Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition Newsletter

May 29, 2014

Fundraise Through the River Ride to Support LACBC & Win Prizes!

In this issue
Join or Renew Your LACBC Membership by Saturday to Win a Trip for Two to Taiwan
L.A. River Ride Early Registration Deadline Extended to Saturday; Save $10 Today
Snoop to Siem Reap and Everywhere In Between: A Sunday Funday in Long Beach
Check Out Candidate Surveys Before You Vote on June 3rd
Updates from Around the County: L.A. City Council Adds 3 Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinators to Department of Transportation
Gatto's Hit & Run Bill Passes State Assembly
What's Ringing Our Bike Bells: Sneak Peak of Our Back to Basics Video
Events, Meetings, & Volunteer Opportunities

Join or Renew Your LACBC Membership by Saturday to Win a Trip for Two to Taiwan


May is Bike Month! To celebrate, you could bike away with trip for two to Taiwan, just by joining LACBC or renewing your membership in May! You have until this Saturday, May 31st, to be entered.


Enriched by nature, culture, food and people, Taiwan presents a perfect setting to engage visitors of all lifestyles. Every year, visitors and locals alike gather for a chance to be a part of Taiwan Cycling Festival in November. Whether you are in for a challenge or a leisure rider, the cycling festival appeals to all with 3 different events to choose from, including the Sun Moon Lake Come! Bikeday for all levels.


And now you can be a part of the Taiwan Cycling Festival - Sun Moon Lake Come! Bikeday (check out a video below) when you join LACBC or renew your membership in the month of May for a chance to win. The winner and a companion will receive:

  • A week of fun in Taiwan
  • Round-trip flight tickets from Los Angeles to Taiwan
  • Mainly 4-star or 5-star hotel accommodations, though some attraction may require a stay at a featured bed & breakfast
  • Sight-seeing opportunities
  • Daily meals
  • Local transportation
  • English-speaking tour guide
  • Registration for the Taiwan Cycling Festival's Sun Moon Lake Come! Bikeday
  • Total trip valued at approximately $8,500

Here's how it works: If you sign up for LACBC membership in May, you'll be entered into a drawing a certain number of times, depending on your level of membership

  • $15 or $35 membership: 1 drawing ticket
  • $70 membership: 2 drawing tickets
  • $100 membership: 4 drawing tickets
  • $250 membership: 10 drawing tickets
  • $500 membership: 24 drawing tickets

The winner will be chosen at random in a drawing in early June and be announced at the Los Angeles River Ride on Sunday, June 22nd.


So what are you waiting for?

Join LACBC or renew your membership today!


Let's bike, Taiwan!


This prize is sponsored by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau.


Thank You to Our Membership Drive Volunteers


Thank you to all of our volunteers who have been calling lapsed members the past few weeks to remind lapsed members that their membership has lapsed. Thank you to Fernando, Greg, Trent, Jackie, Martin, Joe, Kevin B., Kevin H., Kevin K., Nina, and John for taking the time to help make renewing easier for our lapsed members. Plus, thanks to the Chipotle at 7th and Grand for providing food for our phone-banking volunteers.


Lastly, thanks to all our office volunteers that have been especially busy this month in helping with the membership drive: Yiao, Erika, Kathleen, Joe, and Jennifer.

The L.A. River Ride Early Registration Deadline Extended to Saturday; Save $10 Today
The 14th Annual Los Angeles River Ride is coming up! Have you signed up yet? New this year:
  • the 100-mile Century from Long Beach and the 25-mile Explorer Ride from the Autry
  • a new Family Rate for 2 adults and kids 12 and under, made possible by First 5 L.A.
Since River Ride mailers are arriving in your mailboxes, we've extended the early registration deadline to this Saturday, May 31st.
Register by Tuesday, May 31st, to get $10 off on registration. As always, LACBC members save an additional $10 on registration.
Registration for the 14th Annual L.A. River Ride is now open, and we've also made it easier to participate in fundraising. When you register for the ride online, a fundraising page will automatically be set up for you, and you can choose to personalize it or not.
Every dollar counts to help make L.A. County a healthy, safe, and fun place to ride a bike. Will you join us?
When you meet certain fundraising milestones, you can earn River Ride registration, as well as other great free prizes like an LACBC pint glass, River Ride registration, LACBC socks, a River Ride jersey, and more?
So far, we have the following active fundraisers winning great prizes and supporting LACBC's work!
  1. Tish Laemmle
  2. Carrie Ungerman
  3. Trent Whittaker
  4. Sebouh Asparian
  5. Carlos Perez
They are all competing to be the top fundraiser, to win VBT's Tuscany by the Sea biking vacation! Runner-up prizes include a limited edition New Belgium Brewing bike. Join them by becoming a fundraiser!


Learn more about fundraising here.

Set up your personalized fundraising page by either registering for the ride or going here.

More on the 14th Annual L.A. River Ride:
When: Sunday, June 22, 2014
Where: start at Autry National Center in Griffith Park or Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach
Facebook event: link
Register: here by May 31st and save $10.
LACBC Members save an additional $10.
Sign up for membership with registration for $25 in May and get entered into a raffle to win a trip for two to the Taiwan Cycling Festival!
Kids 12 and under ride for free.
10 great rides with 2 start locations (Autry or Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach)

Snoop to Siem Reap and Everywhere In Between: A Sunday Funday Ride in Long Beach


Join us on another fun and historical Long Beach tour on the morning of Sunday, June 1st! We'll ride through the neighborhoods of Poly High, Cambodia Town, Zaferia, Coronado Design District, and Rose Park - past V.I.P. Records, the Long Beach Firefighters' Museum (where we'll get a short tour and see a one-minute video of Sam the Cat!), Homeland Cultural Center, Orizaba Park, and more, and hear a little bit about each hood from some locals. We'll stop in the plaza of a Cambodian Temple and end at Siem Reap Cambodian Restaurant. Each person pays for their own lunch - lunch is not included in the ride. The 7-mile ride is slow-paced and will reach Siem Reap by 12 noon.


When: Sunday, June 1; Ride meets at 9:15 a.m. and departs at 9:30 a.m.


Where: Meet at the Anaheim Blue Line Metro Station at Tee's Donuts - 325. E. Anaheim St., Long Beach, 90899


RSVP: To RSVP or volunteer as ride support, please contact Carol Feucht, Membership & Communications Director, at Or RSVP to the Facebook event.


About Sunday Fundays: Sunday Funday Rides are free and open to LACBC members plus one guest. Interested in becoming a member? Sign up for membership online  (do so in May to enter to win a trip for two to the Taiwan Cycling Festival) or become a member at the ride at a discounted price.

Check Out Candidate Surveys Before You Vote This Tuesday, June 3rd


June 3rd, 2014 is the primary election for three critical offices for bicyclists in Los Angeles County. All voters in Los Angeles County can vote for Los Angeles County Sheriff, while voters in the first and third supervisorial districts can vote for County Supervisor. LACBC invited all candidates to share their perspectives on bicycling and transportation with our members and supporters. While LACBC does not endorse candidates, we encourage you to consider these responses before casting your vote on June 3rd.


Find out more about the election and how to register to vote here:


County Supervisor Races

1st District (in the order received)

3rd District (in the order received)

County Sheriff Race (in the order received)

Find all these responses at


Long Beach Elections


Our partner at Long Beach-based Bikeable Communities sent out questionnaires to candidates for multiple races in the Long Beach area. Here are some of the responses to the questions.


We'll be updating the list of responses at

Updates from Around the County: L.A. City Council Adds 3 Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinators to Department of Transportation

Los Angeles: Thanks to the leadership of Transportation Committee Chair Mike Bonin, the city budget adopted by the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday added three much-needed coordinator positions to LADOT's active transportation department. LACBC, Los Angeles Walks and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership testified at City Council on the need to staff up LADOT's capacity for community outreach to accelerate both the 2010 Bicycle Plan and the Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan. We are thrilled that Councilmember Bonin and Mayor Eric Garcetti figured out a way to increase staff for walking and biking even at a time of budget challenges. Fully staffing active transportation at LADOT is one of the critical steps needed to implement protected bikeways throughout Los Angeles and we look forward to seeing these positions filled as soon as possible once the new fiscal year begins July 1. It's not too late to add your voice in support of better bikeways in Los Angeles here.

Union Station: The Union Station and 1st/Central Station Linkages Study (Linkages Study) is tasked with improving historical and cultural connections in downtown Los Angeles by enhancing pedestrian and bicycle travel options through and between communities. At the center of the study is access to Los Angeles Union Station, a regional transportation hub for numerous rail, bus and shuttle services, and the future Regional Connector station at 1st/Central.
Come to an upcoming "conversation" in your area to provide input:

El Pueblo / Chinatown

When: today, May 29; 6 - 8 p.m.

Where: Pico House, El Pueblo Historical Monument - 424 North Main Street (between Arcadia Street and Cesar Chavez Avenue), Los Angeles, CA 90012


Boyle Heights

When: Friday, June 6; 5- 7 p.m.

Where: Boyle Heights Farmers' Market - Bailey St. at E. First St. (Mariachi Plaza Station), Los Angeles, CA 90033


Little Tokyo / Arts District

When: Tuesday, June 10; 6 - 8 p.m. - Little Tokyo/ Arts District

Where: Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, Cultural Room - 244 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA 90012

Gatto's Hit & Run Bill Passes State Assembly

Assemblymember Mike Gatto's bill to increase penalties for hit-and-run drivers cleared the State Assembly yesterday on a vote of 74 to 4. AB 1532 would mandate a 6-month license suspension for any driver convicted of leaving the scene of a collision. This bill is a critical reminder that driving is a privilege and that remaining at the scene after a collision is one of the basic responsibilities associated with that privilege. The bill now heads to the State Senate. If you haven't already, be sure to sign our petition in support of Gatto's bill.
What's Ringing Our Bike Bells: Sneak Peak of Our Back to Basics Video
Back To Basics (Sneak Peak)
Back To Basics (Sneak Peak)

Earlier this month, LACBC was paired up with the talented film production team at Good Witch Entertainment for the L.A. Do Gooder Hackathon. Over the course 11 days, Good Witch Entertainment created a two-minute video for LACBC that will be up this weekend for you to vote on.

While we can't release the full video yet, here is a short sneak peak of what you can expect!

Thanks to the Good Witch Entertainment Team (Annabel Feeney, Glenda L. Richardson, Lucas Richardson and Darryll C. Scott), the L.A. Do Gooder Hackathon, and our volunteers that filmed scenes for the video! Voting opens on June 1st, so check back for updates on how to vote.
Events, Meetings, & Volunteer Opportunities


Empowering Local Advocates Workshop: Winning Campaigns Training

When: Saturday, May 31; 10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Where: LACBC Headquarters, 1st Floor - 634 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 90014

Join us on our third workshop of the series - WINNING CAMPAIGNS TRAINING! Some bike infrastructure projects require a change in the way roads are used, causing heartburn for some and a misunderstanding of their benefits. Here we will walk you through the tools you need to create campaigns that WIN! Register here. 


Snoop to Siem Reap and Everything In Between: A Sunday Funday Ride in Long Beach 

When: Sunday, June 1; leave t 9:30 a.m.

More info in newsletter.


Chatsworth Orange Line Tour: Bike Rally & Health Walk

When: Sunday, June 8; 9 a.m.

Where: Chatsworth Train Depot, Parking Lot A - 10040 Old Depot Plaza Road

Ride the COLT (Chatsworth Orange Line Tour) during this family friendly bike ride and walk, brought to you by the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council! Explore the neighborhood and local businesses, ejoy treats, and participate in a raffle. More info at


Tour de Downey 

When: Saturday, June 14

Where: Downey City Hall Civic Center

Local chapter Downey Bicycle Coalition is working closely with the City on the first annual "Tour de Downey" with a long-distance ride and a community bike ride. In addition, the Downey Arts Coalition is coordinating the "Make Music Downey" event, in which various stages will be set up around the downtown area and civic center for artists to play and for people to enjoy! The day in its entirety is being termed "Downey: Rock n' Roll!" and stands to be a day to showcase all that the City has to offer. More info.  


14th Annual Los Angeles River Ride

When: Sunday, June 22

More info in newsletter.

LACBC Local Chapters - Join when you become an LACBC member or renew your membership!

Other Events Around Town

Join LACBC or Renew


The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition is a member-supported organization that works for you to build a better, more bike-able L.A. County. 

Members are the backbone of LACBC! Help keep LACBC strong by becoming an 
LACBC member (or renewing your membership) and be part of the change!
Contact Information

Carol Feucht
Membership & Communications Director
Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition


Let's be friends! Connect with LACBC: Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Visit our blog View our photos on flickr View our videos on YouTube