In this month's newsletter, we publish our review of the latest SPEC SFS2014 storage performance results and report on NetApp ONTAP 9 release, SolidFire SF19210 appliance hardware, ElementOS 9 release and new capacity based licensing model announcements.
Latest SPEC SFS2014 VDA & SWBUILD workload storage performance report 

We finally have some SPEC SFS2014 submissions to report on. They were for the VDA (video data acquisition) and SWBUILD (software build) workloads and are cluster file servers.   Read the report to learn more.  
NetApp announces new ONTAP 9 storage software and SolidFire, a NetApp company, announces new hardware, software and licensing model 

NetApp has announced their latest ONTAP 9 storage software for their appliances, converged infrastructure, software defined storage and cloud storage offerings. Recently acquired SolidFire also announced new hardware appliance, new storage software and a new flash capacity licensing model which got a lot of interest from the analyst community.  Read the report to learn more.  
RayOnStorage top blog post(s)
  Testing filesystems for CPU core scalability - At Usenix ATC'16 this past month there were a number of interesting papers presented. One that specifically caught my interest was on a new FxMark benchmark that tortured Linux filesystems while increasing the number of CPU cores until they turned over and died.  Read the post find out the bad news.
  33: Greybeards talk HPC storage with Frederic Van Haren, founder HighGFens & former Sr. Director of HPC at Nuance - Frederic has a very fascinating view on what future storage will look like from his time working at Nuance's HPC environment. They had a large, multiPB/billion files or so, IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) system that over the years used everything from Coraid AoE, HP MSA and HP 3PAR StoreServ storage. HPC appears smitten with large file repositories and how they manage this flock of billions of files becomes an ongoing challenge.  Listen to the podcast to learn more...  

What you may have missed last month
We review the 14 new (11 SPC-1 & 3 SPC-2) benchmark submissions, including another software defined storage submission and a slew of new AFAs. A number of our top ten charts have new members.   Read the report to learn more. 

EMC has just revamped their mid-range storage line with a new unified architecture supporting file and block storage in a new 2U dual controller architecture. The new Unity storage replaces the whole VNX product line with a brand new storage OS and hardware solutions.  Read the report to learn more.

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