For immediate release: January 3, 2018
Keep 6 Great New Year's Resolutions with HART
Resolve to Change Your Life with Transit in 2018!
A new year offers a chance for new goals and resolutions. HART has an idea for a New Year's Resolution you can keep! It's healthy, good for the economy and the environment and, best of all, it's affordable. Ride Hillsborough County's transit system in 2018 and enjoy one of the benefits of living in our region.  Make the most of this opportunity by trying transit in the New Year and get on track to accomplishing all 6 resolutions!
Whether you're hoping to find time to fit in more exercise, save money or to make more time for yourself in 2018, riding the bus can help!
Resolution #1 - Save More Money

By taking advantage of convenient and affordable public transportation it is possible to eliminate the expense of insuring, fueling, and maintaining a vehicle. A second car in Tampa Bay costs a family on average about $700/month, according to the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). A HART monthly bus pass is $65. That's $640 in monthly savings! Use APTA's transit calculator to find out what it costs to drive a personal vehicle versus trying transit. 

Resolution #2 - Improve Health and Well Being

HART riders also avoid the aggravation of navigating traffic congestion and searching for parking, and stress reduction is one of the keys to better health and longevity. According to data from the American Public Health Association, individuals who use public transportation also get more than 3 times the physical exercise of those that don't. Taking the bus is an easy way to get in the recommended minimum daily 30 minutes of physical activity, according to the 2005 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Kick the car habit, and don't "stress" about how to get home from work. The Emergency Ride Home program makes it easy to rely on transit by ensuring a ride home in case of an emergency or unplanned situation. Learn more at  

#3 - Go Green

HART was the first public transportation agency in Florida, to convert to cleaner-burning Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). HART has also implemented energy-saving initiatives and set targets on carbon emissions, electricity, and water consumption. Also,
HART became the first agency in Florida to achieve certification to the rigorous ISO 14001 standard. In addition, HART successfully completed the Federal Transportation Administration's Environmental & Sustainability Management System (ESMS) program. HART is in tune with the generation that's doing it differently! Many residents have made daily changes as part of their personal going green initiative: energy-efficient light bulbs, reusable grocery bags, and low-flow shower heads. Next stop on going green: Ride HART.
Resolve to try Transit in 2018!
Resolution #4 - Learn something new

Do you know how to navigate the HART transit system? Learn to ride the bus to get where you're going. Plan a trip on the OneBusAway Trip Planner, Google Trip Planner or view maps and schedules online by clicking here. There's also the best kept secret in Tampa. The HART Travel Training Program is available if you'd like more help. It's free! Call the HART travel training department at (813) 384-6307 for more details.  

Resolution #5 - Increase Productivity

In addition to saving time and money with HART, it is also easy to improve quality of life by gaining a few extra hours each week instead of sitting idle in traffic. Many HART riders, in fact, add extra hours of productivity to their busy schedules every day by doing homework or office work during their trips.
Plenty of riders manage to significantly improve their quality of life and "me time" by relaxing, reading, listening to music, texting friends, or even napping.

Resolution #6 - Bike and Ride

One way to have more fun in 2018 while also getting healthier is to ride a bike. Each HART bus
accommodates two bikes. By combining buses and bikes, commuters can greatly expand their range of travel. If you're a frequent air traveler we have something for you as well. Frequent flyers can take advantage of new service to Tampa International Airport! Following the launch of Mission MAX, the newly created Route 60LX provides service between Westfield Brandon and Northwest Transfer Center (with stops in Downtown and the Airport). Route 60LX joins Route(s) 30 and 32 with service to the Airport! Workers along this route need only to park at the office and hop aboard the nearest stop! 

"When you're writing your list of New Year's resolutions, be sure to include ride HART at the top," says Ruthie Reyes Burckard, Chief Operating Officer. "Whether your family is able to live with one less car or if you resolve to use HART for a trip or two a week, you'll reap the benefits. Travel to work and school. Run your errands. Get to your appointments. And keep your New Year's resolutions while you do it all."

If your list of resolutions for 2018 includes all or some of these goals, utilizing HART is one way to tackle them all at once. It's multitasking at its finest. 
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Sandra Morrison, HART Public Information Officer, (813) 384-6610, (813) 545-5497 cell, [email protected]