It’s the end of May, which means it’s the final day of Eco-Cycle’s Reduce Your Plastic Use Challenge! We'll be emailing one lucky winner today, who will receive a complete Zero Waste on-the-go kit!

Thank you for doing your part to become more aware of the serious problem of plastic pollution and for taking action to Reduce Your Plastic Use ! While it may be impossible to eliminate all plastics from your life in the span of one short month, we hope you feel proud of the progress you made...we're proud of you!
While disposable plastic use may feel pervasive right now, you are part of a global movement of people who want change. Dozens of grassroots campaigns in the U.S. are calling for bans on single-use plastic items, like straws and plastic bags. The U.K. is set to ban all sales of single-use plastics , including plastic straws and cotton swabs from the country as early as next year, and France has already banned plastic plates and cutlery . Bangladesh banned plastic bags over 15 years ago! These big actions originate from people like you who are willing to speak up for a better future.

The challenge is over, but don’t lose your momentum! Write to companies, share your concerns over social media, and get involved with community groups working towards the changes you want to see in the world. As you continue your personal journey towards a plastic-free life, be sure to share your challenges and victories with us.

Reducing plastics in your life may be a life-long endeavor that ebbs and flows. But your awareness, your intent, and your action makes a difference!

What we learned...

Many of us at Eco-Cycle took this challenge alongside you. One of our key takeaways was that to reduce plastic from our lives, we needed to make time and plan ahead ! Easier said than done, for sure. When we did pull it off, though, we noticed that we were eating healthier and fresher foods, spending more time cooking with loved ones, and saving money, along with using less plastic!
Five minutes of your time
will help thousands of people reduce their plastic use!

It is truly important to us to hear from you. Our next Reduce Your Plastic Use Challenge will be informed and improved by your comments. Help us and the next group of challenge-takers by filling out this quick survey !
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If you have questions, comments, or ideas to share, let us know!
Simply email or call 303.444.6634.
Eco-Cy cle is a 501(c)(3) nonp rofit social enterprise. All revenues generated are invested in programs to advance Zero Waste communities in Colorado.
Questions? Contact us!