Happy Kenobi
Big News!

That’s right, if you haven’t been following the media and In-Sync’s Facebook page you may be unaware that a new tiger cub has arrived at our sanctuary.

Kenobi was found by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents on 4/30/18, being smuggled across the US-Mexico border in a duffel bag , most likely to be sold to the highest bidder. The abandoned cub was transported to the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, where he was temporarily housed for several months. 

Vicky Keahey, Founder and President of In-Sync Exotics accepted the offer from the zoo to take the cub when he was first found at the beginning of May. After a long anticipated wait, In-Sync took a team to Brownsville, TX on Thursday and transported Kenobi back to our sanctuary in Wylie.  
Kenobi 2
In-Sync is proud to be able to provide the 6 month-old cub with his forever home.  Here he will have access to the very best in nutrition, veterinary care, enrichment, love, and friends. As Kenobi already served his mandatory quarantine period at the zoo, Kenobi and Kylo Ren will be introduced shortly after Kenobi's arrival at In-Sync. Having another cub to play, interact, learn, and nap with stimulates healthy growth and development, just as it would in the wild.

In-Sync is home to more than 75 exotic cats and is only able to provide the best of care and compassion for these amazing animals because of your support!  These animals did not ask to be born into captivity, so it us up to all of us to provide the love and kindness they deserve, in addition to food, medical attention and a safe and engaging environment. As they say, it takes a village, and we are asking you to be a part of our Village!  Please help raise Kylo Ren and Kenobi, by making a Donation HERE or click HERE to ADOPT one of these beautiful boys!
As an Adoptive parent, you will receive:

  • a personalized adoption certificate suitable for framing
  • an 8×10 photo of your cat
  • an information sheet about your adopted feline
  • unlimited visitation during the adoptive period
  • a free tour for up to 6 people so that you can show off your new addition to your family and friends
  • a membership card
  • link to your website from our website for corporate sponsors
  • choice of t-shirt or In-Sync Exotics cap for the small cat level or both for all other levels
  • bi-monthly email , Inside In-Sync, summarizing events at the sanctuary, medical updates, etc.
  • invitations to special events
  • your name added to your adoptive feline’s paw mark on the Paw Print Alley board
  • lots of chuffs or purrs when you come visit your cat
Vicky Keahey
Founder and President
In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center