
As I'm reading again through the books of Samuel and the Kings, I'm enjoying the different things the Lord is highlighting to me through the stories.

Known stories. True stories. Real life people. Real life circumstances. Real life faith.

Take the widow at Zaraphath.

Out of food. Out of time. Out of hope.

One serving of flour. One serving of oil. Just enough to make one small meal for her and her son, and then wait to die.

But along comes Elijah. Into her life, by the hand of God.

You see, God had told Elijah:  Go and live in the village of Zaraphath. I have instructed a widow there to feed you.

Go and live in the village, said God. Not go and visit. Not go and die. Go and live. For I have instructed a widow there to feed you.

A widow. This widow. To feed him!

So Elijah goes. 

He goes and speaks to the woman, telling her not to fear. But instead to use the one serving of flour and oil to make some bread for Elijah first and then use the rest for herself and her son.

Can you imagine? "Don't worry. Yes, I see you have very little, but use some to feed me first. Then, use what's left to feed your family."

But that's exactly what she did! 

 So she did as Elijah said....

And there was enough! Enough for Elijah. Enough for her son. Enough for her.

...and she and Elijah and her family continued to eat for many days. There was always enough...

When I read this story, I see faith! Faith of a woman to say yes. Yes to God, through Elijah. Yes to giving what she needed for herself and her family, to God. 

Yes when it felt scary. Yes when it felt hopeless. Yes when it felt unbelievable!

But she did it! She did as Elijah had said. And God provided! Enough! Always enough! For her. For her family. For Elijah!

And so my question is, what has God said to you? What has God promised?

God promised the widow that if she gave, there would always be enough. And there was!

And God has promised something to you, too. That if you step out in faith, He will answer. If you give, He will provide. If you speak, He will do. 

Whatever it is that God has said to you, I encourage you to do it! Just do it!

Be like the widow at Zarephath and do it!

God was faithful to His word to her and He will be faithful to His word to you as well!

So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her family continued to eat for many days. There was always enough flour and olive oil left in the containers, just as the LORD had promised through Elijah.  1 Kings 17:15-16 NLT

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality-faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].  Hebrews 11:1 AMP

Mark Your Calendar
2nd & 4th Saturdays 
Community Prayer Walk

3rd Saturday 
Heaven in Business

4th Saturday
Holy Ghost Party at CPH

Sunday, June 25
No 4th Sunday Worship Night
There will be no 4th Sunday Worship Night this month, as we are joining with our brothers and sisters from Hope Chapel for a church family picnic and baptism at Camp FAC!
Find out all the info, including times and what to bring, on our website. 
1st Friday 
Healing Room of Camden County
Want healing prayer? Healing Room of Camden County is open every 1st Friday of the month, from 7-9pm, at Candlelight Prayer House! 
See Shanna for all the info! 

Other Important Info
Support WFC through Amazon Smile
You can now choose Word Fellowship as your charitable organization of choice through on Amazon Smile and .5% of every dollar spent comes back to WFC! 
Info and link on our website !

Community Prayer Times at Candlelight PH
Candlelight Prayer House  continues to be open to our entire community and we are challenging ourselves to come pray at least 10 minutes every day! 
Not able to come when Candlelight Prayer House is open? That's ok! You can intercede in the parking lot, on the benches or have your own prayer walk around the grounds!
However and whenever you come, join in!

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Candlelight Prayer House
Heaven in Business - South Jersey
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