Media Contact: Sara Ebrahimi, (213) 482-9551 or [email protected]

Keep Kids and Dogs Safe
LA Animal Services offers bite prevention  tips
  to teach children

Los Angeles, September 26, 2017 - You can help protect your child from dog bites by discussing with him or her the appropriate way to behave around dogs.  Any dog has the capability of biting regardless of their size, even the most friendly dogs might bite if they are provoked. The vast majority of dog bites are from a dog known to the person-his or her own pet, a neighbor's or a friend's.
Here are some tips you can use to help kids understand how to be safe around dogs and avoid bites:
  • Children should not approach, touch or play with any dog who is sleeping, eating, chewing on a toy or bone, or caring for puppies. Animals are more likely to bite if they're startled, frightened or caring for young.
  • If a child sees a dog off-leash outside, he/she should not approach the dog and should tell an adult immediately.
  • If a loose dog comes near a child, he/she should not run or scream. Instead, the child should avoid eye contact with the dog and stand very still, like a tree, until the animal moves away. Once the dog loses interest, the child can slowly back away.
  • If a child falls down or is knocked to the ground by a dog, he/she should curl up in a ball with their knees tucked into their stomach, and fingers interlocked behind their neck to protect their neck and ears. If a child stays still and quiet like this, the dog will most likely just sniff them and then go away.
  • Children should never try to outrun a dog. If a dog does attack a child, the child should "feed" the dog his/her jacket, bag, bicycle-or anything that the child has for the dog to grab onto or anything that the child can put between their body and the dog.
  • Children should not try to pet dogs who are behind a fence or in a car. Dogs often protect their home or space.
  • Children should never approach a barking, growling or scared dog.
  • Children should not pet unfamiliar dogs without asking permission from the dog's guardian first. If the guardian says it is okay, the child should first let the dog sniff his/her closed hand. Then taking care to avoid petting the dog on the top of the head and pet the dog on the shoulder or chest instead.
Taking the time to teach children how to interact with the dogs in your life will lead to strong bonds and friendships shared by your loved ones, human and canine alike, for years to come. 


Los Angeles Department of Animal Services  is one of the largest municipal shelter systems in the United States with six shelters serving approximately 60,000 animals annually and responding to 20,000 emergency calls involving an animal or person in danger. LA Animal Services promotes and protects the health, safety and welfare of animals and people.
LA Animal Services  |  888-452-7381  |