Now Or Neverglades
Thanks for your tremendous support on Senate Bill 10, you went above and beyond. By the end of the day, thousands of concerned Floridians like us had e-mailed the Governor and their legislators. They're paying attention.

That was just the first of many bridges to cross in securing funding to buy the land, construct the southern reservoir, and reduce the toxic discharges from Lake Okeechobee.

There is even more great news to share! Representative Thad Altman has filed House Bill 761, and SB 10 just unanimously passed its first committee in the Senate.

Let's accelerate our momentum even more to bring the water south to the Everglades and Florida Bay where it is desperately needed. Others are competing for the project's funding, and the bills won't pass unless officials in Tallahassee hear from their constituents.

Please click here to e-mail your legislators and spread the word on social media? If you already contacted them for SB 10, will you contact them a second time and let them know you support BOTH bills?

Count me in_

Our coalition of supporters is counting on you to contact your officials and let them know you support SB 10 and HB 761.

Sandy Moret

Sandy Moret
Islamorada, Florida