Your LGBTQ* Services Update for the Week of September 3 - September 9, 2018
LGBTQ* Services News and Announcements
Visit the LGBTQ* Center!
LGBTQ* Center Hours for Fall 2018 are:
Monday - Friday: 12PM - 11PM
Saturday: 12PM - 4PM
Located on the 2nd floor of West Side Dining.

The LGBTQ* Center features:
  • A large mutipurpose lounge with a tv to watch movies and play games on.
  • Several computer stations that you are welcome to use.
  • A small collaborative area to host meetings or study sessions, with state of the art technology.
  • An all-gender restroom.
  • A spacious conference room.
  • A small kitchen area to make coffee, tea, or heat up some food in the microwave.

NOTE: The LGBTQ* Center will be CLOSED for Labor Day observance on September 3.

LGBTQ* Services Collaboration with the SBU Food Pantry
We're starting a collaboration with the Stony Brook Food Pantry to make the LGBTQ* Center a new point on campus where students, faculty, and staff can come pick up a care package of food at no cost! We want to encourage you to take the whole bag, and if there is anything you do not want please pay it forward and give what you don't need to someone who does.

Each bag contains food from the major food groups. If you want to come pick up a bag, come to the Center and speak with one of our staff members who can show you to where we keep the pantry.

You can come grab a bag anytime the LGBTQ* Center is open during the fall!
Let's Talk @ the LGBTQ* Center
LGBTQ* Services is partnering with Counseling and Psychological Services to make the LGBTQ* Center a Let's Talk location!

Let's Talk is a chance for students to drop by for brief conversations with a counselor in their communities. Students can stop by and say hello, pick up some giveaways, or stick around to discuss anything bothering them.

The counselors are caring, unbiased and trustworthy professionals, who can suggest resources for further support, if necessary.

If you would like to chat with someone about anything, you can find a counselor at the LGBTQ* Center.

Tuesdays, starting 9/4, during the Fall semester
3:30PM - 5:30PM
LGBTQ* Center
(Above West Side Dining C-Store)

Around Stony Brook!
Stay Connected with SB Engaged
Stay connected to all the going ons around campus from campus departments (like us at LGBTQ* Services!) and our over 400 student organizations!

SB Engaged is the online directory for all recognized student clubs & organizations, & student events on campus.
Corq is the mobile app version of this platform. If you are looking for ways to get involved on campus, these are your go to resources. 
Involvement Fair
Check out the Involvement Fair this week to see some of our amazing clubs and orgs that support Stony Brook's LGBTQ* communities!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018
1:00PM - 2:20PM
SAC Plaza
Beyond Stony Brook
Registration is Open: Translating Identity Conference
"Opening its doors to the public once more, the Translating Identity Conference (TIC) explores a wide array of topics in discourses regarding gender and transgender identities, expressions, communities, and intersections. The largest conference of its kind in New England, TIC is a free conference that seeks to reach not only the University of Vermont & Burlington community, but the nation as a whole.

A one-day event, TIC has numerous sessions to choose from at any time, ranging from healthcare to law to education, that are directed towards people at all levels of inclusion in the trans and allied communities. This conference is designed to be a safe space for everyone to come, learn, and enjoy themselves!"
-From the Translating Identity Conference website

The Translating Identity Conference will take place:
November, 3, 2018
Dudley H. Davis Center
590 Main Street
Burlington, VT

Check in!
It's the start of the semester and while school is just starting again, keep in mind some dates that might impact your time here!
Mon, Sept. 3
  • Labor Day observed: No classes in session!
Fri, Sep. 7
  • Waitlist Process Ends: Last day to be enrolled from the waitlist process pending seat availability. Students must contact the appropriate academic department after this date.
Mon, Sep. 10, 4:00 pm
  • Late Registration Ends: Last day to add, drop or process enrollment changes (adds, swaps, credit changes, etc.) via  SOLAR. Last day to drop or submit LOA/Term Withdrawal without a "W" (withdraw) recorded on transcript. Full/Part time statuses will be locked in after this date.
  • Undergraduate Students enrolling in grad courses: Last day to petition to the Graduate School. Changes must be processed by 4:00 pm
We Want to Hear From You!
Thoughts, Suggestions, Recommendations?
Have you got an idea for a program or event? We want to hear about it! Click the button below to submit your ideas!
Got Photos?
We'd love to feature photos of our LGBTQ* and ally Seawolves on our website! Send your high resolution jpeg or png format photos to us at . In the email please include name and contact information of everyone in the photo. 
Have Your Programs Featured Here!
If you have any other events or information that should be included in our weekly newsletter, please send an email to  by Thursday of the previous week with a description of the event, the date, time, and location, and a flyer of the event (if you have one), and any links to Facebook events or social media posts to highlight.
See what's happening on our social sites!