Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition Newsletter
October 30, 2014
Bike the Vote Next Tuesday, November 4th, for the General Election
Tuesday, November 4th, is the general election and includes some critical offices for bicyclists in Los Angeles County. All voters in Los Angeles County can vote in the runoff for Los Angeles County Sheriff, while voters in the third district can vote in the County Supervisor runoff. LACBC invited all candidates to share their perspectives on bicycling and transportation with our members and supporters. While LACBC does not endorse candidates, we encourage you to consider these responses before casting your vote on November 4th. Find out more about the election here: lavote.net Chek out our resources at la-bike.org/vote County Supervisor Race - 3rd District (in the order received) County Sheriff Race (in the order received) Vote Yes on Proposition P LACBC is proud to endorse Proposition P this fall, which replaces an expiring tax that provides $54 million per year for parks, greenways and open space throughout Los Angeles County. Proposition P is a $23 per parcel special tax that will fund many park improvement, water quality and maintenance projects for 30 years. Many of our favorite parks and bike path amenities were funded by Prop P's predecessor, including pit stop locations for our LA River Ride, greenways along the Ballona Creek bike path and the Emerald Necklace in the San Gabriel Valley. Prop P will provide critical funding to complete the LA River Greenway by 2020, and build new trails along its tributaries. All for less than $2 per month! To find out more about Prop P, read this Fact Sheet. |
ACTION ALERT: Contact CM Koretz to Support Bike Lanes on Westwood Blvd.
In response to Councilman Koretz's opposition to the proposed bike lanes on Westwood Blvd, Ryan Snyder of RSA has unveiled an alternative plan (here). Now in its second iteration, this proposal is a Remove Nothing Plan that will not affect vehicular lanes, but improve the corridor for people who bike by adding bike lanes (even protected bike lanes), green-backed sharrows, and additional signage.
Ryan's plan represents a step in the right direction for to protect people who bike along the corridor. We need your help in supporting this effort by asking Councilman Koretz to immediately approve this alternative. Please contact his office today:
1. Call: (323) 866-1828 and express your support for the Remove Nothing Plan for Westwood.
2. Email:
To: paul.koretz@lacity.org, jay.greenstein@lacity.org, joan.pelico@lacity.org,
Bcc: alek@la-bike.org
Dear Councilmember Koretz,
People who bicycle on Westwood Blvd. are looking to you for leadership in implementing bicycle facilities that will improve riding conditions in your district. In response to your concerns about congestion and safety, we urge your support for this alternative plan proposed by Ryan Snyder Associates and supported by the UCLA Bicycle Coalition and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition.
The Remove Nothing Plan will have no affect on traffic flow but will add bike lanes where they fit, enhanced sharrows, and additional signgage that will undoubtedly improve conditions for the most vulnerable users of the road. Please work with LADOT to implement this strategy as quickly as possible.
Join Our Sunday Funday Ride and Happy Hour to Welcome California by Bike Surf N Turf Riders

Organized by Santa Monica Spoke, LACBC, and CalBike Board member Cynthia Rose, this ride will be a little different from other Sunday Funday Rides, as we will be riding up Pacific Coast Highway to meet with the CalBike's California by Bike Tour Surf N Turf. We'll ride to Nicolas Canyon Beach where we will join CalBike for lunch ($10 catered lunch or bring your own). Snacks will be provided.
After lunch we will ride as a group back to the Santa Monica Pier for a Handlebar Happy Hour!
Sunday Funday Ride
When: Sunday November 2nd; meet at 8:30 a.m., Roll at 9:00 a.m. - please remember to set your clock back one hour for Daylight Saving Time
Where: Meet at Santa Monica Pier, top by the Canon
RSVP HERE - with option to purchase lunch by the end of today, October 30th
Ride is 26.3 miles in each direction (52.6 total) for intermediate riders at an easy pace.
More info at SMSpoke.org.
Handlebar Happy Hour
When: Sunday, November 2; 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Where: Private courtyard at 1640 5th Street
More info to be updated at SMSpoke.org.
Thanks to All Who Purchased Tickets to Tonight's Firefly Ball Awards Gala

Thanks to all who purchased tickets to tonight's SOLD OUT Firefly Ball Awards Gala! We're excited for a light-filled evening of art, music, food and drink. Celebrate with us as we honor community members doing good bike work while raising much needed funds for LACBC!
This year's honorees are:
- Andy Leeka - Passionate Pedal Award
- Alex Baum - The Alex Baum Award for Achievement in Advocacy
- Suja Lowenthal - The Innovator Award
Join us at 6 p.m. for a cocktail hour and silent auction (in your classy, business attire) in our bicycle art gallery. At 7 p.m. we move into the Merchants Bank for our dinner program emceed by Erik Knutzen of Root Simple and featuring music from Historic Filipinotown's best swing time jazz band, the HiFi Honeydrops. Thanks to our beer sponsor Angel City Brewery!
When: Thursday, October 30; 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Where: Farmers and Merchants National Bank - 401 S Main St., Los Angeles, CA 90013
Remember Your Bike Lights as Daylight Saving Time Ends; Join Arroyo Seco NC in Growing Operation Firefly this Season
Set Your Clocks Back One Hour This Weekend & Carry Your Bike Lights
Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend on Sunday, November 2nd at 2 a.m., so remember to set your clocks back one hour. Also remember that it will be getting darker earlier, so bring bike lights with you when you ride.
Support Our Goal to Grow Operation Firefly
Operation Firefly is an education and bike light distribution program intended to make sure people riding bikes in Los Angeles are riding safely at night. According to 2012 data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 48% of bicyclist fatalities in the U.S. were at night and 69% were in urban areas. The importance of night-time visibility for bicyclists is clear.
Help make this next season of Operation Firefly bigger and better, so we can reach even more night-time bicycle riders. Last winter, we served 1,000 people during the Operation Firefly season. This year, we want to double that number to 2,000 people, county-wide. This means more street distributions, more lights and materials, and more funding that will be needed. Help us meet our expenses for running the Operation Firefly program.
There are several fun levels at which you can join Team Firefly and receive a premium - buy a set of lights and give a set for $25. Or, buy a set, give a set, and get an Operation Firefly bicycling cap for $50. (Lights, hats, and other premiums will ship beginning the first week of November 2014.) You can also make a general donation to the Operation Firefly program. No amount is too small, or too large! Every donation helps and we need your help. Give the gift of light today!
Learn more and make your donation at: la-bike.org/OperationFirefly
We'd like to thank season sponsor, the Laemmle Charitable Foundation, which benefits nonprofit agencies working to improve life in Los Angeles through addressing social and environmental issues critical to the region. We'd also like to the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council for its support. Donors like ASNC are helping us meet our goals, but we still need your help. Join them today!
Congrats to Our CicloSDias Sweepstakes Winner Timothy Grundy
Congratulation to LACBC member Timothy Grundy, the winner of our CicloSDias Sweepstakes. Timothy renewed his membership over the phone when our volunteer Greg called to remind him to renew. Timothy will be traveling on the Amtrak Pacific Surfliner with his wife and fellow LACBC member Megan to CicloSDias, San Diego's Open Streets event on November 9th. They'll be spending two nights at the Omni Hotel in downtown San Diego.
Also, thank to all of our volunteers who helped with phone banking (Greg, Fernando, Kelli, Daniella, and Joe!)or signed up members at CicLAvia or at other events. Thanks to everyone who was inspired to join LACBC or renew their memberships this month! Remember, your membership directly supports the work LACBC does and LACBC could not exist without you! |
Application Deadline Extended for Executive Director Position
As many of you know, our Executive Director Jennifer Klausner will be stepping now at the end of the year to pursue new adventures. Thanks to our members, volunteers, donors, and supporters, LACBC is in terrific shape. Our search committee has begun looking for our next leader and has extended the application deadline to Friday, November 7th. We're looking for a leader who will direct our team to achieve more for bicycling in LA than we ever have before. This person will be our main spokesperson, strategist, and facilitator. See the full job description here, and share it widely. You can also check out our jobs board at la-bike.org/jobs. The new application deadline is Friday, November 7, 2014. |
Call for LACBC Board Members
LACBC accepts board member applications year-round for committed and bicycle-loving individuals throughout L.A. County. Board members enthusiastically help LACBC advance its mission to make LA County a safe and fun place for all people to ride.
LACBC board members: oversee the direction and management of the organization, fundraise and recruit new members, ensure a balanced budget, take responsibility for specific projects and initiatives, volunteer at events, and attend monthly meetings. Terms are two years and begin in January or June.
To throw your hat in the ring for January 2015, please email a 400-word statement of interest to board@la-bike.org by November 7, 2014, describing your leadership and fundraising qualifications and what you would bring to the board.
What's Ringing Our Bike Bells: Bikes vs. Cars - The False Dichotomy
Bikes VS Cars: The False Dichotomy
Nathan Lucero, an LACBC member and volunteer, is back with another video as part of his "On My Bike in L.A." webseries. In this latest installment, Nathan explores the false dichotomy that we unfortunately see all to often, where cars are pitted against bikes and vice versa. As he points out, policy and infrastructure that's good for people who ride bikes is also good for people who drive and walk as well.
Take a look at this video and keep this in mind the next time you see a sensational news headline that pits bikes versus cars and features interviews with angry motorists and angry bicyclists about how much they can't stand each other.
Events, Meetings, & Volunteer Opportunities
When: Thursday, October 30; 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m.
More info in newsletter.
California by Bike 2014 Surf 'N Turf
When: Friday, October 31 to Wednesday, November 5
Where: Santa Barbara to San Diego
Join the California Bicycle Coalition on its inaugural fundraising tour this Fall 2014 from Santa Barbara to San Diego.This phenomenal five-day fully supported tour will be the only one in California to strictly raise funds to support advocacy groups. For more information, visit: calbike.org/surfnturf
Sunday Funday Ride with California by Bike 2014 Surf 'N Turf
When: Sunday, November 2; meet at 8:30 a.m., ride at 9:00 a.m., happy hour at 4 p.m.
More info in newsletter.
Los Angeles Arts Sustainability Tour
with LACBC Bike Valet
When: Saturday, November 8; 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Greenway Court Theatre - 544 S. Fairfax Ave. The Los Angeles Arts Sustainability Tour is coming to Mid-City! LAAST is designed to be a fun, informative, neighborhood-based event featuring art, information and sustainable education.
Attendees will learn how to save money by making smart choices that reduce consumption and open access to rebates and services offered by L.A. DWP and the City of Los Angeles. The LAAST tour is the first stop to making healthier choices and will teach attendees how going green can be easier and more affordable at home and work. It's FREE! More info.
LACBC Local Chapters - Join when you become an LACBC member or renew your membership!
Other Events Around Town
Join LACBC or Renew
The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition is a member-supported organization that works for you to build a better, more bike-able L.A. County.
Members are the backbone of LACBC! Help keep LACBC strong by becoming an LACBC member (or renewing your membership) and be part of the change! |
Contact Information
Carol Feucht Membership & Communications Director Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
carol@la-bike.org |
Let's be friends! Connect with LACBC: www.la-bike.org  |