The University Division of the
International Metaphysical Ministry

Dr. Masters teaches tolerance, acceptance and love for others irrespective of a person's background, faith, religious affiliation or sexual orientation.

In response to the senseless and horrendous tragedy that occurred in Orlando, specifically targeting the LGBT community, we would like to share Dr. Masters' 2013 Convention Presentation "LGBT Issues in Ministry - Teaching Acceptance and Love" and his Mystical Insight "Transitional Gender Incarnation" in the hope that his words and message will help ease the pain and offer comfort, understanding, and support during this time of healing. 

 LGBT Issues in Ministry - Teaching Acceptance and Love
Free Download Available through June 30th

Dr. Masters' Mystical Insights

Transitional Gender Incarnating
Audio version read by Rev. Cindy Paulos, B.Msc. is now available:


Honoring our differences, so long as they are not self-destructive or bring harm to others, is honoring God, for all differences between people in the final analysis are individualized expressions of God.

Religion through the ages has so very often divided people --- labeling some as being on the side of God's Will and others as some lower order of life. This religious influence has brought great misery, for example, to the lives of many whose sexuality was not heterosexual. To the religious extremist, to be gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transsexual is to be anti-God. This has led to much prejudice, violence, and even killing of people whose manner of sexual expression and interest is in contrast to heterosexuals.

Mystically, all life is seen and known to be an expression of God individualized into form and embodiment. All that is can only be so because the Ultimate God Power and Will of the Universe has created it to be so, and that includes how every soul comes into physical manifestation. 
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