KC First: Upcoming Events
Preparing our hearts for...
Sunday, December 28, 2014
9:15am: Sunday School for all ages
10:45am: This Sunday, Dr. Jesse Middendorf will be speaking about
Children in grades 1-4 will be dismissed after the offertory for a time of children's worship, studying the same passage.
Joy to the world, the Lord has come!
Let every heart prepare Him room! And heav'n and nature sing!
This week (Dec 26 - Jan 2)...
First Church's Christmas Post Office is now open in the State Line entrance! Please feel free to send Christmas cards to anyone in our church family.
You may want to remember those in our family who find it difficult to worship with us on a regular basis: Ocena Allen, Elaine Anzalone, Jim Burgeon, Dick & Louise Cole, Madelyn Hurn, Andress Kernick, Cora Logsdon, Alma Jean Lunn, Cleona McGuire, Mary Pauley, Bea Pinkerton, Norma Dell Smith, Rita Ulrickson, Jim Viani, and Roxie Wessels.
This is also a good opportunity to send notes of appreciation to those who diligently maintain our facilities: Eldon Asher, Bradley Rolfe, Rob & Gail Field, Keith Fitzsimmons, Jon Hahn, and Dan Danner.
Recycling Christmas Lights
Instead of discarding unwanted or old Christmas tree lights, bring them to First Church and place them in the marked bin on the east end of the foyer after December 1. Long-time First Church member, Paul Spear is part of an organization that trains and employs individuals with special needs. This organization recycles the copper contained in strings of Christmas lights.
Traveling the World Through the Nativity
If you haven't already, plan to stop by Room 230 this Sunday, to see Jeanette Wienecke's beautiful display of nativities. Each year, she displays nativity scenes representing her global travels, and also sets that she has hand crafted. To read more about this special tradition on our KCFC Discipleship blog, please click here.
Due to the New Years holiday, there will be no regularly scheduled Wednesday evening activities on New Years Eve, December 31. The church office will be closed Dec 31- Jan 2.
Next week (Jan 2 - Jan 9)...
This annual service is modeled after one implemented by John Wesley years ago. The evening will be led by Dr. Doug Hardy and focuses on renewing our covenant with God. This year, the Wesley Covenant Service will take place on January 4, 2015 at 6pm in the Westside Room.
Come to the church on January 9 from 6:30pm-8:30pm for an all-church night of family friendly fun! There will be Nerf games in the gym, and board games & crafts in the Southside room. Bring a snack to share!
School Supplies for Sun Valley
During this holiday season, please save thebar codes from products with the Labels for Education logo, as well as Boxtops for Education labels. We will send these labels to Sun Valley Indian School in Arizona, for much needed school supplies, computers, and equipment. You can find a complete list of products with these labels in the red cans on the greeter's desks.
Nazarene Youth Conference
Next July, our teens will be joining around 9000 other teenagers from around the world for Nazarene Youth Conference in Louisville, KY. Through an experience overflowing with dynamic speakers, powerful worship services, high-energy concerts, and service opportunities, NYC 2015 can be a time of great transformation for our young people. Our youth group will be devoting the majority of their fundraising to this event for the next year. If you would be interested in learning more, or in helping to sponsor a teen, please contact Pastor Roland.
Our Work and Witness Trip to Big Lake, Alaska is scheduled for July 6 - 16, 2015. Join Pastor Brad and Dawn Estep as the team works on renovations and improvements at Camp Maranatha. We will be putting together a team of people with varied skills and abilities and are particularly interested in including those who have never had an opportunity to participate in Work and Witness before. The cost for this trip will be approximately $1300. Please see Jo Ann Blevins at the Compassion table in the Foyer this Sunday to pick up an application.
Registration is now open for the M15 Conference (February 9-11, 2015), hosted by the Church of the Nazarene's USA/Canada Regional Office. Before January 15, you may register to attend at m15conference.org for $39. If you would like to help with this conference by greeting, ushering, or volunteering at information tables, please email rrcloud@mnu.edu.
Our church is now able to receive donations and payments through online giving! You may access our secure online giving page by visiting giving.kcfc.org. You can set up an account for quick access, set up recurring payments, or simply use the "Quick Give" option to give without setting up an account. Funds can be designated Tithes/Offering, Faith Promise, Debt Reduction, or "Other". If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 816.942.9022 or kcfc@kcfc.org.
This Wednesday's Schedule (12/31/14):
~church building closed~
Serving Women in Frantic Times (SWIFT)
Women of all ages are invited to this informal time of fellowship every other Wednesday to celebrate life and support each other! This group is dedicated to strengthening relationships and learning to laugh together. Email Emily Neeld at eneeld@att.net for more information!
Every Thursday night, our young adult group meets at 7:30pm in the youth room for an intentional time of prayer, fellowship, and Bible study. Contact Audrey Landers (alanders@kcfc.org) for more information!
Gentlemen, before beginning your Friday each week, enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast with a group of First Church men. We meet every Friday at 6:30am in the church atrium. Every first Friday of the month, we serve a hot breakfast. Contact Chip Kraft for more information.
Our church's GriefShare ministry meets every Saturday morning at 10am. Please be prayerful about who you may know that could benefit from this ministry to the bereaved. For more information, please contact Ministry Director Kathy Cagg at 816.333.6444 or kat13cat@hotmail.com.
Our Mission: to make Christ-like disciples
11811 State Line Rd, Kansas City, MO � 816.942.9022