supermarkets. 


This significant drop in nutrients found in the fruits and vegetables that are commonly consumed today did not happen overnight.  In fact, the article reveals "we have been stripping phytonutrients from our diet since we stopped foraging for wild plants some 10,000 years ago and became farmers." 


The most beneficial phytonutrients have a bitter, sour taste, which makes them difficult for many people to eat. For this reason, farmers chose to grow plants that were less pungent and had high contents of sugar, starch and oil. Although these plants are more palatable, they are far less beneficial to our health.  


Farmers today continue to focus on increasing the sweetness of certain fruits and vegetables such as corn, and in turn breed out essentialantioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

The good news is that there is still produce that resembles its wild ancestors and is loaded with disease-fighting nutrients. According to this article, arugula, scallions, and corn with deep yellow kernels are a few examples of produce whose phytonutrient content has remained intact.  


What variety of fruits and vegetables do you eat for optimum health?

Chia, Hemp
Are You Eating These Super Seeds?
Secondary: FOOD


Chia, hemp, and flax... it's been said that these tiny seeds are the next big thing in nutrition. 

If you've ever searched for a healthy smoothie recipe or healthy breakfast recipe, chances are you'll find at least one of these seeds listed in the ingredients. So, why is there so much hype around these "super seeds" & how do we know which ones to include in our diets?


Seeds have been deemed "nutritional powerhouses" by health experts and for a good reason. All three of these seeds are packed with healthy oilsfiber, disease-fighting minerals and enzymes, antioxidants, and proteins. Each one of these tiny wonders has its own unique nutritional value and can be easily incorporated into just about any recipe without changing its taste or texture.


Here are 3 super food seeds that will add a nutrient-packed punch to your diet:


Chia Seeds

What is it? You may have heard of them first as the seeds that grow toy Chia pets, but chia seeds are actually an ancient super food used by Aztec warriors to increase energy and stamina on the battlefield.


Why is it good for you? In addition to being an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, and protein, chia is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids.Integrative Nutrition visiting teacher Dr. Andrew Weil suggests they may have even more so than flax. Not to mention that this tiny seed may have over three times more calcium than milk! Chia also forms a gel when added to liquid and absorbs ten times its weight in water making it anexcellent source of hydration.


Hemp Seeds

What is it? Hemp seeds come from the same Cannabis species as marijuana, but don't worry about testing positive for drugs after consuming these seeds ~ the minuscule amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in hemps seed make them perfectly safe to incorporate in your healthy diet.


Why is it good for you? Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids ~ something uncommon in plant protein sources. This means that hemps seeds are a fantastic protein supplement for people on a plant-based diet. They're also chock-full of fiber and packed with other nutrients, such as omega-3 and omega-6, vitamin E, B vitamins and folic acid.

Start your morning off right by blending a tablespoon of hemp seeds into your oatmeal or your post-workout smoothie for an extra hit of protein and nutrition.


Flax Seeds

What is it? This seed comes from the flax plant and has been celebrated for centuries for its health benefits by people all over the world.

Why is it good for you? Flax seeds are rich in Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid and powerful anti-inflammatory

Some studies show that due to their anti-inflammatory properties, flax seeds may help to prevent heart disease and reduce certain types of cancers.  They are also an excellent source of dietary fiber, lignans, calcium, potassium, andmagnesium, among other nutrients. To get the most out of your 

flax seeds, try grinding them first ~ this will make them easier for you to digest and absorb all the nutrients.


Just sprinkle ground flax seeds into cereals, baked goods, smoothies, and yogurt for an extra boost of vitamins and minerals.


Which seeds do you add in your diet?



The Super


Recipe: Spices


Cacao Chia Mousse




1/2 cup Chia seeds 
2 cups Organic Coconut milk 
3 tbsp Organic Coconut nectar 
1 tsp raw Cacao powder

Dash of Cinnamon


Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. 
Mix really well to incorporate all ingredients. 
Place in refrigerate for at least an hour. INjoy!


HAPPY Hemp Smoothie




1 cup Organic Milk alternative of your choice

1 Frozen Banana 

1/2 cup Organic mixed Berries 

2 tbsp Organic Hemp seeds

1 tbsp Organic Coconut oil 

Organic Coconut nectar to sweeten (optional)

1 serving Green Superfood powder

Dash of Cinnamon  

Blend on high until a HAPPY consistency is reached:)


Please Forward to a Friend... 


It's such a pleasure to help those closest to us become happier and healthier. Please forward this newsletter to friends, family members or colleagues who might be interested and inspired by it... much appreciated:) 


Please feel free to contact me anytime regarding a FREE initial consultation or 

visit my website for further information.


Looking forward to sharing more next month...



With Great LOVE for YOU...


Rebecca Daniels 

Magical Mentoring with Rebecca Daniels 

~ Your Guide To Happiness & Wellbeing  




   Isolated Buddha hand

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8 Superfoods to Add to Your Smoothie
                        Tip of the Month~Bamboo


It's that time of the year again. The days are longer, the weather is heating up & you're craving the most satisfying of summer beverages: 

smoothies. These blended drinks have numerous benefits: they're quick and easy, they can pack an incredible nutritional punch & they're endlessly customizable.

Best of all, smoothies give you the chance to easily try many different nourishing ingredients ~ sometimes all at once. We rounded up a list of our favorite superfoods that are perfect for smoothies and encourage you to try them this summer season.




You may first have heard of chia seeds 

during the Chia Pet craze of the 1980s. They are actually an ancient Aztec superfood packed with calcium, fiber, protein, phosphorous, manganese, and omega-3 fatty acids. They lend an instant creamy thickness to any smoothie.


Bee Pollen: Pollen is

Bee Pollen: Fans of bee pollen call it one of nature's best-kept secrets. Pollen is an excellent source of easily digestible protein as well as the antioxidants lycopene, selenium, and beta-carotene. Many herbalists believe that bee pollen improves allergies and asthma.


Spirulina: This type of blue-green algae is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Initial research suggests that the health benefits of spirulina are vast: it is a powerful anti-histamine and may boost the growth of probiotics, fight disease, and reduce allergies.  


Cacao: Great news for chocolate lovers: cacao contains up to 10% of its weight in flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that significantly lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Enjoy a scoop of raw cacao in your smoothie for a decadent and nourishing chocolate-y treat.  


Kale: The health benefits of kale cannot be overstated. In addition to being extremely high in many vitamins and minerals, kale contains unique chemical compounds that boost DNA repair in cells and appear to block the growth of cancer cells.


Hemp seeds: The amino acid profile of hemp seeds is close to complete, making them a superior protein source. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, B vitamins & folic acid. Blend a spoonful of hemp seeds into your favorite smoothie for 

an extra nutritional kick.


Maca: A root typically consumed in powdered form, maca has long been touted as an aphrodisiac and is believed to enhance energy and improve fertility. Small-scale clinical trials in men have suggested that maca can indeed improve semen quality & boost libido.


Blueberries: In addition to being delicious, blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit. Research shows that blueberries are potent anti-inflammatories and aid in everything from blood pressure regulation to improving memory in older adults.


Which is your favorite superfood?











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